Celebrities (Soundboard Gaming)
7 videos
Updated 1 year ago
Compilation of gaming nerds getting trolled by soundboards of celebrities.
The Mailman (Jingle All The Way) Plays Counter Strike 2 (Soundboard Trolling)
Realm Of DarksideThe Mailman returns without his favorite teammate, Howard Langston, who ditched him once again out of annoyance. Unfortunately for Myron, he suffers the same fate from his teammates on Counter Strike 2. Merry Christmas. Intro: Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sinbad (The Mailman) Play Fortnite (Soundboard Trolling) https://rumble.com/v1c2orm-arnold-schwarzenegger-and-sinbad-the-mailman-play-fortnite-soundboard-troll.html?playlist_id=watch-history Background Music: Jingle All the Way OST 11. Music Box Bomb music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFTtUPVAww4 Jingle All the Way OST 12. Bomb #2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMCWa7ciarY This soundboard is not available on the website. Check out my Social Media for video updates and additional content: Website: https://www.soundboardgaming.net/ Discord: https://discord.com/invite/eKsXbmt Locals: https://soundboardgaming.locals.com/3.02K views 9 comments -
Arnold Fest 23' Arnold Plays Insurgency Sandstorm (Soundboard Trolling)
Realm Of DarksideArnold shows that he's still able to fool and trigger some Gen Z players, but not as much as other soundboards. Intro: Arnold Schwarzenegger Plays Fortnite (Soundboard Trolling) https://rumble.com/v1ec862-arnold-schwarzenegger-plays-fortnite-soundboard-trolling.html Background Music: TERMINATOR 2 - THEME | piano cover| Synthesia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HL7dhLnWa3I This soundboard is not available on the website. Check out my Social Media for video updates and additional content: Website: https://www.soundboardgaming.net/ Discord: https://discord.com/invite/eKsXbmt X: https://twitter.com/RealmOfDarkside1.17K views 1 comment -
Napoleon Dynamite Plays Rainbow Six Siege (Soundboard Trolling)
Realm Of DarksideNapoleon Dynamite is my last Celeb special, enjoy you freakin idiots. This soundboard is not available on the website. Rex-Kwon-Do soundboard is not available on the website. Check out my Social Media for video updates and additional content Website: https://www.soundboardgaming.net/ Discord: https://discord.com/invite/eKsXbmt X: https://twitter.com/RealmOfDarkside581 views -
Al Pacino, Joe Pesci, and Robert De Niro Play Rainbow Six Siege (Soundboard Trolling)
Realm Of DarksideThe famous prank call trio make their way back to soundboard gaming. These soundboards aren't available on the website. Check out my Social Media for video updates and additional content Website: https://www.soundboardgaming.net/ Discord: https://discord.com/invite/eKsXbmt X: https://twitter.com/RealmOfDarkside635 views -
Dr. Phil Plays Rainbow Six Siege (Soundboard Trolling)
Realm Of DarksideDr. Phil is one of the most iconic Soundboards in the prank call community, more Celebrities to come. This soundboard is not available on the website. Check out my Social Media for video updates and additional content Website: https://www.soundboardgaming.net/ Discord: https://discord.com/invite/eKsXbmt X: https://twitter.com/RealmOfDarkside542 views -
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sinbad (The Mailman) Play Fortnite (Soundboard Trolling)
Realm Of DarksideThis year's Christmas Special features Arnold and Sinbad from Jingle All The Way, have a great Christmas everyone. These soundboards aren't available on the website. Check out my Social Media for video updates and additional content Website: https://www.soundboardgaming.net/ Discord: https://discord.com/invite/eKsXbmt X: https://twitter.com/RealmOfDarkside565 views -
Arnold Schwarzenegger Plays Fortnite (Soundboard Trolling)
Realm Of DarksidePerfect way to start 2020, a new decade where people still don't know who Arnold is. This soundboard is not available on the website. Website: https://www.soundboardgaming.net/ Discord: https://discord.com/invite/eKsXbmt X: https://twitter.com/RealmOfDarkside401 views