Ascension & Intel vid list
10 videos
Updated 5 months ago
Will update list of vids that seem cool.
Gene Decode & Riccardo Bosi: Shocking Revelation Trump Special US Military Ops.
Dr. JanGene Decode & Riccardo Bosi: Shocking Revelation Trump Special US Military Ops.1.02K views 3 comments -
The Greatest Show on Earth 2: Follow the Yellow Brick Road
GoodLionFilmsthe sequel has arrived - watch all 60 films at https://www.goodlion.tv167K views 1.17K comments -
8/19/24 Brenda and martin with Honey and Lisa/ discussing world events
MartinBrodelpaypal email account MBrodel@aol.com paypal.me/martinbrodel Martin Brodel 36248 HWY 133 Hotchkiss, Colorado 81419 my site at bitchute..... https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ddBz9vgnRFty/ https://rumble.com/account/content?type=all https://ugetube.com/watch/KI2pVQmcFPs8Swt https://alaskachaga.us/discount/MARTIN Bear's True Blue ph# 1-615-854-3057 https://mynaturesecret.com/ http://www.greasysgarage.com/ https://communityreviews.org/ http://www.greasysgarage.com/ https://communityreviews.org/ Robert Norris retired SFC Army if your concerned about shedding or other symptoms please contact me to recommend the best for your situation and budget/ 509-879-6734 gold4younow24k@gmail.com takechargeyourhealth.usana.com go to Mnorris123 on Rumble we have 7 years as subject matter expert's in USANA Products you got everything to gain for your health Hours 6:30-10pm Pacific 7days please contact even your not ready to purchase I can help https://takechargeyourhealth.usana.com/ux/dotcom/enu-US/home Artwork by Teodor Octavio Graca featuring 23 original works of beautiful art in a ring bound book: https://app.thebookpatch.com/BookStore/tog-estate-art---volume-3/97c85cfb-5ded-42e5-a86d-979a6766f0b9 Teo's Full Color Ring Bound Art Books - Videos Links for Volumes 4 (new) and 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zct42YzPM80 https://youtu.be/4lEgjgmzXOQ7.3K views 69 comments -
7/3/24 Honey C, Lisa, & Martin discuss Psyops, ascension, & many other topics/lots of information
MartinBrodelpaypal email account MBrodel@aol.com paypal.me/martinbrodel Martin Brodel 36248 HWY 133 Hotchkiss, Colorado 81419 my site at bitchute..... https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ddBz9vgnRFty/ https://rumble.com/account/content?type=all https://www.brighteon.com/dashboard/videos https://ugetube.com/watch/KI2pVQmcFPs8Swt https://alaskachaga.us/discount/MARTIN Bear's True Blue ph# 1-615-854-3057 www.bearsautoproducts.com https://mynaturesecret.com/ Hero Soap Company https://hero-soap-company.myshopify.com?sca_ref=26744.d7ts6ctNME http://www.greasysgarage.com/ https://communityreviews.org/ https://hero-soap-company.myshopify.com?sca_ref=26744.d7ts6ctNME http://www.greasysgarage.com/ https://communityreviews.org/ Robert Norris retired SFC Army if your concerned about shedding or other symptoms please contact me to recommend the best for your situation and budget/ 509-879-6734 gold4younow24k@gmail.com takechargeyourhealth.usana.com go to Mnorris123 on Rumble we have 7 years as subject matter expert's in USANA Products you got everything to gain for your health Hours 6:30-10pm Pacific 7days please contact even your not ready to purchase I can help https://takechargeyourhealth.usana.com/ux/dotcom/enu-US/home Artwork by Teodor Octavio Graca featuring 23 original works of beautiful art in a ring bound book: https://app.thebookpatch.com/BookStore/tog-estate-art---volume-3/97c85cfb-5ded-42e5-a86d-979a6766f0b9 Teo's Full Color Ring Bound Art Books - Videos Links for Volumes 4 (new) and 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zct42YzPM80 https://youtu.be/4lEgjgmzXOQ8.02K views 111 comments -
EP 309 | Daryl James | Filling In The Blanks - Never Before Shared Memories - Solar Warden
Journey to Truth🔥Aaron's new book!👇 https://www.amazon.com/Waking-Infinite-Universe-Extraterrestrials-Spirituality/dp/B0D2LH8T4F REBELS OF DISCLOSURE CONFERENCE REPLAY: May 13-16, 2024 Grafton Illinois 🔥 Get your ticket today!🔥 https://www.rebelsofdisclosure.com/ EVERYTHING JOURNEY TO TRUTH HAS TO OFFER IS NOW UNDER ONE ROOF! CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE!: https://www.journeytotruth.online/ WATCH OUR DOCUMENTARY HERE! 'Cahokia Mounds: The Untold Story' https://www.cahokiauntold.com PATREON: Subscribe to our Patreon for Webinars and Bonus Content: https://www.patreon.com/j2tpodcast HOPEWELL FARM CBD: PROMO CODE 'JOURNEYTOTRUTH10' gets you 10% off all cbd products! To Learn More and Purchase Hopewell Farm CBD Products. Crypto payment option now available! CLICK HERE -- https://hopewellfarmtn.com/?wpam_id=1 OMNIA RADIATION BALANCER: To Learn More and Purchase the Omnia Radiation Balancer. Use promo code TRUTH (all caps) for 10% off! CLICK HERE: https://www.omniaradiationbalancer.com/j2truth DONATE: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?business=QX6V8YRVJAY74&no_recurring=0&item_name=Journey+to+Truth+Podcast¤cy_code=USD Thank you 🙏 MERLINS LAB ORGONE PYRAMIDS & COLLOIDAL SILVER - 10% off with promo code 'JOURNEYTOTRUTH' https://merlinslab.myshopify.com/?ref=JourneyToTruth SHIRTS & MERCH: Use promo code 20ANDBACK for 20% off! https://teespring.com/stores/journey-to-truth-podcast Daryl James: Former US Navy: Daryl's military career began in January of 1999 when he joined the Navy to serve in the naval mobile construction battalion 7 where he served in the middle east and as well as two years of service at the JMF Joint Maritime Force/ RAF Royal Airforce base at the Saint Mawgan Base in the UK. During this time, he escorted executives into the underground portion of the base; where he encountered grey extraterrestrials and exotic technology which could scan his bio signs. He also encountered Michael Aquino & children in cages. A quarrel with a reptilian resulted in a forced slavery punishment in the mines on the moon where he was recruited into the secret space program to work with Kruger, Solar Warden, and Dark Fleet.21.8K views 57 comments -
EP. 8 - Part 2 of Sovereign Souls Unite!
Kat EspindaPlease help Samba and his family during this time with your love and support! His mom just died due to a car accident and he is now left as the oldest to care for his brothers/sisters/orphans. He is devastated and we could really lighten his load by giving. Their livability index rate there is 18% in Gambia in comparison to ours at 92%. Please consider giving to Samba in his time of need by donating here: www.givesendgo.com/helpsamba Join the Sarge & I having off-world conversations, and bringing the truth to light. Bring your open minds and speak out what you believe! We are modeling authenticity. Authenticity has been lost and we hide our beliefs and feelings to not offend anyone. And oh how offended people are these days at every little thing? Many programmed by the media with its constant brain-washing emboldening people to be mean, vindictive, egotistical. "Better than...". A sense of entitlement because of a good credit score. But these are all very superficial traits and we have forgotten who we are Sons & Daughters. We need to work on our shadow selves and be able to talk things out between each other without slinging arrows. Keep the energy high! Learn from each other. Take what resonates with you and leave the rest behind. At the end agree to disagree and remember that we don't have to believe the same! We are all on a different journey and in different places in life that is part of the learning process. You are the King & Queen of your life and the STAR of your own show! Shine baby shine and let that light be known to the world! The more who express their true authentic selves and stop tip-toeing around in the matrix, will have a life that is full and filled with peace and love. We do have a force that does not want us to have true freedom. This world has not known true freedom for a very long time and most can't even fathom it or see the chains in their mind. A regime that has been going on in the background for a very long time is funneling us towards the NWO. We must resist this for our grandchildren because we are not going to get out of this by complying. They do not deserve to grow up under communism and fascism because we were too cowardly to stand up in the truth! I am going to stand in the truth and no matter what happens in my case, it will all be reported TRUTHFULLY! They will not escape their criminality if they move against me when I have proven to the world the bank fraud by HAPO Community Credit Union in Kennewick, Washington, and now have Allodial Title which is superior to their color of title which I also have the proof of. We were promised in these end times to be persecuted for our beliefs. For standing in the TRUTH. Who cares that this has been going on for generations this is a FIVE GENERATION PLAN FOLKS TO TAKE OVER YOUR MIND, SOUL BODY AND PROPERTY. The rule followers of the world have got their swords up and it is not even all their fault. We have all been brought up in this world of lies. Everything is a lie! Until you start to look deeper at the truth and what is going on within you, you will continue to march to the order of the cabal systems drums. Stop being a puppet for them. Realize with your "real eyes" that perhaps these so-called "conspiracy theories" are real, and you are the one living in the illusion. I had to wake up and it truly was devastating to come to this realization about the world around me not at all being what I thought it was. Its okay we all had this time in our life if you are at that point. When we know better, we must also do better! Break out of the matrix that has chained your mind for so long. Become Part of a Movement to Save the World! https://bio.site/katespinda1.87K views 21 comments -
Birth Certificate Bond – How to Pay Bills Lawfully from your Cestui Que VieTrust
WWaking the World upIn 1666 in England, they created the CESTUI QUE VIE TRUST, which was basically a law made to declare people lost at sea or dead at sea so we could be stock or property. We were issued bonds called Birth Certificates. If you were born after 1975 you were bonded for $1 million and insured for $2 million. A Cestui Que Vie Trust is an individual trust underneath the umbrella of the public charitable trust. It is through our Birth Certificate and Registration. The Public Charitable Trust Act was created in 1882. They have set up a corporate trust structure in your name without your consent and knowledge. They have set this up so you can contract with companies because a living man/woman cannot contract with a dead entity such as a corporation. On your Birth Certificate there is a Bank Name, it's on Bond Paper. There is a Cusip Number on your Birth Certificate. A Cusip Number is a number that is regulated by the Securities Exchange Commission. Let's say we were bonded for $1 million. What does that mean? It means that the bank went to the International Monetary Fund and the bank on behalf of the public under your Cusip Number borrowed $1 million from the IMF. People do not know that this is really how our Government is run. They do this for EVERY person out there and then this money is traded in mutual funds and as stocks. On the CREDIT side, $1 million worth of Treasury Bonds are issued. For every debit you have a credit. This is actually what is sold, and bundled and traded on the stock exchange. You used to be able to check how much you were worth at this website, but the last time I checked it no longer worked as more and more people were waking up and realizing this. https://gmeiutility.org -- you would just put in the Cusip number on your Birth Certificate. ANYWAY: This video will help explain and understand how you may be able to pay bills out of your Birth Certificate Bond/ Cestui Que Vie Trust to help stop being enslaved by these criminal organizations. SUMMARY: A bill is an offer to contract. It has your name, address, and an account. They are addressing your birth certificate trust (your estate trust) that is managed by the government. The trust has value. Most are worth a minimum of $1 million. The government is the Trustee of the trust. They are the holder of the legal title trust for the Grantor. The grantor is the creator of the trust and usually the initial owner of the assets. When we are born our parents are the grantors of this trust. We are the Beneficiary. The 3 main parts are: 1. Trustee, 2. Grantor and 3. Beneficiary. The trusts are actually traded in a pool of mutual funds, basically for eternity, even after the death of beneficiary. The purpose of the trust was to have the government look after us and we can pay them for “looking” after us. In the legal system this is an Express Trust Contract. They are making an offer to contract with our trust, our estate and we look at it like they are making an offer to us, but it’s with our TRUST. We have been taught that our Birth Certificate is just a record of when we have been born. Pay is a word we use when we are a Debtor. When we receive a statement with a dollar sign amount on it and we pay that electric, gas, tv, internet, bill out of our normal bank account and as soon as it lands in their account, then that actual paper document that we save in the files that we put PAID, that is dishonored by you because you haven’t honored that they have gone to the trouble that value on the document that they’ve given to you. We think that we are doing the right thing, but in the legal sense we are actually being dishonorable by paying it out of our account because we don’t know any better. That is how we have been taught and that’s how our parents were taught and their parents were taught and so on. What happens is when we pay like this, they take that document and they go to the trustee which is the government and say this document has been dishonored by its owner. So they say they are claiming the payment – which they call “Remittance.” Pay is what we are supposed to do, Remit is what they do. The legal term remittance means you are approaching as a Creditor other than a Debtor. There are some words we need to write on that document to express how we want to settle this matter. Here is what to write: This Bill or Offer is Accepted as Money for the Dollar Amount shown here. Now take it back and use it as Remittance and Settle the Accounts. You see your name on this piece of paper, the bill and they are not referring to you directly but you as a Corporation, your corporate name. They just want to contract with the Trust, they don’t care about you or I. They just want to get paid and settled for the amount that is on there. They want to access/ contract with our TRUST not us. That’s all they want according this Rick person. A Trust is a Legal arrangement between two parties. We do NOT want to be the Trustee. The Trustee is the Liable Party. When they offer to contract with our Trust and we pay it out of our bank account, we are acting as the Trustee, not the Beneficiary. We don’t know this because no one has told us. If you told this to a banker or a lawyer, they would look at you like you’re crazy. They don’t know and they don’t care to know. We must realize that a bill is an offer to make an express contract with our trust. Legal definition of an Express Contract – once you EXPRESS to them that you are aware of the contract offer and you are the Beneficiary and they are Trustee and you accept their offer for money for the dollar amount on the offer and you permit them to settle this by using it as remittance. If we ignore this bill or their offer, they will come looking for you. Once we have obtained this knowledge we have legally reached the Age of Majority. Once we know we are the beneficiary and they are the trustee, we can make them ACT as the trustee. It is a TRUST. We benefit from the trust. It is the trustee’s JOB to make sure the trust runs accordingly. You can’t go and buy a house or a car this way, but whenever you are OFFERED with your name on it and a dollar amount, you can accept that offer as an express contract and instruct the trustee how to settle the offer. The ONLY ones who have ACCESS to the TRUST is the Trustee and that is the Government and I take it those corporations contracted with the government. I am personally aware of someone who used this method to pay a bank loan for a farm and acquired an Alloidal Title, but that process is MUCH more complex. You have just instructed them to take that you accepted this piece of paper as money and they shall take it back and use it as remittance and settle the account. Trustees must listen to the Beneficiaries. 26:45 We have never been taught what Money is. Money is a Bill of Exchange. **This must be done in Blue Ink. 1. Then you write your name. Then you must write what you are – your executive title. 2. You write “Equitable Beneficial Named Estate Trust Title Holder” and then write “I’m not the Trustee.” 3. At the bottom you write “Without Prejudice.” 4. You write the Date. Once you have done all of this, you have just CREATED MONEY. That paper is technically money. It is a Bill of Exchange. Then you mail it back to them. The main thing to know is that we are dealing with a TRUST. They cannot benefit by taking any funds out of it. Evidently they can somehow use values to trade it. When speaking to them on the phone, ALWAYS state that YOU are the BENEFICIARY and not the Trustee. Otherwise, they assume you are the trustee. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SOURCE: Roscoe147 -- https://www.bitchute.com/video/hWRHwzzezVrj/ Follow me on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/WakeUpWorld ****IVERMECTIN, HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE and FENBENDAZOLE**** Get your Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and Fenbendazole while you can. These will be regulated soon and likely unavailable. 2 Great Sources Below. Grant Pharmacy – Order Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin and Fenbendazole -- https://www.grantpharmacy.com/anti-viral#u4 Grant Pharmacy Discount Coupon = “SAVE10” Refer Code: EB0EFB OR ReliableRx Pharmacy 1. *Ivermectin 12mg – Ivetab 12mg --- https://www.reliablerxpharmacy.com/affiliate/product/share?mw_aref=e3fb25608a75bd02e96700dcdf992c47&product_id=11973 2. *Hydroxychloroquine 400 mg – HCQS 400mg --- https://www.reliablerxpharmacy.com/affiliate/product/share?mw_aref=e3fb25608a75bd02e96700dcdf992c47&product_id=11854 Buy Me a Coffee – https://ko-fi.com/wakingtheworldup END. 2/23/2024. ----------------------------------------------------------------------7.34K views 6 comments -
Trump In Charge
MartinBrodelpaypal email account MBrodel@aol.com paypal.me/martinbrodel Martin Brodel 36248 HWY 133 Hotchkiss, Colorado 81419 https://alaskachaga.us/discount/MARTIN my site at bitchute..... https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ddBz9vgnRFty/ https://rumble.com/account/content?type=all https://www.brighteon.com/dashboard/videos https://ugetube.com/watch/KI2pVQmcFPs8Swt Bear's True Blue ph# 1-615-854-3057 www.bearsautoproducts.com www.mynaturesecret.com Hero Soap Company https://hero-soap-company.myshopify.com?sca_ref=26744.d7ts6ctNME http://martinbrodelcbd.com/ https://www.mydailychoice.com/....corp/hempMomma/?enro= http://www.greasysgarage.com/ https://communityreviews.org/ https://hero-soap-company.myshopify.com?sca_ref=26744.d7ts6ctNME http://martinbrodelcbd.com/ https://www.mydailychoice.com/....corp/hempMomma/?enro= http://www.greasysgarage.com/ https://communityreviews.org/ Robert Norris retired SFC Army if your concerned about shedding or other symptoms please contact me to recommend the best for your situation and budget/ 509-879-6734 gold4younow24k@gmail.com takechargeyourhealth.usana.com go to Mnorris123 on Rumble we have 7 years as subject matter expert's in USANA Products you got everything to gain for your health Hours 6:30-10pm Pacific 7days please contact even your not ready to purchase I can help https://takechargeyourhealth.usana.com/ux/dotcom/enu-US/home Artwork by Teodor Octavio Graca featuring 23 original works of beautiful art in a ring bound book: https://app.thebookpatch.com/BookStore/tog-estate-art---volume-3/97c85cfb-5ded-42e5-a86d-979a6766f0b9 Teo's Full Color Ring Bound Art Books - Videos Links for Volumes 4 (new) and 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zct42YzPM80 https://youtu.be/4lEgjgmzXOQ8.31K views 19 comments -
Looking Glass: From The Whistleblower's Mouths
RenardFor those of you who do not know the entire Looking Glass story. https://x.com/papitrumpo/status/1740861201217728798?s=46 Like Share or Follow Renard🦊 Cruel History17.6K views 81 comments