La Lumiere De Ma Vie (WAD) UV-Max
3 videos
Updated 6 months ago
A 4 Map masterpiece from Mapmaker D0M0 explore this hard as nails DooM Cute adventure!
1) Port = GZ DooM
2) Pistol Starting each map
3) Playing on Ultra-Violence Difficulty
4) Since I have never played this before each map will be Blind!
5) Completing all Maps
6) Obtaining all Secrets
7) Including all Secret Levels (if applicable)
8) Obtaining all Items
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La Lumiere De Ma Vie (WAD) [Map01 - Dancing on Flowers] Pistol Start (UV-Max)
LegendaryEeveeCreator: -- D0M0 ( @DoomPlayerD0M0 ) Credits: -- CC4tex & Rbk (Textures) -- Grapes (Bugs and Errors) Port: -- GZ Doom Compatibility: -- BooM (9) Difficulty: -- Ultra Violence ================================= Download: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/j-l/lldmv Doomworld: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/146887-la-lumiere-de-ma-vie-complevel-9-rc1/ GZ DooM: https://zdoom.org/downloads Full Screen HUD: https://github.com/3saster/fullscrn_huds ZDL Launcher: https://www.moddb.com/mods/brutal-doom/addons/zdl-final-fixed-version ================================= Come enjoy this 4 Map WAD for DooM II on ZDooM Port. Make sure to set the compatibility to BooM (9) and get ready for some challenging DooM Cute as we go Dancing on Flowers! ================================= Please click like & subscribe so I can know these videos are reaching our audience and you can be informed as the new ones are released, Thank you! ================================= Timestamps: Guided Walkthrough = 0:0012 views -
La Lumiere De Ma Vie (WAD) [Map02 - Endless Enigmas] Pistol Start (UV-Max)
LegendaryEeveeCreator: -- D0M0 ( @DoomPlayerD0M0 ) Credits: -- CC4tex & Rbk (Textures) -- Grapes (Bugs and Errors) Port: -- GZ Doom Compatibility: -- BooM (9) Difficulty: -- Ultra Violence ================================= Download for this WAD: https://www.mediafire.com/file/oiozc23c46nb7w6/LLDMV_RC1.wad/file Doomworld: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/146887-la-lumiere-de-ma-vie-complevel-9-rc1/ GZ DooM: https://zdoom.org/downloads Full Screen HUD: https://github.com/3saster/fullscrn_huds ZDL Launcher: https://www.moddb.com/mods/brutal-doom/addons/zdl-final-fixed-version ================================= Come enjoy this 4 Map WAD for DooM II on ZDooM Port. Make sure to set the compatibility to BooM (9) and get ready for some challenging DooM Cute as we go Dancing on Flowers! ================================= Please click like & subscribe so I can know these videos are reaching our audience and you can be informed as the new ones are released, Thank you! ================================= Timestamps: Guided Walkthrough = 0:00 Secret #1 = 3:05 Guided Walkthrough = 3:45 Secret #2 = 6:35 Final Stretch = 7:5515 views -
La Lumiere De Ma Vie (WAD) [Map03 - Periwinkle] Pistol Start (UV-Max)
LegendaryEeveeCreator: -- D0M0 ( @DoomPlayerD0M0 ) Credits: -- CC4tex & Rbk (Textures) -- Grapes (Bugs and Errors) Port: -- GZ Doom Compatibility: -- BooM (9) Difficulty: -- Ultra Violence ================================= Download: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/j-l/lldmv Doomworld: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/146887-la-lumiere-de-ma-vie-complevel-9-rc1/ GZ DooM: https://zdoom.org/downloads Full Screen HUD: https://github.com/3saster/fullscrn_huds ZDL Launcher: https://www.moddb.com/mods/brutal-doom/addons/zdl-final-fixed-version ================================= Come enjoy this 4 Map WAD for DooM II on ZDooM Port. Make sure to set the compatibility to BooM (9) and get ready for some challenging DooM Cute as we go Dancing on Flowers! ================================= Please click like & subscribe so I can know these videos are reaching our audience and you can be informed as the new ones are released, Thank you! ================================= Timestamps: Guided Walkthrough = 0:00 Secret #1 = 3:10 Guided Walkthrough = 4:50 Secret #2 = 7:00 Secret #3 = 7:35 Secret #4 = 8:45 Guided Walkthrough = 9:15 Secret #5 = 11:15 Final Stretch = 11:309 views