Bar Pirates - Agents of the Crown, Subjects of the Holy Roman Empire (Series Part 2)
TheWarAgainstYouBar Pirates - Agents of the Crown, Subjects of the Holy Roman Empire (Series Part 2) - April 19, 2023 Exposing Bar Pirates and The Central Banking Cartel Follow them on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/BurnTheCorporateFiction - A continuation of Bar Pirates part one, we take a more in depth examination of the Bar Association itself such as origins and the implications of these civil officers of the Crown Temple controlling our government and monetary system. As always I will provide only authoritative sources and if, by chance we look at the research of another, it will be for the reason of it being verifiable condensed evidence so the kinks will be provided to prove that as well. All Bar pirates are welcome on my show to attempt to refute any of the facts provided. - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES - Mirrored From: https://rumble.com/c/BurnTheCorporateFiction4.16K views 2 comments