Canadian News
17 videos
Updated 4 months ago
Important news related to Canada.
German European Parliament member Christine Anderson demolishes blackfaced Hitler Justin Trudeau
LukeSharpTVGerman European Parliament member Christine Anderson demolishes the blackfaced Hitler, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, with her opening remarks in Brussels. 👏80 views -
Canadian P.M Justin Trudeau is destroyed by Croatian E.U member, Mislav Kolakusic.
LukeSharpTVCanadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is absolutely destroyed by European Parliament member from Croatia, Mislav Kolakusic.60 views -
Canadian restaurant owner keeps her restaurant open in defiance of public health orders 🔥
LukeSharpTVThe owner of The Leaky Tank restaurant in Sarnia, Ontario keeps her restaurant open in defiance of public health orders, taking a stand against the draconian government mandates in place in the province. ✊🔥💯 Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LukeSharpMusic47 views -
1000s of Canadians across the country were out protesting the government in freezing temperatures
LukeSharpTVThousands of Canadians in cities across the country took to the streets attending freedom rallies in absolute freezing temperatures to protest the government's covid dictatorship on Saturday.17 views -
17 year old girl confined to wheelchair shares her vaccine injury story at freedom rally in Canada
LukeSharpTVA 17 year old girl Canadian girl who is now confined to a wheelchair shares her Pfizer vaccine injury story at the freedom rally in Fredericton, New Brunswick this past Saturday.57 views -
Ottawa police assaulted and arrested old man, then crashed into civilian to justify arrest
LukeSharpTVThe Ottawa Police Department is out of control! First they assaulted and arrested a little old man, then they crashed their vehicle into a civilian and blamed him in order to arrest him.47 views -
Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau caught covid a month after his booster shot. 😳
LukeSharpTVCanadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau proves the vaccines are ineffective, and that vaccine passports and mandates are illogical as he tests positive for covid a month after receiving his booster shot.225 views -
Canadian Armed Forces Veteran James Topp is marching across Canada to protest the Canadian goverment
LukeSharpTVRetired Canadian Armed Forces veteran James Topp is marching 4600 kilometers across Canada on his way to Ottawa, protesting for the rights & freedoms of Canadians that have been taken away by the Trudeau regime. 🇨🇦172 views 2 comments -
Canada no longer a democracy as new law allows government to sieze property for protesting
LukeSharpTVMore proof Canada is no longer a democracy as Ontario Bill 100 is about to pass. This will give the government the authority to sieze your property, including your car and house just for protesting. These are not "emergency powers", this act is permanent.5.48K views 4 comments -
Proof that Pierre Poilievre is working for the World Economic Forum (WEF page, Bill Gates, & more)
LukeSharpTVThis video sets out to prove that Canada's conservative party candidate for Prime Minister, Pierre Poilievre, works for the World Economic Forum. The clips used were from The Luke Sharp Show episodes 1 https://youtu.be/AXQsl9e9Tvw and 2 (coming soon), as well as featuring a video of NHL legend Theo Fleury. Pierre Poilievre's deleted but saved and archived World Economic Forum page: https://web.archive.org/web/20210401060525/https://www.weforum.org/people/Pierre-poilievre DeniseInCanada's video showing how Pierre's campaign heads all work for the World Economic Forum: https://twitter.com/DeniseInCanada/status/1518413756799365122?t=S9Kw-43EACx_Ox_59w6bvQ&s=19 NHL legend Theo Fleury proving Pierre Poilievre works for the Forum: https://fb.watch/cIjlSYOgWy/ Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lukesharpmusic Or join my telegram channel at https://t.me/LukeSharpTV Official Website: http://www.lukesharptv.com3.25K views 7 comments