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47 videos
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The ROMANS series began in June 2020 and is currently being taught on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Audio lessons are updated weekly. Link below: It is important to note that not walking according to the flesh but according to the Spirit is a choice that believers make. They will decide to walk according to the flesh (sin nature) by trying to keep the law or by walking in a manner that pleases themselves rather than God, OR, they will decide to walk by the power of the Holy Spirit by trusting in Him rather than themselves. Romans 8:5
  1. ROMANS # 390, Believers can recover from carnality by acknowledging sins. 1John 1:9. (1-28-25)
  2. ROMANS # 389, God's promise: You cannot lose your salvation. Ephesians 2:8-9 (1-16-25)
  3. ROMANS # 388, Carnal believers will miss out on rewards in heaven. (1-14-25)
  4. ROMANS # 387, Paul had enthusiasm for presenting the gospel and engaging with people. (1-2-25)
  5. ROMANS # 386, God chose Paul to give the Good News once Christ ascended to Heaven. (12-19-24)
  6. ROMANS # 384, God uses bad people to make good things happen. (12/10/24)
  7. ROMANS # 383, There is power in prayer, and especially in unified prayer. (12-5-24)
  8. ROMANS # 381, God's plan is customized specifically for us and it is perfect. (11-26-24)
  9. ROMANS # 380, Paul longed to spread the Gospel to as many people as possible. (11-21-24)
  10. ROMANS # 379, The Holy Spirit enables unbelievers to 'consider' the gospel. (11-19-24)