Reflections & Warnings - An Interview With Aaron Russo -- MUST WATCH!! Revealing & Shocking to Most of the People!
RAVriesIn a historic final interview, filmmaker Aaron Russo goes in depth on the insider-knowledge given to him by a member of the Rockefeller family. Aaron Russo is one of the more famous American film producers and directors. He was best known for his work on movies like Wise Guys and Trading Places. This interview was filmed before his death in 2007, and in it, Russo reflects on another aspect of his career, which is political activism. Russo was very active in the world of politics, and used his name and fame to try and make a change. In the interview, he reflects on the 9/11 incident. He claims he had insider-knowledge, given to him by a member of the Rockefeller family. 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TheRealStrangerThanFictionYour Donation And Support Is Very Much Needed To Continue: 👉 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/StrangerThanF1ction 👉 Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/STFProductions Bookmark My Website: https://thestrangerfiction.com/ Homosexual/Gay Hip-Hop agenda in Hollywood fully exposed. No matter how many times I uploaded they always took this footage down. This material is officially banned on YouTube. My shadow banned "extremist" YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/StrangerThanFiction11 Twitter: https://twitter.com/douseewhateyec7 #StrangerThanFiction #Illuminati #NWO #Satanic #Hollywood #Gay #Ritual #Sodomite #Jesuits #JesuitOrder6.66K views 10 comments -
Adolf Hitler - The Greatest Story NEVER Told (Full Documentary)
bfradysAdolf Hitler - The Greatest Story NEVER Told (Full Documentary) [Source: https://archive.org/details/adolf-hitler-the-greatest-story-never-told] Learn the untold story about the most reviled man in history. Adolf Hitler, The Greatest Story Never Told is a 6-hour Documentary by TruthWillOut Films. This ground-breaking documentary chronicles the rise of Germany from defeat in World War I, to communist attempts to take over Germany; hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic, widespread unemployment and misery, and Adolf Hitler’s rise to power. It also reveals a personal side of Adolf Hitler: who he was, his family background, his artwork and struggles in Vienna and what motivated him to come to power. There’s so much hidden history to recount; FDR Pearl Harbor conspiracy, Soviet brutality, betrayal and treachery on all sides. Do we really know the true cost of war? Do we really possess all the facts? Watch this series and uncover the real root causes of World War II. Do your own research and decide what you choose to believe. Think differently.39K views 94 comments -
Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told PART 1
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Germans Got "Trump Treatment": The Nuremberg Trials were Show Trials / Kangaroo Courts.
teddolbiThe purpose of Nuremberg was to project all their disgusting Bolshevik / Communist Crimes onto Hitler and Germany and Demonize them, also so they could sell their Holocaust Hoax for the next 70+ years... Literally Tortured to extort "Confessions". What a good goy you are! . "Trump Treatment" Explained: Atty Alina Habba ERUPTS After Corrupt New York Kangaroo Court Denies Trump the Right to Speak https://rumble.com/v49tiif-atty-alina-habba-erupts-after-corrupt-new-york-kangaroo-court-denies-trump-.html . . Europa The Last Battle https://odysee.com/@dolbi2020:c/EUROPA-THE-LAST-BATTLE-ALL-10-PARTS-Complete-and-Final-Version-2019-HD-1:2 https://www.bitchute.com/video/YDyz9eZKkSQv/ https://www.europathelastbattle.net/ https://odysee.com/@EuropaTheLastBattle:c?view=home . Adolf Hitler - Why the National-Socialist Revolution happened. https://odysee.com/@R.A.I.N.:0/Adolf-Hitler-Why-the-National-Socialist-Revolution-happened:0 . DOCUMENTARY: Eisenhower’s Rhine Meadows Death Camps-Deliberate Policy of Extermination of Caucasians https://rumble.com/v3mqsaa-documentary-eisenhowers-rhine-meadows-death-camps-deliberate-policy-of-exte.html . . STAY THE F-CK AWAY FROM BLACK PEOPLE https://gab.com/dolbi2020/posts/111782225922811384 . EDUCATIONAL: ABOUT FOUNDING FATHERS https://gab.com/dolbi2020/posts/111771560252244960 . BROTHER NATHANAEL NEWS https://www.realjewnews.com/ https://www.bitchute.com/channel/brothernathanael/ .. REPEAT REPEAT REPEAT https://gab.com/dolbi2020/posts/111730502667078300 .. WOKE WEST: DIVERSITY IS ITS STRENGTH HARD HITTING INFO https://gab.com/dolbi2020/posts/109047406004836961 . NEWS THAT DID NOT MAKE THE NEWS https://gab.com/dolbi2020/posts/111719010942719891 . BANNED FILMS DOCUMENTARIES https://gab.com/dolbi2020/posts/111735973550485697 . FORBIDDEN VIDEOS https://gab.com/dolbi2020/posts/111735991661412921 . HARD HITTING INFO ON THE TRUE NATURE OF BLACKS. https://gab.com/dolbi2020/posts/110966861764981392 . Polling Company Rasmussen: UP TO 30 MILLION VOTES IN NOV 2020 WERE TOTAL FRAUD! So, Biden was installed – Just Like a Toilet. https://rumble.com/v41n5wv-polling-company-rasmussen-up-to-30-million-votes-in-nov-2020-were-total-fra.html . Biden Admin Is Spending $451 BILLION a Year to Pay for Illegal Alien and Asylum Seeker Benefits (VIDEO) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/11/revealed-biden-admin-is-spending-451-billion-year/ . In 1960 America was 90% White, in 2024 it is 55% White. This is Genocide! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_racial_and_ethnic_demographics_of_the_United_States . Invasion of USA by Belligerent Forces Happening Now and They Hate and Will Kill White Americans. https://rumble.com/v3x7uu7-invasion-of-usa-by-belligerent-forces-happening-now-and-they-hate-white-ame.html . Support of Non-White immigration (both legal and illegal) is the #1 precept of Cultural Marxism. https://destoryculturalmarxism.blogspot.com/ https://rumble.com/vm89jz-what-is-cultural-marxism-a.k.a.-critical-theory-taught-today-in-western-sch.html . . SOURCE @DeplorableRussianBot https://gab.com/Neri_Goy/posts/111829918440557516 . BONUS . Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told (full-movie) Lo Bit Rate https://odysee.com/@InterestingTimes:e/Adolf-Hitler-The-Greatest-Story-Never-Told-full-movie:a The Greatest Story Never Told - Full Movie (Banned In 22 Western Countries) Lo Bit Rate https://www.bitchute.com/video/AKEgAE0SiqK5/ Adolf Hitler - The Greatest Story Never Told Hi Bit Rate https://rumble.com/v47mcui-adolf-hitler-the-greatest-story-never-told.html . Hellstorm — The Real Genocide of 'Nazi' Germany https://rumble.com/v3ki93v-hellstorm-the-real-genocide-of-nazi-germany.html . The Sacking Of Germany After World War II by Gott Mit Uns https://rumble.com/v35zlw7-the-sacking-of-germany-after-world-war-ii-by-gott-mit-uns.html13.3K views 11 comments -
New World Order: Communism By The Backdoor | Dennis Wise
Just a DudeThis sensational documentary by Dennis Wise proves beyond doubt that the Western countries both "victorious and the defeated" after World War Two have been covertly under Communism since 1945. Dennis Wise reveals compelling evidence of how, why, and who is responsible for the completion of a plan to enslave us all and he will show you step-by-step, illustrating how institutions including the United Nations and secret societies, such as freemasonry and the European Union, have all played their part in pursuing their end goal. 'NWO: Communism By The Backdoor' exposes a tangled web of lies and deceit and shows the very people many regard as heroes, as nothing more than traitors. This is the sequel to the epic and ground-breaking Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told! Be prepared for yet another life-changing experience. From the ruins of the Second World War, the victors have slowly and covertly built the framework to form a One World Government, just as was tried thousands of years ago in Babylon. One World Government, which will be Communism. One World Religion, which will be Luciferian. With the World Capital Jerusalem, and Israel as our Masters. The findings will shock you to the core as the plan behind the New World Order is stripped away and exposed piece by piece, episode by episode. Also included is the work of historians and patriots who have helped to unravel this spider’s web. There has never been a documentary so devastating in its revelations, including how Britain and America are already ruled under Communism, and how we are all paying tribute to Israel without even realizing it. Part 01: The Decline Of America - 00:00:00 Part 02: Secret Beginnings - 00:14:28 Part 03: The Evil Of Freemasonry - 00:29:29 Part 04: Freemasonry And The Music Industry - 00:44:02 Part 05: 1945 The Infiltration Of The Roman Catholic Church - 00:57:58 Part 06: His Finest Hour - 01:12:35 Part 07: The United Nations - 01:27:44 Part 08: Hollywood Babylon - 01:42:51 Part 09: The State Of Israel - 01:58:02 Part 10: Understanding The Jewish Quest For World Domination - 02:13:12 Part 11: The Khazars - 02:28:31 Part 12: White Democide - 02:43:42 Part 13: The Consequences Of Germany Defeat - 02:58:56 Part 14: From Socialism To Communism - 03:13:58 Part 15: Zionism And The NWO - 03:28:50 Part 16: Usury - 03:44:02 Part 17: War - 03:58:50 Part 18: Bill Cooper - 04:14:05 Part 19: Stalin And The Bolsheviks - 04:29:01 Part 20: Rothschilds - 04:44:03 Part 21: Traitors For The NWO - 04:59:14 Part 22: Sources - 05:14:33 Release Date: 2014 Director: Dennis Wise Stars: Beyoncé, Tony Blair, George Bush ............... ► If you're reading this, please throw a 😎 in the comments section! Thank you! ............... PLATFORMS WHERE YOU CAN FIND ME: • Telegram: https://t.me/JustDudeChannel • Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JustDudeChannel • Gab: https://gab.com/JustDudeChannel • Minds: https://www.minds.com/justdudechannel/?referrer=justdudechannel ............... SUPPORT JUST A DUDE: • PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/4a95f9t431.3K views 44 comments