Holiday specials
33 videos
Updated 3 months ago
Here are the holiday specials I'd made, whether it'd be for the spring, Easter, Halloween, the winter and summer solstices, Valentine's, etc. Everything's been arranged depending on setting and where each holiday often places throughout the year.
Elemental List Marathon
TheIkranRiderThe elemental list marathon is here!! Just in time for the holidays and to close out 2024! Thank you so much for sticking around on my first mega series! Stay tuned for more in 2025! Happy Holidays, everyone! Chapters: @0:00 Cryokinetics @32:48 Aerokinetics @1:09:10 Pyrokinetics @1:56:07 Electrokinetics @2:37:17 Hydrokinetics @3:12:22 Chlorokinetics @3:46:41 Geokinetics @4:24:15 Photokinetics @5:00:18 Toxokinetics @5:34:41 Telekinetics @6:15:02 Umbrakinetics @7:04:04 Sonokinetics @7:37:49 Chronokinetics @8:19:45 Credits11 views -
Lacey Township High School Winter Concert 2002
TheIkranRiderHey guys. Since the holiday season is coming, and with Chronokinetics done, I've decided to upload something from my own high school! This is from its winter concert back in 2002, and I was a freshman then. This is the only surviving concert I have, and it's me being second soprano during the choir segments; the 1st five songs are from the band, while the other ten are from the chorus. Little did I knew this'd be my final year in choir, with the first year being back in 4th grade. Enjoy. Also, if you happen to be from the Lacey High School from 2002 to 2008, I happen to be one of those students then! Songs: Lacey Township High School Concert Band @0:00 Christmas Favorites @4:53 The Eighth Candle @12:58 Coventry Carol/Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring @18:48 Midnight Sleighride @23:15 A Family Christmas Lacey Township High School Concert Choir @27:50 Gloria Deo @30:30 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening @33:50 Carol of the Bells @35:40 Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy @37:22 Give Me a Silent Night (Senior Song) @40:52 Hiney Mah Tov @42:34 O Holy Night (Women only) @46:10 O Tannenbaum (Men only) @48:17 The Heavens Are Telling @53:06 Hallelujah Chorus4 views -
Top 10 Vlack Characters in Video Games
TheIkranRiderWelcome to my 2nd ethnic countdown, my first being my Tribal Characters. And much like my previous list, IF you happen to find any characters offensive, you only have yourselves and the developers to blame! Originally, it was supposed to be for Black History Month, but I thought I'd might surprise you! :D Besides, I have another list planned for February and there'd be none for this month. So, enjoy! Had so many tech issues too, like running out of space and errors on processing/rendering it. Channel Intro: @0:00 Intro: @0:33 Number 10: @1:47 Number 9: @3:48 Number 8: @4:59 Number 7: @6:50 Number 6: @8:48 Number 5: @10:13 Number 4: @12:09 Number 3: @14:03 Number 2: @16:47 Number 1: @18:53 Special note: @22:517 views -
Top 10 Video Game Cryokinetics
TheIkranRiderWelcome to my 2nd wintery countdown, and my 1st Elemental Top 10. Cryokinetics are one of the most fascinating and fanciest elemental warriors. So, what better way to embrace this frigid season than highlighting some of those that're capable of sculpting and conjuring the ice and snow! Enjoy! :) NOTE: This was a negative response to the Green Scorpion and the Quarter Guy's lists they made several years back... And yet I get backlash from minor complaints, how pitiful. Chapters: @00:00 Negative response @00:05 Channel intro @00:37 Intro @02:21 Number 10 @04:59 Number 9 @06:59 Number 8 @08:55 Number 7 @11:06 Number 6 @13:07 Number 5 @15:39 Number 4 @19:16 Number 3 @21:46 Number 2 @25:43 Honors/Dishonors @26:13 Number 17 views -
Top 10 Video Game Couples
TheIkranRiderHappy Valentine's Day to all of you! The season of love is truly upon us, and what better way to celebrate it and embrace it than with chocolates and my favorite couples in video games! Some are controversial than others, but these 10 are of good faith. Enjoy! NOTE: I do support LBGT+ couples too, even though they seem hard to come by. FoxxKrystal supporter: https://www.deviantart.com/hectorny NOTE: At the time on creating this vid, I wasn't aware that Liu Kang & Kitana was an official couple during his Perfect Ending in MK11; I'd much rather have them as the new Gods, with Liu as the Fire God, as they're finally together officially! So...I actually got what I wanted, but not in a way I expected. Intro: @0:00 Couples Intro: @0:31 Number 10: @1:29 Number 9: @4:00 Number 8: @6:13 Number 7: @8:25 Number 6: @11:09 Number 5: @13:05 Number 4: @15:05 Number 3: @18:05 Number 2: @20:37 Honorable Mentions: @22:30 Number 1: @23:4132 views 1 comment -
Top 10 Video Game Pyrokinetics
TheIkranRiderWelcome to my 3rd Elemental Top 10, and just in time for my 3rd anniversary on YouTube! Pyrotics, along with Pyromaniacs, are essential, volatile, and versatile, not to mention the most basic of all elemental benders. It's been around since Earth was being developed for billions of years, and it was a breakthrough since humans discovered on how to use it! And it's 10x better once fictional characters went above and beyond possessing it! Here are the 10 trailblazers! Chapters: @0:00 Negative response @0:04 Channel intro @0:36 Intro @2:09 Number 10 @5:20 Number 9 @8:06 Number 8 @12:12 Number 7 @16:37 Number 6 @19:51 Number 5 @22:52 Number 4 @26:11 Number 3 @30:37 Number 2 @37:36 Honors @39:55 Number 1 Error(s): I mistakenly considered Hothead and Sparky to be pyros, but I later found out they're electrokinetics... I still think Bowser created them, though, my bad. Even when I mistakenly added Dinorex from X4 than X5... :(9 views -
Top 10 Forest Levels in Video Games
TheIkranRiderHappy Spring to you all, and welcome to my Forest countdown! My favorite color is green, even though I love autumn. It's still synonymous with Spring, and that's when regions recover after a long, harsh winter. Enjoy my 3rd Environmental Levels list! May I say, I'm very proud how this turned out! ;) Also, here's the link to my favorite relaxing nature video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipf7ifVSeDU&t=9178s @0:00 Inspired by Meta527ii @0:05 Channel intro @0:36 Intro @1:48 Number 10 @4:19 Number 9 @7:31 Number 8 @9:30 Number 7 @11:23 Number 6 @13:25 Number 5 @16:34 Number 4 @19:27 Number 3 @21:38 Number 2 @24:29 Honorable Mentions @25:40 Number 11 view -
Top 10 Favorite Rodents in Video Games
TheIkranRiderHello and Happy Easter! And Passover as well. And welcome to my Easter special! Like my Forest Levels, I'm very proud how this turned out, and it was NOT an Easy endeavor on account of strict time, my 3rd Moderna booster, and life in general. Enjoy, and I promise to keep it lenient! Have a Happy Easter, and I hope I'm not the only one that can associate the Top Gear Ending theme to Here Comes Peter Cottontail! @o:oo Channel intro @0:31 Intro @1:49 Number 10 @3:25 Number 9 @5:14 Number 8 @7:11 Number 7 @9:17 Number 6 @11:11 Number 5 @12:48 Number 4 @14:34 Number 3 @17:06 Number 2 @19:33 Honorable Mentions @20:42 Number 19 views -
Top 12 Female Characters in Video Games
TheIkranRider"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!" Happy Belated International Women's Day to all of you, and welcome to another Top 12 in honor of International Women's Month! I happen to be a feminist and a lady myself, so this topic has impacted me personally! Women are usually underappreciated in any medium, even on here and in video games. It's time to give credit when credit is due! Enjoy my special countdown to all the fine ladies out there! :) Oh, I forgot to mention Shiva on Honorable Mentions. Chapters: @0:00 Rebuttal @0:08 Channel Intro @0:40 Intro @2:08 Number 12 @4:45 Number 11 @7:03 Number 10 @9:47 Number 9 @13:22 Number 8 @17:08 Number 7 @19:38 Number 6 @22:16 Number 5 @24:20 Number 4 @27:25 Number 3 @29:58 Number 2 @34:00 Honors @34:50 Number 112 views -
Top 10 Swamp Levels in Video Games
TheIkranRiderWelcome to my Spring 2023 special, which is also the successor to my Forest Levels list I made last year! Swamps are intriguing environments, in video games or reals, and they happen to be woodlands' closest neighbors! Whether in forests, or barren like in marshes, these fenlands were quite the sights! I mentioned Blockfort near the end, so here's what gave me the inspiration. https://www.blockfort.com/other-lists/swamplevels/ Chapters: @0:00 Intro @0:30 Swamp Intro @2:09 Number 10 @4:21 Number 9 @5:45 Number 8 @8:33 Number 7 @11:45 Number 6 @14:18 Number 5 @16:20 Number 4 @18:06 Number 3 @20:11 Number 2 @23:13 Honors @24:25 Number 110 views