Pilots Testify Pedophile Faggot Bill Gates Is Carpet Bombing Cities With Chemtrails!
KimOsboelYeah Controlled Opposition PRO 'Virus' Gatekeeper 'The People's Voice' is STILL Pushing 'Viruses' and they also like and trust Pedophile Psyop Donald J. Trump. Research this: Has 'The People's Voice' EVER made a Video who proof that No 'Virus' NEVER has been scientifically 'isolated' and does NOT Exists? Has 'The People's Voice' EVER made a Video who proof who Pedophile Psyop Donald J. Trump really are? Both Fucking Documented and Confirmed! Ask yourself Fucking why? Don't they want people to know the Truth? Is that 'The People's Voice' ? And again another 'Coincidence'? There is NO such thing as a Fucking 'Coincidence'! No 'Virus' has EVER been scientifically 'isolated' and does NOT Exists! Documented and Confirmed! - Dis-'eases' are Poisoning! - 'Viruses' are simply excretions of a toxic cell. - 'Viruses' happen when the Cell is poisoned. - We are all being poisoned slowly daily. - You body are a self-healing machine who detox and heal itself. - You are what you drink, eat and think and what you are 'exposed' to (EMF, 4/5G, WIFI etc) Proof? - watch and research this: TERRAIN The Film Part 1 & 2 (Without Commercials & Advertisement) [15.02.2022] https://www.bitchute.com/video/YMQ9cNLhP6T6/ https://rumble.com/v2kbxjm-terrain-the-documentary-part-1-and-2-reloaded-without-commercials-and-adver.html https://t.me/KimOsboel/5419 The INside Effects - How the Body Heals Itself! (Full Documentary) [09.07.2023] https://www.bitchute.com/video/53SMY3qe4bAa/ https://rumble.com/v2z6z9s-the-inside-effects-how-the-body-heals-itself-full-documentary-09.07.2023.html https://t.me/KimOsboel/27703 Greg Reese: 'Viruses' NEVER been 'isolated' and does NOT Exists! [Mar 12, 2024] https://www.bitchute.com/video/uWQIdG6b1NhP/ https://rumble.com/v4iv01h-greg-reese-viruses-never-been-isolated-and-does-not-exists-mar-12-2024.html https://kimosboel.substack.com/p/greg-reese-viruses-never-been-isolated https://t.me/KimOsboel/50587?single Greg Reese: Germ Theory Vs. Terrain Theory and Isolation of a Fucking 'Virus'! [19.03.2024] https://rumble.com/v4kgbpc-greg-reese-germ-theory-vs.-terrain-theory-and-isolation-of-a-fucking-virus-.html https://kimosboel.substack.com/p/greg-reese-germ-theory-vs-terrain https://t.me/KimOsboel/51372 https://www.bitchute.com/video/wFNWcLJgbjHW/ Part 1. Who is 'The Gatekeepers Club' aká the Controlled Opposition PRO 'Virus' Psyop Club? https://www.bitchute.com/video/rOYd7MhUPmYa/ https://t.me/KimOsboel/33749?single https://rumble.com/v3hjs2q-who-is-the-gatekeepers-club-ak-the-controlled-opposition-pro-virus-psyop-cl.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=5 https://i.imgur.com/epHARVm.jpg Part 2. Who is 'The Gatekeepers Club' aká the Controlled Opposition PRO 'Virus' Psyop Club (Part 2) [22.10.2023] The HART Group NO 'Virus' controversy! https://www.bitchute.com/video/U9SsZmIcOJ0r/ https://t.me/KimOsboel/37653 https://rumble.com/v3qzp2j-who-is-the-gatekeepers-club-ak-the-controlled-opposition-pro-virus-psyop-cl.html Part 3. Who is 'The Gatekeepers Club' aká the Controlled Opposition PRO 'Virus' Psyop Club Pt 3. [01.11.2023] Christine Anderson, MdEP Health & Democracy Expert Hearing in the EU Parliament - Part 1-3 https://www.bitchute.com/video/Cwmt2K42mUzY/ https://t.me/KimOsboel/38726 https://rumble.com/v3t41am-who-is-the-gatekeepers-club-ak-the-controlled-opposition-pro-virus-psyop-cl.html The Viral Delusion Part 1-5. The Untold Story Behind The Pandemic. The doctors, scientists and journalists examine in detail the scientific papers that were used to justify the pandemic, and what they find is shattering. The Viral Delusion Part 1 Behind The Curtain of The PLANdemic & The Pseudoscience of SARS-COV-2 [21.03.2022] https://www.bitchute.com/video/lSSlS7acUhXa/ https://t.me/KimOsboel/1424 The Viral Delusion Part 2: Monkey Business: Polio, Measles And How It All Began! [27.03.2022] https://www.bitchute.com/video/B3gApFs1O9jo/ The Viral Delusion Part 3: The Mask of Death, The Plague, Smallpox and The Spanish Flu! [04.04.2022] https://www.bitchute.com/video/aIx9Mbrk659l/ The Viral Delusion Part 4 - AIDS, The Deadly Deception! [04.04.2022] https://www.bitchute.com/video/U1CWUCyNcCrv/ The Viral Delusion Part 5 - Sequencing The 'Virus' Without The 'Virus'! [06.04.2022] https://www.bitchute.com/video/l0VxeY70Z53a/ -- The People's Voice 72K followers https://rumble.com/v54pzzh-pilots-testify-bill-gates-is-carpet-bombing-cities-with-chemtrails.html https://rumble.com/c/THEPEOPLESVOICE https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/?s=pedophiles We have all seen the freakish and unnatural chemtrail patterns in the skies above major cities and regional centers. While the mainstream media attempts to convince the public that there is nothing to see here, these freakish geometric chemtrails do not fit into any natural cloud pattern and they have only begun appearing in recent decades. What are they spraying into the sky? Who’s doing it? Why are they doing it, and what are their motives? Most importantly, what can we the people do to put an end to this? According to commercial pilots who have been investigating the phenomenon, the answers to these questions are dark and disturbing and the paper trail exposes the depopulation agenda of the global elite.2.14K views 3 comments