The Big MOVE Away from Patreon
The Jerry Wills ShowAs of January 1st, The Jerry Wills Show removed all media from our Patreon account and exclusively onto our website [JerryWillsShow.com]. We did this because of issues with Patreon we were unhappy about; with customer service being at the top of that list. There is now nothing on Patreon at all. Memberships have been [and are still being] transferred to our site. If you have not already done so, you need to contact us for detailed instructions on how this is done. Also, if you are supporting us [here] on Locals, we urge you to cancel your monthly subscription and consider resubscribing on our website. Your best choice for a membership is $15 per month. But, there is a lot of media at the lower levels. Take a look and decide what is best for you. https://jerrywillsshow.com/plans/signup/822 views 1 comment