How to EASILY Split Tomatoes for Canning
Against the Grain HomesteadIn this video, I share with you how to easily split tomato skins for canning later. After watching this video, be sure to watch the next two videos as they show the next step after this video and then how to can tomatoes, step by step. It's a waterbath canning tomatoes 101 class. WATCH NEXT: https://youtu.be/mqjiMwOSeYE Then WATCH: https://youtu.be/2tUiz6O6Mmo https://youtu.be/QAcurFNF5Qg35 views -
Thawing Frozen Tomatoes for Water Bath Canning
Against the Grain HomesteadCome along as we thaw frozen tomatoes to water bath can. In another video, we share with you how we water bath can THESE tomatoes from start to finish. https://youtu.be/DPamz3m90TQ30 views -
*2 IMPORTANT Things to Know When Canning Frozen Tomatoes
Against the Grain Homestead2 IMPORTANT THINGS TO KNOW WHEN CANNING FROZEN TOMATOES HOW TO FREEZE TOMATOES https://youtu.be/2w9rCEThsNw HOW TO THAW TOMATOES https://youtu.be/mqjiMwOSeYE HOW TO CAN TOMATOES https://youtu.be/2tUiz6O6Mmo VACUUM SEALER BAGS and ROLLS: Looking for thick and durable vacuum sealer bags and rolls? Use my link to order some at an affordable price from the Out of Air brand. https://outofair.com/agh (I may get a small commission if you order through my link; THANK YOU in advance.) I do have a video review on these bags. AZURE STANDARD: I have been ordering from Azure Standard since 2011, they are a great bulk food (and MUCH more) company. Check them out at https://www.azurestandard.com/?a_aid=OwXngkhCYR or https://www.azurestandard.com/start and enter code ShanaCora1 If you order from them, I may receive a small commission on your first order. Please subscribe to my website and download your FREE Guide to Making Perfect Bread Every Time. You can download the guide at the link below. https://hustling-maker-280.ck.page/443442a0d0 Check out all my many playlists on cooking, food preservation, canning, fermenting, gardening, homesteading skills, and much more! FIND ME: WEBSITE: https://againstthegrainhomestead.com YOU TUBE: https://www.youtube.com/c/AgainsttheGrainHomestead RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/user/AgainsttheGrainHomestead GAB: https://gab.com/AgainsttheGrainHomestead PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.com/AgainsttheGrainHomestead/69 views -
Pasta Sauce from Home Canned Whole Tomatoes
Against the Grain HomesteadTOMATO PLAYLIST https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAnRytBJ0EnxV3Ao-UrhO3RtS7AB-KEWA&si=Qf8l7T40zyXM3inc If you haven't ordered from Azure Standard before, check them out. If you order, I may get a small commission but ONLY from your first order ($100 order) and only if you're a NEW customer that signed up using MY link or code. Thank you in advance! I have been ordering from Azure since 2011, and they are a great company. Azure is a bulk food distributor specializing in organic foods as well as specialty foods for those with food allergies. You may use this link https://www.azurestandard.com/?a_aid=OwXngkhCYR or go to https://www.azurestandard.com/start and enter the code ShanaCora1 Please subscribe to my website and download your FREE Guide to Making Perfect Bread Every Time. You can download the guide at the link below. https://hustling-maker-280.ck.page/443442a0d0 Check out all my many playlists on cooking, food preservation, canning, fermenting, gardening, homesteading skills, and much more! WEBSITE: https://againstthegrainhomestead.com VIDEOS: RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/user/AgainsttheGrainHomestead YOU TUBE: https://www.youtube.com/c/AgainsttheGrainHomestead GAB: https://gab.com/AgainsttheGrainHomestead PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.com/AgainsttheGrainHomestead40 views 1 comment -
The BEST Knife: Peels Tomato Like Butter 2023
Against the Grain HomesteadThe best knife I have ever found. I am completely sold on Rada brand knives. Not only do they do everything I need, they are also made in America. If you haven't ordered from Azure Standard before, check them out. If you order, I may get a small commission but ONLY from your first order ($100 order) and only if you're a NEW customer that signed up using MY link or code. Thank you in advance! I have been ordering from Azure since 2011, and they are a great company. Azure is a bulk food distributor specializing in organic foods as well as specialty foods for those with food allergies. You may use this link https://www.azurestandard.com/?a_aid=OwXngkhCYR or go to https://www.azurestandard.com/start and enter the code ShanaCora1 WEBSITE: https://againstthegrainhomestead.com VIDEOS: RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/user/AgainsttheGrainHomestead YOU TUBE: https://www.youtube.com/c/AgainsttheGrainHomestead GAB: https://gab.com/AgainsttheGrainHomestead PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.com/AgainsttheGrainHomestead95 views