[Apr 10, 2016] FEOHP 84 Patricia Steere & Paul Sandhu [Flat Earth Truths]
FEOHP ArchiveOriginally streamed live on April 10, 2016 Paul was born and raised in India as Deshpawl, but now lives in Toronto Canada. The topics in this episode are wide ranging from flat earth, occult symbols, the dark controllers, the economy, God, Jesus, Satan, the Bible, sun worship, the Illuminati, and the ball earth media blitz. Like many of us Paul saw Mark's clues series that got him off the ball and on flat ground.92 views 1 comment -
[Mar 31, 2016] FEOHP 82 Patricia Steere & Krow [DaSkarekrow]
FEOHP ArchiveOriginally streamed live on March 31, 2016 My guest Krow, is a rapper and songwriter who lives in Gaylord, Michigan. He started his YouTube channel in 2008. Then in February 2016 he started putting out flat earth videos and hasn't stopped. He also makes frequent appearances on various late night Google Hangout group shows. We find out how he grew up, what his passions are, what got him involved in the flat earth movement and his beliefs.51 views 2 comments -
[Mar 29, 2016] FEOHP 81 Patricia Steere & Matt Procella [O.D.D. TV]
FEOHP ArchiveOriginally streamed live on March 29, 2016 My guest is O.D.D., which stands for Overdose Denver. He's a long time rapper and music producer in Aurora, Colorado, who has had a YouTube channel since 2015, but has been aware that things are not as we have been told since 2008. His channel focuses on where sic-fi and fantasy merge with reality.60 views -
[Mar 23, 2016] FEOHP 79 Patricia Steere & Marty Leeds [MartyLeeds33]
FEOHP ArchiveOriginally streamed live on March 23, 2016 My guest, from the YouTube channel MartyLeeds33, is a flat earther whose channel has been on YouTube (at the time of this recording) for over four years. His incredible ability to explain our world using numbers and letters led him to accept flat earth easily. He is also an author, public speaker and musician, and lives in Eugene, Oregon.53 views 1 comment -
[Mar 17, 2016] FEOHP 77 Patricia Steere & Rich Hopkins [Mr. Thrive & Survive]
FEOHP ArchiveOriginally streamed live on March 17, 2016 Rich, a former Naval man and weather man, is my guest. He started out with content about financial survival when a video about the Chicago skyline photograph popped up in his suggested videos. Now he uses his expertise to explore the reality of where we live. Current channel: https://www.youtube.com/@FlatEarthExplored/videos145 views 2 comments -
[Mar 16, 2016] FEOHP 76 Patricia Steere & Tony [Caveman444]
FEOHP ArchiveOriginally streamed live on March 16, 2016 My guest joins us from his "cave" in upstate New York. He's only been on YouTube for a short time discussing flat earth, but his videos are highly personal, introspective and intriguing. His name is Tony and this is his flat earth story.122 views 2 comments -
[Mar 12, 2016] FEOHP 74 Patricia Steere & Adam Joseph Doughty [Adam Joseph Doughty]
FEOHP ArchiveOriginally streamed live on March 12, 2016 My guest is Adam Joseph Doughty, from Canada. He's had a YouTube channel since 2011, and started posting about flat earth in September 2015. We discuss his spiritual awakening and how that connects to his flat earth awakening. Links to Rob Skiba videos mentioned: Forgiveness: https://tinyurl.com/SkibaForgiveness Rocky: https://tinyurl.com/SkibaRocky135 views 1 comment -
[Mar 11, 2016] FEOHP 73 Patricia Steere & Alex Carreo [Alternative Cosmology]
FEOHP ArchiveOriginally streamed live on March 11, 2016 My guest is Alex Carreon, who lives in Texas, of the channel Alternative Cosmology. We talk about Airy's failure, the Michelson-Morley experiment, the Bedford level experiment, superior mirages, satellites, the Hubble telescope, megalithic structures and a new concept he has regarding light refraction. Plus- an "Astro Plate" model he is perfecting of our flat plane. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvL0as76PttKwnCcHD2gSow/videos/videos This video is #NSFYT - Not Safe For YouTube153 views -
[Mar 4, 2016] FEOHP 71 Patricia Steere & James [Mr. Flat Taxi Rainbow Chemtrails]
FEOHP ArchiveOriginally streamed live on March 4, 2016 James, who had a band called Full Action Family and another called The Sweet Things, drives a cab in North London and does videos telling us how his passengers react to him dropping flat earth into the conversation. James has filmed chemtrails over London since 2013 after becoming interested in chemtrails ruining the London skies. That coincided with an interest in cameras and developing film, so he documented them. Thumbnail Font: Mr.Taxi This unedited version is #NSFYT (Not Safe For YouTube)112 views 1 comment -
[Mar 2, 2016] FEOHP 70 Patricia Steere & Gingerfest
FEOHP ArchiveOriginally streamed live on March 2, 2016 Gingers unite! There are a number of women in flat earth with red hair which is odd, considering only 1-2% of the world's population has red hair. Flat earth female redheads... We are a minority but we have a mighty voice. Coming together on this flat earth, supporting and defending each other and helping to get this vital information out to those who are still stuck in the matrix, are some of the topics discussed. Panel guests: Kris In Love, Sasha "Orphan Red" Davis, Jenn "J.L." Forbes, and Fran Anderson.75 views