Guide To Understanding Globalist Purge FEMA Quarantine Re-Education Death Camp
What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie?You Are Welcome... Guide To Understanding Globalist Purge FEMA Quarantine Re-Education Death Camp And United Nations Martial Law And Wal-Mart Closings FEMA Camps & The FEMA Coffins. That are in 50 States of the country. In the near future, no matter how dire your situation is (due to pre-planned deliberate Globalist devastation) no matter what, Never Ever voluntarily go to a Quarantine/Re-education Camp. This Is Part Two. Thanks ! FEMA is the executive arm of the coming police state and thus will head up all operations. The Presidential Executive Orders already listed on the Federal Register also are part of the legal framework for this operation. The camps all have railroad facilities as well as roads leading to and from the detention facilities. Many also have an airport nearby. The majority of the camps can house a population of 20,000 prisoners. List of DUMBs by State Complete List of Military Underground Bases in USA In America alone there are over 120 Deep Underground Military Bases situated under most major cities, US AFBs, US Navy Bases and US Army Bases, as well as underneath FEMA Military Training Camps and DHS control centers. There are also many Deep Underground Military Bases under Canada. Almost all of these bases are over 2 miles underground and have diameters ranging from 10 miles up to 30 miles across! They have been building these bases day and night, unceasingly, since the 1940s. These bases are basically large cities underground connected by high-speed magneto-levity trains that have speeds up to 1500 MPH. This is a compilation of roughly 800 actual or suspected FEMA Camp locations. These locations are, or could be operated by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) should Martial Law need to be implemented in the United States and all it would take is a presidential signature on a proclamation and the attorney general's signature on a warrant to which a list of names is attached. Ask yourself if you really want to be on THE list? The Rex 84 Program was established on the reasoning that if a "mass exodus" of illegal aliens crossed the Mexican/US border, they would be quickly rounded up and detained in detention centers by FEMA. Rex 84 allowed many military bases to be closed down and to be turned into prisons. Operation Cable Splicer and Garden Plot are the two sub programs which will be implemented once the Rex 84 program is initiated for its proper purpose. Garden Plot is the program to control the population. Cable Splicer is the program for an orderly takeover of the state and local governments by the federal government. FEMA is the executive arm of the coming police state and thus will head up all operations. The Presidential Executive Orders already listed on the Federal Register also are part of the legal framework for this operation. The camps all have railroad facilities as well as roads leading to and from the detention facilities. Many also have an airport nearby. The majority of the camps can house a population of 20,000 prisoners. Currently, the largest of these facilities is just outside of Fairbanks, Alaska. The Alaskan facility is a massive mental health facility and can hold approximately 2 million people. Executive Orders associated with FEMA that would suspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. These Executive Orders have been on record for nearly 30 years and could be enacted by the stroke of a Presidential pen:... EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports. EXECUTIVE ORDER 1099 allows the government to seize and control the communication media. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 allows the government to seize all means of transportation, including personal cars, trucks or vehicles of any kind and total control over all highways, seaports, and waterways. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10999 allows the government to take over all food resources and farms. EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision. EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare functions. EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons. EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft. EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations. EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities. EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis. EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310 grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President. EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049 assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen year period. EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921 allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. financial institution in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review the action for six months. The Federal Emergency Management Agency has broad powers in every aspect of the nation. General Frank Salzedo, chief of FEMA's Civil Security Division stated in a 1983 conference that he saw FEMA's role as a "new frontier in the protection of individual and governmental leaders from assassination, and of civil and military installations from sabotage and/or attack, as well as prevention of dissident groups from gaining access to U.S. opinion, or a global audience in times of crisis." FEMA's powers were consolidated by President Carter to incorporate the... National Security Act of 1947 allows for the strategic relocation of industries, services, government and other essential economic activities, and to rationalize the requirements for manpower, resources and production facilities. 1950 Defense Production Act gives the President sweeping powers over all aspects of the economy. Act of August 29, 1916 authorizes the Secretary of the Army, in time of war, to take possession of any transportation system for transporting troops, material, or any other purpose related to the emergency. International Emergency Economic Powers Act enables the President to seize the property of a foreign country or national. These powers were transferred to FEMA in a sweeping consolidation in 1979. The Black Projects sidestep the authority of Congress, which as we know is illegal. There is much hard evidence out there. Many will react with fear, terror and paranoia, but you must snap out of it and wake up from the brainwashing your media pumps into your heads all day long. Are you going to be a rabbit in the headlights, or are you going to stand up and say enough is enough? The US Government through the NSA, DOD, CIA, DIA, ATF, ONI, US Army, US Marine Corp, FEMA and the DHS has spent in excess of 12 trillion dollars building the massive, covert infrastructure for the coming One World Government and New World Religion over the past 40 years. There is the Deep Underground Military Base underneath Denver International Airport, which is over 22 miles in diameter and goes down over 8 levels. It’s no coincidence that the CIA relocated the headquarters of its domestic division, which is responsible for operations in the United States, from the CIA’s Langley headquarters to Denver. Constructed in 1995, the government and politicians were hell bent on building this airport in spite of it ending up vastly overbudget. Charges of corruption, constant construction company changes, and mass firings of teams once they had built a section of their work was reported so that no “one” group had any idea what the blueprint of the airport was. Not only did locals not want this airport built nor was it needed, but everything was done to make sure it was built despite that. Masonic symbols and bizarre artwork of dead babies, burning cities and women in coffins comprise an extensive mural as well as a time capsule – none of which is featured in the airport’s web site section detailing the unique artwork throughout the building. DIA serves as a cover for the vast underground facilities that were built there. There are reports of electronic/magnetic vibrations which make some people sick and cause headaches in others. There are acres of fenced-in areas which have barbed wire pointing into the area as if to keep things in, and small concrete stacks that resemble mini-cooling towers rise out of the acres of nowhere to apparently vent underground levels. The underground facility is 88.3 square miles deep. Basically this Underground Base is 8 cities on top of each other! The holding capacity of such leviathanic bases is huge. These city-sized bases can hold millions and millions of people, whether they are mind controlled, enslaved NWO World Army Soldiers or innocent and enslaved surface dwellers from the towns and cities of America and Canada. There is Dulce Base, in New Mexico. Dulce is a small town in northern New Mexico, located above 7,000 feet on the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation. There is only one major motel and a few stores. It’s not a resort town and it is not bustling with activity. But Dulce has a deep, dark secret. The secret is harbored deep below the brush of Archuleta Mesa. Function: Research of mind related functions, genetic experiments, mind control training and reprograming. There are over 3000 real-time video cameras throughout the complex at high-security locations (entrances and exits). There are over 100 secret exits near and around Dulce. Many around Archuleta Mesa, others to the south around Dulce Lake and even as far east as Lindrith. Deep sections of the complex connect into natural cavern systems. Level 1 – garage for street maintenance. Level 2 – garage for trains, shuttles, tunnel-boring machines and disc maintenance. Level 3 – everyone is weighed, in the nude, then given a jump suit uniform. The weight of the person is put on a computer I.D. card each day. Change in over three dollars requires a physical exam and X-ray. Level 4 – Human research in ‘paranormal’ areas – mental telepathy, mind control, hypnosis, remote viewing, astral traveling – etc. The technology is apparently here to allow them to know how to manipulate the ‘Bioplasmic Body’ Development of a laser weapon that can remotely cause burns and discomfort on it’s target. They can lower your heartbeat with Deep Sleep ‘Delta Waves,’ induce a static shock, then reprogram, Via a Brain- Computer link. Level 5 -security is severe. Armed guards patrol constantly, and in addition to weight sensitive areas there (are) hand print and eye print stations. Here, is the device that powers the transfer of atoms. Level 6 – Level 6 is privately called ‘Nightmare Hall’. It holds the genetic labs. Experiments done on fish, seals, birds, and mice that are vastly altered from their original forms. Then there is the Greenbrier Facility, in White Sulfer Springs, West Virginia under the Greenbriar Resort. The Continuity of Government facility intended since 1962 to house the United States Congress, code-named Casper, is located on the grounds of the prestigious Greenbrier resort. The bunker is beneath the West Virginia wing, which includes a complete medical clinic. Construction of the facility, which began in 1959, required 2.5 years and 50,000 tons of concrete. The steel-reinforced concrete walls of the bunker, which is 20 feet below ground, are 2 feet thick. The facility includes separate chambers for the House of Representatives and the Senate, as well as a larger room for joint sessions. These are located in the “Exhibit Hall” of the West Virginia Wing, which includes vehicular and pedestrian entrances which can be quickly sealed by blast doors. They don’t even hide this one, and it’s even a tourist attraction. The Underground vault was built to meet the needs of a Congress-in-hiding – in fact the hotel is a replica of the White House. The underground area has a chamber for the Senate, a chamber for the House and a massive hall for joint sessions. Although the hotel says it gives tours of the 112,000 square area daily, the installation still stands at the ready, its operators still working under cover at the hotel. The secrecy that has surrounded the site has shielded it both from public scrutiny and official reassessment Most Americans will not believe that an American Holocaust will happen until they see it happening with their own eyes. Till then, it is just another strange conspiracy theory for them to laugh at. This is no laughing matter. When it happens, it will be to late to stop it. The US Government has been involved covertly in the creation of an army of loyal, brainwashed soldiers of the future. They will have cybernetic and microchip implants and will fight anywhere in the world, without question, with total loyalty and without hesitation or fear. These soldiers were created at Brookhaven National Laboratories BNL, the National Ordinance Laboratories NOL and the Massachussetts Institute of Technology MIT, and covertly transferred under DOD and NSA control and planning. Many of these soldiers are stationed in the Deep Underground Military Bases like the one under Denver International Airport. All of this information has been researched, and it has taken much effort to fit it together properly. There are many mag-lev subterraenean train networks that stretch from the these complexes and go out to other underground bases. All soldiers working in these bases are microchipped and under total Psychotronic Mind Control. Of the missing “Milk Carton People” that the FBI used to post on milk cartons, some were taken to these underground bases for genetic experimentation, microchipping, psychotronic mind control and cybernetic implantations for future use as brainwashed soldiers of the NWO. Every year in America hundreds of thousands of people go missing. The creation of a total Global Fascist Police State by the Illuminati will happen if we do not all wake up and see what is happening. I find it amazing that so many Americans, Scandanavians and Western Europeans refuse to believe that there are millions of UNISF and UNMNTF Troops in America. Under the Partnerships For Peace Program PFPP set up by President Bill Clinton in early 1993, thousands of troops a month have been coming into America. https://gn-journal.com/complete-list-of-800-fema-concentration-camps-2021-the-road-to-hell/ These Fascist criminals parade as our friends and leaders, while stripping away democratic rights that will be replaced with a Corporatist and Fascist dictatorship, unless people, and especially Americans, wake up now. Here are the locations of Deep Underground Military Bases in America: ARIZONA 1. Fort Huachuca. 31°50′ N 1100 19’48” W, saucer base below, intelligence training above, mind-control incl. too. 2. Gates Pass Base 3. Gila Mountain Area, south of Interstate 8 and approx. 30 east of Yuma, AZ. 290 N 116ºW. DUM base. 4. Grand Wash Cliffs, on western edge of the cliffs at the head of Grapevine Wash. Must be reached via hwy 93 and then unpaved roads. DUM base. Page 303 … 5. Green Valley 6. Hualapai Mountains, east side of the mountain range, about 35 mi. SE of Kingman, AZ 7. Rincon Mtn., north side of Rincon Mtn 8. Mt. Lemmon 9. Page 10. Safford, near Safford 11. Santa Catalina Mountains – base ARKANSAS 12. In the vicinity of Hardy and Cherokee Village. 360 19′ N 9°29’W W. Installation purpose not known. 13. Pine Bluff, Ark. area. 34° 13.4′ N 92º01.0’W to 34º30′ N 92° 30’W. saucer base. CALIFORNIA 14. 29 Palms Marine Base, Identified on military map as airspace area R-2501 N. Saucer base southeast of Ludlow. This is a U.S. alien research/ diagnostic facility and UFO base. 15. China Lake, mind control and weapons research 16. Darwin, CA, 4 miles dues west of Darwin 17. Deep Springs, CA, 37°22′ N 117º 59.3′ W. saucer base 18. Fort Irwin, CA, 35°20’N 116°8’W W. saucer base 19. Edwards Air Force Base, in the area where Diamond Cr. & the so. fork of the Yuba meet, there are 3 underground UFO bases. 34°8′ N 117° 48′ W 20. George Air Force Base, CA – saucer base 21. Helendale, Lockhead Underground Facility, 34º44.7′ N 1170 18.5′ W. Technology for secret projects. There are 3 saucer bases here. 22. Los Angeles, On Hwy 14 towards Edwards A.F.B. after Palmdale, one turns off and after taking several streets to 170th street, north on 170th St. to the Rosamond-1 70th intersection, the second and lower and better maintained dirt road will take you west, and if you take a right going north at the power lines and up to the hilltop you will see the top of an underground NORTHOP facility; Technology for the elite’s secret projects. This area was very active in the 1970s. Northrop’s facility is near the Tehachapi Mtns. It has been reported to go down 42 levels. It is heavily involved with electronics and hi-tech aerospace research. 23. Mt. Shasta 24. Kern River, CA the hollowed out mountain next to the hydroelectric facility at the Kern River Project near Bakersfield- reported saucer base 25. Napa Valley- located at Oakville Grade north of Napa, CA. Tunnels also connect the wineries north of Napa, used for white slavery and mind-control. Has a saucer base. 26. Norton Air Force Base- saucer base 27. Quincy, CA, 39° 56.2′ N 120° 56.5′ W. saucer base 28. Near Palmdale (if one takes Palmdale Blvd. til 240th St. and goes to Ave R-8. One the eastern limit of Ave. R-8 is McDonnell-Douglas’s facility called the Uano Facility. One can see it better from the Three Sisters Hills to the south of the facility. Strange shaped disks raise out of the ground on pylons. These attached disks glow and change color. It is involved in hi-tech aerospace technology. 29. Presidio, CA – A FEMA/DOD site for Region IX’s regional office 30. San Bernardino, CO, 34º 50′ N to 34° 16′ N 31. Santa Barbara County – placed in the thick diatomite strata 32. Santa Rosa, 38º 26.4′ N 122º 42.9′ W, FEMA, Regional center for west coast, what FEMA is doing is mostly kept secret. This is listed as a Communications Antenna Field, but is doing much more. 33. Sierra Nevada Mountains, CA – very deep military base 34. Tehachapi Ranch- 4 saucer bases, Tecachapi Canyon has a new underground base which was finished in Sept. ’95. This is the “Unholy 6” base of the Orions. 35° 20′ 118° 40′ 35. Trona, CA, 35° 45.5′ N 1 77º22.6′ W –several miles northwest of Trona, directly under Argus Peak. This DUM sits on China Lake’s NWC’s land, and may have been built in the ’60s. COLORADO 36. Alamosa, 37° 28.1′ N 105°52.2’W W- reported saucer base 37. Book Cliffs, CO, 39° 40′ N 108º 0′ W near Rifle, CO 38. Boulder, CO–The headquarters for EMC, a type of electra-magnetic mind control that is being broadcast to modify the thinking of Americans, and to control slaves. 39. Colorado Springs, NORAD –Canada & U.S., & FEMA, hundreds of people on staff, contains at least 4.5 cubic miles of underground caverns and forty five underground steel buildings. Many underground chambers are as large as 50, x 100 ‘. This complex tracks thousands of satellites, missiles, submarines, and UFOs. NORAD also controls many Monarch slaves who have ALEX, JANUS, ALEXUS endtime callback programming. NORAD installation has 1278 miles of road underground. 40. Fort Collins- base for Gray aliens 41. Grand Mesa- Orion saucer base 42. Montrore Co.–north of Paradox, in Paradox Valley. The site in Paradox Valley can be reached via Hwy. 90 via Nucla. CONNECTICUT 43. North west Connecticut FLORIDA 44. Massive base- reported saucer base 45. Eglin AFB, 30º 40′ N 86° 50′ W- Orion saucer base since 1978 GEORGIA 46. Atlanta, GA –FEMA regional center, which is appropriately placed since Atlanta is to become a capital within the NWO redrawing of boundaries. Atlanta is believed to have several underground installations in its area, one to the north at Kennesaw Mtn., Marietta, GA connected to Dobbins AFB and one to the south of Atlanta at Forest Park. 47. Thomasville, 30° 50.2′ N 83°58.9′ W, FEMA, regional center, they train groups in Search and Destroy missions for when Martial Law is imposed. This is SW Georgia in area of tunnels. IDAHO 48. Lower Goose Lake area in the general area of Oakley, ID.–Wackenhut of the Illuminati run a “model prison” for the NWO. The worst of the federal prisoners are placed in this underground prison which has 7,100 cells which are filled with about 2,700 federal inmates. A track runs through the middle of the eerie underground facility. Food and showers are on the tracks, and the men are allowed showers once a week. The minimum of lighting is used and the men are beaten senseless if they talk at all. It sits 500′ underground. 49. South central Idaho–under the Snake River lava flows between Twin Falls and Idaho Falls. INDIANA 50. Bedford & Lawrence Co. area–continued activity in large old mines indicates a possible government use of the large old quarries. KANSAS 51. Atchison, KS–the DIPEF underground facility, which the govt. would run in an emergency. AT & T maintains an underground facility at Fairview, KS. 52. Kinsley–an underground UFO base MARYLAND 53. Camp David–just north of the camp is an underground facility important to the intelligence agencies. 54. below Ft. Meade, of the National Security Agency, 10 acres of the most sophisticated supercomputers that can be built, very large complex, massive surveillance of all the world’s communications, including all transmissions in the U.S. & world of telephones, telegraph, telex, fax, radio, TV and microwave transmissions. 55. Olney, actually the facility is between Olney and Laytonsville, on Riggs Rd. off of Rt. 108. Another underground facility may also exist in the area, FEMA & possibly NSA, the facility may be 10 levels deep, purpose unknown. 56. Suitland, MD- Classified archives of U.S. Govt. stored here in underground levels. Vaults have extensive amounts of documents which are not indexed. Restricted access with a coded security card. High level intelligence groups operate in the area also. MASSACHUSETTS 57. Maynard, 42° 26.0′ N 71° 27.0′ W FEMA, regional center, Wackenhut is here too. MICHIGAN 58. Battle Creek, 42° 19.3′ N 85° 10.9′ W FEMA, regional center, activity secret (not validated) 59. Gwinn, Ml, 46° 16.8’N 87° 26.5′ W, near Gwinn is a large underground base which is a key base for sending signals. An AFB is also nearby. Under Lake Superior is an alien base with roads 5,000′ deep. Also: Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp: Arrests, Indictments and Executions for Thousands of New Ex-Elite Prisoners – Official Documents MISSOURI 60. 12 miles south of Lebanon, 36° 02.8′ N 115° 24.3′ W, near the newly created town of Twin Bridges-reported saucer base 61. In the Bat/Dry/Dead Man/ Howell cluster of caves- reported saucer base 62. St. Francis Mountains, MO (between St. Louis & New Madrid) NEBRASKA 63. North-central Nebraska 64. Red Willow Co. near McCook, NE NEVADA 65. Blue Diamond, 36° 02.8’N 115°24.3 W -reported saucer base 66-68. Groom Lake, also known as Dreamland, Area 51, The Area, the Spot, Red Square, Sally Corridor, Watertown Strip. 1150 50’N 37°20W. Run by the NWO along with demonic beings, the CIA is there and Wackenhut Security. Two large underground facilities close to but separate from Groom Lake but controlled by the demonic beings are Papoose Range and Cockeyed Ridge (S-4) underground bases. Purpose is the testing of various UFOs and other secret aircraft like the Aurora and Stealth. Also biological work is done, including the biological raising of small greys. Many levels have been built t these three complexes, and a 7 mile long run way (which is actually 39 miles) Page 305 … has been built over Groom Lake, a dry lake. There is an S-2, an S-4, an S-6, and an S-66 underground installations. S-66 is the most secret and it has 29 levels and is 11, 300′ deep. 69. Quartzite Mountain SE of Tonopah, 37° 31 ‘N 116° 20’ W- reported saucer base 70. Tonopah, Airforce, CIA? & ??, deals with secret aircraft NEW HAMPSHIRE 71-73. There may be as many as three underground installations in New Hampshire’s hills (according to reports). NEW JERSEY 74. Picatinny Arsenal, 4o° 38’N 74° 32′ W- saucer base, 1/4 cubic mile large & very deep underground. NEW MEXICO The state of New Mexico and Colorado have been used for the construction of a series of underground bases. (All the rest of the states have too.) The Primary Underground facilities in New Mexico consist of: 3 enormous underground bases in: The Dulce, NM area (an area I spent several days investigating in 1993). The White Sands–Alamogordo Area which has 3 underground bases. Datil and Pie Town which have two more underground bases. (Carlsbad Cavern which had underground activity, which is reported discontinued, and another base to east of Carlsbad.). The Los Alamos area underground facility . the Taos area underground facility The New Mexico area has basically four underground system out. One goes to the Four Corners area and then to Groom Lake (Area 51). One goes north toward Delta, CO and Colorado Springs. The Taos facilities goes north approximately along Interstate 25 and eventually ties in NORAD. The southern bases connect to Texas and Mexico. The Los Alamos facility dates at least back to 1940. One can only imagine what has been built with 1/2 century of labor on this underground system. Visitors to the deeper levels report humans kept in glass cylinders, plus many other strange things. I have had the opportunity to debrief some people who have been in the lower reaches of some of these facilities. There are special badges, special uniforms, tube elevators etc. which for lack of time I will not describe. . 75. Angel Peak- reported saucer base . Carlsbad Cavern area (now destroyed), 32° 25.0’N 1040 14.0W -old relics of saucer base left . 76-78. Dulce, N.M., 36º 56.0’N 106°59.8’W,–South of Dulce, in the area of the Jicarilla Indian Reservation, another facility is east of the Dulce facility a number of miles. This is run directly by Illuminati w/ Army and Airforce help, CIA also conduct experiments at the center; the size of the installation is hugh requiring small shuttle trains and has seven levels according to witnesses. Serves as a UFO base, biological experiments, production center for small-grey drones. Wackenhut provides some of the security on the ground. 79. Kirtland AFB, NM, Sandia National Lab 80. Manzano Mtn, near Albuquerque, known as the Kirtland Munitions Storage Complex, Airforce, 3,000-acre base within the Kirtland AFB/Sandia National Labs complex, guarded by 4 lethal rings of fences, use unknown, suspected UFO base. A new 285,000-sq. ft. bunker is being built near Manzano Base. 81. Pie Town, 34° 17.9’N 1 108°08.7’W, in area near Pie Town, UFO Base. 82. Sandia Mountains NE of Albuquerque -reported saucer base 83. to the north of Taos Pueblo 84. White Sands, 32°22.8’N 106°28.8’W, major hub for research, tied in with Dulce & NORAD, HO for NASA /military shuttle flights, radiation research ctr. and mind control. Also: Run For The Hills! Bunkers For The Elites Hiding From Judgement Won’t Hide Them. . . NEW YORK 85. Adirondack Mountains (near Elizabethtown) 86. New York Metro area 87. Plattsburgh (near Canada and St. Albans) AFB, 49°40’N 73°33 W- two saucer bases in this area. OKLAHOMA 88. Ada, 34°46.4′ N 96°40.7W W, underground saucer base, this base does uman cloning, and it is FEMA’s most sensitive base. 89. Ashland Naval Ammunition Depot, 34°45.9’N 96° 04.3’W,- reported saucer base OREGON 90. Bull Run, north side of Bull Run Reservoir area near Mt. Hood, and very close to Larch Mtn. and south of Benson St. Park of the Columbia Gorge. 91. Coos Bay area has had three separate but coordinating underground facilities built for UFOs. The facility farthest east, about 20 miles inland in the wilderness near Hwy 42, has been shut down. It is now an old abandoned facility well camouflaged. The coast facility is probably still operational. 92. Klamath Falls, OR–since Sept. ’95 this has been a base for a number of NWO groups including the Air National Guard, FEMA, CIA, FBI, Spetznaz, and Page 306 … MOSAP training base. An underground concentration camp exists here. PENNSYLVANIA 93. Blue Ridge Summit, near Ft. Ritchie, known as ‘Raven Rock” or “Site R”, Army, major electronic nerve center, 650 ft. below surface with about 350 staff and over a 716 acre area. possibly connected via tunnel to Camp David. The NOD installation is involved with psychic (demonic) and satellite control over slaves. This underground complex is to allow the government of the United States to escape a nuclear attack. The enormous complex radiates under Wash. D.C. and connects with many other sites. The tunnel system is used to move some of the mind-control sex slaves. The walls and ceilings of the tunnels are ceramic tile with fluorescent lighting recessed into the ceilings. TEXAS 94. Ft. Hood, TX, 31° 15’N 97° 48′ W, home of some Delta Mind-Controlled soldiers and a reported saucer base. 95. Denton, TX, 33° 13.2’N 97° 08.2’W – FEMA, regional center, activity secret 96. Red River Arsenal, TX- reported saucer base VIRGINIA 97. Bluemont, Mount Weather base, Federal Preparedness Agency & FEMA, small-city underground, top-secret, staff of several hundred, does secret work for FEMA and contains a complete secret government with the various agencies and cabinet-level ranking administrators that keep their positions for several administrations and help run the United States. 98. Culpepper, 380 28.5 N 77°59.8’W, about 2 miles east of Culpepper off of Rt. 3, called Mount Pony, Illuminati–Fed. reserve, 140,000 sq. ft., includes a facility for the storage for corpses, monitors all major financial transactions in the U.S. by means of the “Fed Wire”, a modern electronic system. 99. Pentagon, Arlington, VA- 100. Warrington Training Ctr. –two sites: one on Rt. 802 and the other on Bear Wallow Road, on Viewtree Mountain. One is Station A the other Station B. Army & ??, purpose unknown. WASHINGTON 101. Bothell, 47°45.7’N 122°12.2w W, FEMA, regional center, activity unknown WASHINGTON, D.C. 102. WHITE HOUSE, 38°53.5’N 77°02.0’W–The secret NOD underground installation which is connected to the intelligence groups like NSA and the CIA as well as many other nefarious groups lays under the White House with tunnels connecting this NOD installation with the House of the Temple. The Supreme council of the 33° of the Scottish Rite’s House of the Temple has a 14′ x 25′ room in it with 13 chairs where the Illuminati’s Grand Druid Council meet. The NOD Deep Underground Installation has numerous levels to it. One eye- witness, went to level 17 (via an elevator) and stated that he believes that deeper levels exist. WEST VIRGINIA 103. Sugar Grove, the Navy’s Strategic Intelligence Services microwave communications. There base here. 104. White Sulphur Springs, under the Greenbriar Hotel, a mini-city large enough for 800 people equipped with its own crematorium, if there are any other purposes other than listening to U.S. microwave communication it is unknown by this author. UTAH In Utah, the Kennecott Copper Company has been connected to the Illuminati and the KKK. These connections have been exposed in other writings by this author. Kennecott’s mine (reported to be owned by the World Bank) in the Salt Lake City area is serviced by Union Pacific, which is reported connected to the Mormon Church. The mine is receiving a heavy volume of big trucks after 11 p.m., for instance, in a normal night over 6 dozen large trucks with 2 trailors each rolling into the mine. In other words, it appears that the heavy train & tractor trailor activity indicates something besides mining. WYOMING: Riverton, Wyoming Function unknown Tunnels to: Salt Lake, Utah Denver, Colorado. How the CIA Is Acting Outside the Law to Spy on Americans Concerned senators have revealed that the government is using an executive order to bypass privacy protections enacted by Congress. There’s a lot to unpack in the bombshell announcement by Sens. Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Martin Heinrich (D-NM) last week that the CIA has been conducting a bulk collection program and searching through the resulting data for information about Americans. “Bulk collection” is what happens when the government vacuums up data indiscriminately rather than targeting individuals or groups. The term was last in the news when whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed in 2013 that the NSA had collecting Americans’ telephone records in bulk. You might be asking, didn’t Congress end bulk collection? The short answer is no. In 2015, Congress passed legislation that ended the NSA’s program and sought to prohibit bulk collection when the government is acting under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA). But that law only applies to certain types of surveillance that target U.S. persons or happen inside the United States. When the collection happens overseas or falls into one of FISA’s statutory gaps, it takes place under Executive Order 12333, issued by President Ronald Reagan in 1981. As the Brennan Center noted in a 2016 report, most foreign intelligence surveillance actually takes place under EO 12333, not FISA. That means it is subject to no statutory constraints whatsoever, and there is no judicial review or oversight. EO 12333 does place some limits on surveillance, but not shockingly, its rules are much more permissive than those Congress established in FISA. Bulk collection is just one example — it’s banned under FISA but permitted under EO 12333. The FISA/EO 12333 distinction might have made sense in 1978, when surveillance in the United States generally meant surveillance of U.S. persons and surveillance abroad generally meant surveillance of foreign nationals. It makes zero sense today, when Americans’ communications and other personal data are as likely to be routed through or stored in Europe or Asia as the United States. Bulk collection under EO 12333 will inevitably sweep in dizzying amounts of Americans’ information. What stops the CIA from poring through the data looking for Americans’ information? Let’s be honest: nothing. The CIA’s internal rules from 2017 say the information sought must be “related to a duly authorized activity of the CIA,” as determined by. . . the CIA. The FBI has similar rules limiting its searches of data obtained under FISA Section 702. Year after year, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court finds that FBI agents have violated these rules—and that’s when there’s a court actually watching them. The CIA’s rules also say that CIA officers should document their purpose in running searches for Americans’ information. But according to staff members of the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, these rules, despite having been finalized five years ago and released with great fanfare, have not yet been “implemented.” And suppose for a moment that the CIA did restrict itself to searches designed to retrieve foreign intelligence (a limitation that would certainly satisfy the CIA’s rules, despite the fact that EO 12333 defines “foreign intelligence” to include literally any information about the actions of any foreign person). Since when does the Fourth Amendment allow government agencies to help themselves to Americans’ private data as long as they’re conducting agency business? Should police be able to search your house without a warrant as long as they’re investigating a crime? At this point, you’re probably wondering what kind of data the CIA is collecting in bulk and using to spy on Americans. We don’t know, because the Biden administration is refusing to declassify a single word about the nature of the program. Similarly, while the CIA’s official statement says that the congressional intelligence committees have been kept fully informed about the program, Wyden and Heinrich — both members of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence — say otherwise. (Given the track record of the parties, my money’s on Wyden and Heinrich.) The former Obama officials who now lead the intelligence agencies seem to have forgotten the lesson of the NSA illegal spying fiasco: Public trust is necessary for intelligence agencies to operate effectively. That trust took an enormous hit after the Snowden disclosures, and intelligence agencies spent years trying to build it back through increased transparency. But if intelligence leaders continue to withhold any and all information about a bulk collection program that sweeps in Americans’ data, they will lose whatever ground they gained — and they will be doing so by choice. As for Congress, it cannot continue to allow the executive branch to have free access to Americans’ most personal data based on outdated factual distinctions that have no relevance to the level of privacy intrusion or risk of abuse. No surveillance that has a significant impact on Americans’ privacy should take place without statutory safeguards or judicial oversight. Surveillance scandals over the past decade have yielded a long list of changes that Congress should make to FISA. In light of last week’s news, Congress must now add one more critical reform to that list: legislate limits on EO 12333 surveillance — including a ban on bulk collection — and bring it under the oversight of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. Executive Order 12333, issued by President Reagan in 1981, governs electronic surveillance that the NSA conducts overseas. It provides the government with broad latitude to conduct surveillance on Americans and persons around the world without judicial review or other protections. Although the target must be a foreigner overseas, Section 702 surveillance is believed to result in the “incidental” collection of millions of Americans’ communications. Agencies make broad use of these communications, notwithstanding the fact that Section 702 requires them to “minimize” the retention and sharing of Americans’ information. The ACLU urges the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board to issue a public report summarizing the scope of the surveillance conducted under EO 12333 programs, recommend that Congress pass legislation to appropriately limit the surveillance conducted under EO 12333 and bring it in line with the Constitution and international law, and recommend that the Executive Branch adopt a series of reforms to limit the surveillance conducted under EO 12333 until Congress is able to pass legislation. https://www.dni.gov/files/documents/CLPO/CLPO_Information_Paper_on_2008_Revision_to_EO_12333.pdf https://dpcld.defense.gov/Portals/49/Documents/Civil/eo-12333-2008.pdf https://regs.health.ny.gov/sites/default/files/proposed-regulations/Investigation%20of%20Communicable%20Disease;%20Isolation%20and%20Quarantine.pdf https://govt.westlaw.com/nycrr/Document/I3783ab18c22411dd80c2c6f42ff0193c?viewType=FullText&originationContext=documenttoc&transitionType=CategoryPageItem&contextData=(sc.Default) Fact Sheet: Executive Order 12333 Issue: Does Executive Order 12333 authorize the Intelligence Community (IC) to monitor Americans communication with persons abroad? Background: E.O. 12333 governs the conduct of American intelligence activities. E.O. 12333 is the primary document governing activities not covered under FISA, and “specifies the circumstances in which the nation’s intelligence agencies can engage in foreign intelligence surveillance outside the United States.” The order lays out principles and priorities for intelligence collection. E.O. 12333 has been amended three times since 1981. Controversy: E.O. 12333 guides the overseas collection of cell phone location data, email address books and contact lists. Some of the collection has, for largely technical reasons, included data on U.S. persons, leading to concerns about the collection programs. According to leaked documents, there have been far more data “compliance violations” in E.O. 12333 authorized programs than in the collection programs under USA PATRIOT Act Section 215 and FISA Section 702. Assessment: Fears of domestic surveillance under E.O. 12333 are misplaced. E.O. 12333 authorizes foreign intelligence collection. E.O. 12333 requires that U.S. person information may be collected, retained, and disseminated “only in accordance with procedures approved by the Attorney General,” in consultation with the Director of National Intelligence. A U.S. person’s information can only be collected if it is permitted under an agency’s Attorney General guidelines and if the information fits within one of the categories enumerated under E.O. 12333. The categories include: information collected during the course of a lawful foreign intelligence, counterintelligence, international counternarcotics, or international counterterrorism investigation; information necessary to preserve the safety of persons or organizations; information necessary to protect intelligence sources and methods; and information incidentally collected that indicate involvement in activities that violate federal law. Protections for U.S. persons do not solely originate with E.O. 12333. The Privacy Act provides a statutory framework for the protection of personal information that is held by a government agency and is retrievable by name or a unique identifier (like a social security number); and the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, which provides protections for email, telephone conversations, electronic data, whether stored or in transit. Executive Order 12333: The Spy Power Too Big for Any Legal Limits How a Cold War era authority morphed into a mass surveillance system that collects billions of private communications. Last month, a new report and set of recommendations from the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board and a letter from Senators Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Martin Heinrich (D-NM) revealed a troubling surveillance program that has long been hidden. The CIA is collecting financial records in bulk — meaning on a massive scale without any targets — sweeping up private records of individuals not in any way suspected of wrongdoing, including Americans. It’s an important indicator that for all the meaningful reforms over the past decade, there is still a surveillance elephant in the room: The newly unveiled financial program falls under a major component of national security surveillance that operates with practically no rules and absent the safeguards needed given how modern surveillance operates in the digital age. That component is Executive Order 12333 (commonly referred to as “EO twelve-triple-three” and abbreviated EO 12333), the authority for all executive-based national security surveillance. Because its focus is abroad, many Americans are unfamiliar with the executive order, but that doesn’t diminish its importance: The government uses this authority to vacuum up billions of emails, texts, and calls from people across the globe, grabbing Americans' sensitive communications in the process. The fundamental problem with EO 12333 is that it is a virtually lawless surveillance authority. Not lawless in the sense of violating statutes and court-imposed rules, but rather in that it operates absent any limits or oversight from Congress and the courts. Given how EO 12333 has steadily morphed into a mass collection tool, this is not sustainable. The Origins of EO 12333 Before examining the problems with the newly revealed financial surveillance program and other modern EO 12333 surveillance programs, it’s worth looking at the history of this authority and how its original applications contrast with its use today. Just 50 years ago, the rules and limits for national security surveillance were shockingly undeveloped. Not only was there no comprehensive set of specific rules governing this type of surveillance, the law did not even establish a broad line of what limits should exist. Fortunately that changed in 1972 with an important Supreme Court ruling, commonly known as the “Keith case,” involving a series of warrantless wiretaps used against a group conspiring to destroy government buildings. The Supreme Court ruled that any investigations involving domestic security — even national security threats — required standard compliance with the Fourth Amendment, warrant rules, and statutory limits for law enforcement. However, the court also noted that this standard was based on domestic security threats, effectively putting the ball in Congress’s court to establish rules for foreign intelligence surveillance. Six years later Congress did just that, passing the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). The law created a set of boundaries for surveillance conducted in the United States focused on foreign powers and their agents. FISA allows the government to engage in searches, wiretaps, and other clandestine surveillance as long as it shows a court (specifically the FISA Court, also created as part of the law) there is probable cause the target is a foreign agent. “While rules were set for surveillance within the U.S. of foreign and domestic threats to national security, one major area was unaddressed: surveillance abroad.” But while rules were set for surveillance within the United States of foreign and domestic threats to national security, one major area was unaddressed: surveillance abroad. In 1981, three years after the passage of FISA, President Ronald Reagan signed EO 12333. The order provided broad authority for military and intelligence agencies to engage in surveillance abroad. It did not include court authorizations or probable cause requirements akin to FISA, and was authorized entirely under the executive’s inherent commander-in-chief authority, absent legislative or court approval. Given the threats and nature of foreign surveillance at the time, there was logic to this system: The CIA was not going to seek out a search warrant with a local judge in East Berlin, or provide a wiretap order to a telephone company in Moscow. And because these clandestine activities were focused on specific targets, they were unlikely to sweep in information from Americans abroad or even from large numbers of non-U.S. persons. EO 12333 in the Digital Age Fast forward 40 years, and the type of surveillance that the government conducts for foreign intelligence has dramatically changed. Rather than focusing on specific pre-identified targets and threats, the government adopted a “collect it all” mentality in the wake of the September 11 attacks, and by then had the technology to accomplish that goal. While the executive unlawfully sidestepped FISA for mass domestic surveillance (most notably in the bulk collection of Americans’ phone records that would be outlawed in 2015), it also began to build up bulk surveillance abroad under the auspices of EO 12333. We probably only see the tip of the iceberg in terms of what these surveillance systems are (more on that transparency issue below), but a few examples that have come to light are illustrative of how massive the EO 12333 dragnet can be. One program called CO-TRAVELER sweeps up billions of cellphone location records each day, monitoring the movements of individuals across the globe. As the Washington Post described in its article exposing the program, it is “tracking people from afar into confidential business meetings or personal visits to medical facilities, hotel rooms, private homes and other traditionally protected spaces.” Another program called Dishfire engages in mass collection of text messages, sweeping up the content of almost 200 million messages per day from phones around the world. A third program named SOMALGET acts as a nationwide wiretap, recording every phone call made in entire countries. The government has not provided any details on these programs since these disclosures in 2013 and 2014 revealed their existence — meaning we do not know if they are still operating in this manner, have been scaled down, or have grown even more pervasive. The newly revealed financial collection program follows in this same pattern: It takes private information — in this case financial records — and vacuums it up in bulk without regard to how sensitive the records are or whose information is swept up in the dragnet. Mass Surveillance Leads to Mass Violation of Privacy Rights Collecting private information on this scale creates significant privacy harms in two distinct ways. First, it endangers the privacy of Americans. With bulk programs sweeping up billions of private conversations and sensitive records from millions of people, it is bound to collect Americans’ information, even when focused abroad. Tourists, students, and individuals working or living abroad could all have their information collected and stored by National Security agency (NSA) and CIA programs, as well as distributed to other government agencies. So could Americans whose communications are with individuals located abroad. American business-people, journalists, lawyers, human rights advocates, and others could all have their most sensitive information and activities collected by the U.S. government. This is unacceptable — U.S.-persons don’t relinquish their constitutional rights at customs or simply because their conversation is with someone in another country. Even when private information is collected abroad, it could still impact individuals in terms of how the government treats them in the U.S., and in relation to domestic investigations. Beyond the risk that these records could be used for criminal investigations in a manner that circumvents warrant rules, mass collection of Americans’ private information through EO 12333 creates a risk that nefarious actors could misuse it for personal aims (such as selectively leaking private information, or using information like religious or political views as the basis for targeting). “U.S.-persons don’t relinquish their constitutional rights at customs or simply because their conversation is with someone in another country.” Second, it’s important to also consider the impact of these programs on non-U.S. persons. This is a more complex topic because while U.S. constitutional rights generally apply to everyone located in the United States and to Americans across the world, they largely do not extend to non-U.S. persons abroad. And it’s hard to reject the notion that the government should have a relatively free hand to monitor individuals such Russian oligarchs, Iranian Revolutionary Guard commanders, or Chinese government spies. But current EO 12333 surveillance, by its nature, goes far beyond these types of targets. It works in bulk, collecting intimate information about entire populations. This affects average individuals across the globe, and raises important human rights concerns. The scale of EO 12333 collection has undermined U.S. standing in the world (try to image how you would feel if you discovered a foreign country collected every email, text, and phone call you made), and has hampered international relations to the degree of causing important economic agreements to be struck down. It also presents a serious risk if a foreign adversary ever stole surveillance data to subjugate its own people, and limits U.S. credibility to call for reforms in nations building up mass surveillance autocracies. Who Watches the Mass-Surveillance-Watchers? In addition to these issues, there is the daunting problem of a lack of basic oversight of EO 12333. The recent story on collection of financial records illustrates this perfectly: The Privacy and Civil Liberties Board report is heavily redacted, leaving the public with little understanding of what data is being collected or of the full range of ways it is being used. Release of the report was also significantly delayed. It was unanimously approved by the board in January 2017, but concealed from public view for five years. Wyden and Heinrich’s letter was held in declassification limbo for nearly a year despite being less than three pages long. Perhaps most disturbing of all, the senators note that until a month before their letter was sent, “the nature and full extent of the CIA's collection was withheld even from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.” “The executive acting as its own watchdog for the EO 12333 mass surveillance system is a major problem.” The executive acting as its own watchdog for the EO 12333 mass surveillance system is a major problem. It undercuts the critical role that Congress and the courts play to maintain checks and balances in our democracy. Even if you accept the premise that EO 12333 surveillance is derived from the president’s commander-in-chief authority and gives the executive significant deference, it should not and cannot be limitless. Congress is vested with power to appropriate funds (or not) for intelligence agencies like NSA and CIA, as well as with confirming officials to top positions within these agencies. The executive cannot reasonably expect Congress to provide its funds and confirm its leaders but play no role in examining how that money is spent or what those officials do. The lack of external oversight also creates serious danger of compliance issues. It’s more likely that the already-lax rules and limits of EO 12333 will be misinterpreted or ignored if they depend on self-policing. It’s repeatedly been made apparent by the extreme readings of surveillance powers after September 11 and the Office of Legal Counsel in general that if the executive is given the authority to interpret laws, it will do so in a manner that maximizes executive power even if its legal rationale defies credulity. And FISA Section 702 — the warrantless provision that requires no front-end approval from judges — has repeatedly demonstrated that less court oversight begets more violation of rules and standards. We’re still a long way off from being able to meaningfully reform the scale of EO 12333 collection. But getting more public transparency and more oversight from Congress and the courts is a promising first step. A good opportunity to push for this will be coming soon, as next year a major component of FISA is set to expire. If the executive wants that surveillance power reauthorized, it’s reasonable to demand greater oversight for the part of foreign intelligence surveillance that currently has virtually none. UN Invasion, Martial Law, Rex 84 Death Camps, Globalist Purge, Operation Cable Splicer. This Is Part One... Thanks ! https://rumble.com/v41h3zp-un-invasion-martial-law-rex-84-death-camps-globalist-purge-operation-cable-.html Rex 84 Death Camps And Other Black Projects Sidestep the authority of Congress, which as we know is illegal. Lies, Lies, Lies Top CIA, FBI, DOJ Officials Grilled Abuse Section 702’s Mass Surveillance https://rumble.com/v2u1w5w-lies-lies-lies-top-cia-fbi-doj-officials-grilled-abuse-section-702s-mass-su.html Arrests Along U.S.-Mexico Border Top 2 million a year for the first time Federal authorities are on pace to make more than 2.3 million arrests during the 2022 fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30. That will far exceed last year’s record of more than 1.7 million arrests. The law, Section 1325 of Title 8 of the U.S. Code, makes entering the United States “at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers” a federal crime. Total U.S.-Mexico border for last 50 years is 46 million+ people and got-a-ways not counted Why the hell should we trust anything they say unless they do what’s right for Lies, Lies, Lies To The People Of American Again, I never would’ve thought my home would have to deal with so many corrupt people, dishonest, disgusting people should be removed from their posts, there is some small piece of mind knowing and seeing true American patriots fight this extremely hard fight. The Senate Judiciary Committee holds a hearing on Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Acts. Mass Surveillance, Privacy Invasions, Astroturfing, Marketing, Manipulation, Predictions. https://rumble.com/v2betqu-mass-surveillance-privacy-invasions-astroturfing-marketing-manipulation-pre.html The CIA has been conducting mass surveillance in the U.S. with minimal oversight and the program’s uncovering is bad news for Big Tech ? U.S. Supreme Court Declines to Hear New World Order Challenge to NSA Mass Surveillance. Tyrannical Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Act and Propaganda Administration https://rumble.com/v2fpmoy-tyrannical-foreign-intelligence-surveillance-court-act-and-propaganda-admin.html The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which approved the National Security Agency's collection of U.S. citizens' telephone records, is just one of history's many secret courts. DISEASES - REPORTING OF CASES; RECORDS - 10 CRR-NY 2.13 10 CRR-NY 2.13 2.13 Isolation and quarantine procedures. (a) Duty to issue isolation and quarantine orders. (1) Whenever appropriate to control the spread of a highly contagious communicable disease, the State Commissioner of Health may issue and/or may direct the local health authority to issue isolation and/or quarantine orders, consistent with due process of law, to all such persons as the State Commissioner of Health shall determine appropriate. (2) Paragraph (1) of this subdivision shall not be construed as relieving the authority and duty of local health authorities to issue isolation and quarantine orders to control the spread of a highly contagious communicable disease, consistent with due process of law, in the absence of such direction from the State Commissioner of Health. (3) For the purposes of isolation orders, isolation locations may include home isolation or such other residential or temporary housing location that the public health authority issuing the order determines appropriate, where symptoms or conditions indicate that medical care in a general hospital is not expected to be required, and consistent with any direction that the State Commissioner of Health may issue. Where symptoms or conditions indicate that medical care in a general hospital is expected to be required, the isolation location shall be a general hospital. (4) For the purposes of quarantine orders, quarantine locations may include home quarantine, other residential or temporary housing quarantine, or quarantine at such other locations as the public health authority issuing the order deems appropriate, consistent with any direction that the State Commissioner of Health may issue. (b) Any isolation or quarantine order shall specify: (1) the basis for the order; (2) the location where the person shall remain in isolation or quarantine, unless travel is authorized by the State or local health authority, such as for medical care; (3) the duration of the order; (4) instructions for traveling to the isolation or quarantine location, if appropriate; (5) instructions for maintaining appropriate distance and taking such other actions as to prevent transmission to other persons living or working at the isolation or quarantine location, consistent with any direction that the State Commissioner of Health may issue; (6) if the location of isolation or quarantine is not in a general hospital, instructions for contacting the State and/or local health authority to report the subject person’s health condition, consistent with any direction that the State Commissioner of Health may issue; (7) if the location of isolation or quarantine is a multiple dwelling structure, that the person shall remain in their specific dwelling and in no instance come within six feet of any other person, and consistent with any direction that the State Commissioner of Health may issue; (8) if the location of isolation or quarantine is a detached structure, that the person may go outside while remaining on the premise, but shall not leave the premise or come within six feet of any person who does not reside at the premise, or such other distance as may be appropriate for the specific disease, and consistent with any direction that the State Commissioner of Health may issue; (9) such other limitations on interactions with other persons as are appropriate, consistent with any direction that the State Commissioner of Health may issue; (10) notification of the right to request that the public health authority issuing the order inform a reasonable number of persons of the conditions of the isolation or quarantine order; (11) a statement that the person has the right to seek judicial review of the order; (12) a statement that the person has the right to legal counsel, and that if the person is unable to afford legal counsel, counsel will be appointed upon request. (c) Whenever a person is subject to an isolation or quarantine order, the State Department of Health or local health authority, or the local health authority at the State Department of Health’s direction shall, consistent with any direction issued by the State Commissioner of Health: (1) monitor such person to ensure compliance with the order and determine whether such person requires a higher level of medical care; (2) whenever appropriate, coordinate with local law enforcement to ensure that such person comply with the order; and (3) the extent such items and services are not available to such person, provide or arrange for the provision of appropriate supports, supplies and services, including, but not limited to: food, laundry, medical care, and medications. (d) If the location of an isolation or quarantine order is owned by a landlord, hotel, motel or other person or entity, no such landlord or person associated with such hotel, motel or other person or entity shall enter the isolation or quarantine location without permission of the local health authority, and consistent with any direction that the State Commissioner of Health may issue. (e) No article that is likely to be contaminated with infective material may be removed from a premise where a person is isolated or quarantined unless the local health authority determines that such article has been properly disinfected or protected from spreading infection, or unless the quarantine period expires and there is no risk of contamination. Such determinations shall be made pursuant to any direction that the State Commissioner of Health may issue. (f) Any person who violates a public health order shall be subject to all civil and criminal penalties as provided for by law. For purposes of civil penalties, each day that the order is violated shall constitute a separate violation of this Part. (g) Duty of attending physician. (1) Every attending physician shall immediately, upon discovering a case or suspected case of a highly contagious reportable communicable disease, cause the patient to be appropriately isolated and contact the State Department of Health and the local health authority where the patient is isolated and, if different, the local health authority where the patient resides. (2) Such physician shall advise other members of the household regarding precautions to be taken to prevent further spread of the disease, consistent with any direction that the State Commissioner of Health may issue. (3) Such physician shall furnish the patient, or caregiver of such patient where applicable, with detailed instructions regarding the disinfection and disposal of any contaminated articles, consistent with any direction that the State Commissioner of Health may issue. https://www.nycourts.gov/whatsnew/pdf/publichealthlegalmanual.pdf 10 CRR-NY 2.13 - Current through July 31, 2021 This Video Is By Black Banners from the East Satellite Station and is a book by Moshe Sharon that tells the story of the first revolution in Islam that caused the end of the formative period of Islamic civilization.11.7K views 14 comments -
How To Calculate & Interpret Your Upcoming Personal Year In Numerology
The Aquarius BusHave you ever wondered what your upcoming year means? A powerful answer comes from your numerology personal year. In this video we look at how you can use your birthdate to unlock the vibrations and energies of your year, which In numerology, is called the Personal Year. • Timing is incredibly important in our lives. In your own life, you find that there’s a time to take action, and a time for patience. A time to celebrate. And a time to slow down. Every talent that you have, exists within you for a reason. And if you pay attention, you’ll find windows of opportunity that open up to you, when the right time comes along to use it. • According to Numerology, the human life span follows a nine year cycle called an “Epicycle.” Every year of your life has its own energy. And each year has a certain approach that best leads to growth and happiness. • When you work with the energy and vibration of your year, everything amplifies. All your actions take on more strength and power. When you have a sense of this divine timing, everything comes to you more easily. • But when you work against the energy of your year, when you try to force things ahead before they’re ready, you often find yourself struggling, wasting precious resources, and getting frustrated at your lack of progress. • Here’s how to calculate your numerology personal year: • 1. First, we start out by writing your birth month, your birth day, and the current year. 2. Second, we add each of these digits together. 3. Third, If we have a number that’s more than one digit, we add each of the digits together until there’s only one digit left. We call this process “reducing the numbers.” • There are 9 personal years in total within your Epicycle. We explore the trends, vibrations, and energies you can expect in each of your 9 personal years. • TIMESTAMPS: • 00:00 - Prologue - 01:33 - How to calculate your numerology personal year - 03:18 - One personal year overview - 04:21 - Two personal year overview - 05:44 - Three personal year overview - 06:56 - Four personal year overview - 08:21 - Five personal year overview - 09:21 - Six personal year overview - 10:32 - Seven personal year overview - 11:23 - Eight personal year overview - 12:22 - Nine personal year overview - 14:10 - Epilogue1.4K views -
SusieQ4u🤔 Do you believe that your father was an ape, your grand-father was a reptile, and your great grand-father was an explosion? For those who don't believe such pseudo-scientific non-sense (and for those who do), the following presentation lays out the undeniable proof that you are NOT some slowly evolved ape-man and that prehistoric giant reptiles are nothing but a Freemasonic hoax used to bolster this destructive disempowering atheistic nihilistic paradigm they are propagating to the masses. Source: Eric Dubay700 views 3 comments