LIVE! "THE [Psy Op] CYPHER" - ZIG, MILLER, DIRT - THURSDAY [10.12.2023] 8:30pm EST!
The [PSY OP] CypherEpisode 07 [10.12.2023] "The [Psy Op] Cypher" LIVE! @BigZigProductions - "ZIG ZELENKO" @CensorMeNot -"MILLER" @DirtTooliski - "BIG DIRT TOOLISKI" CURRENT EVENTS137 views 1 comment -
"THE [ PsyOp ] CYPHER" EPISODE # 05 - PART TWO *** 06.23.2023 *** FINAL COUNTDOWN (Roll Credits)
The [PSY OP] Cypher"The PsyOp Cypher" EP#05 - PART TWO - 06.23.2023 - [ @CensorMeNott @DirtTooliski @BigZigProductions ] *** PATRIOTS [ not: PAYtriots ] > SELF FUNDED < *** MISSION STATEMENT: - Logical thoughts on Truthful Stories - Based on Facts, Bringing Sanity Back to Humans. OBJECTIVE: - To bring the audience a well rounded, deeply researched summary of the daily "news' ' that takes place on Planet Earth. To educate those just awakening & spark "food for thought". To possibly say something to wake up a sleeping sheep that randomly comes across this production. To network with fellow truthers, anons, patriots, freedom fighters, sovereign, high frequency light beings that are seekers of knowledge and truth. *** 06.23.2023 *** - [ EPISODE # 05 - Part: ONE ] - THE END IS NEAR (...hopefully...) ************************************************************************************ BIG "ZIG" ZELENKO ----> [ Tribute to the late "Dr. Zelenko" - R.I.P ] Peace Of Mind Productions, LLC. "The Daily Drip" & "The PsyOp Cypher" - Podcasts > Fellow Truther, Patriot & Warrior Broadcast. Loaded with Discussion, Intel, Thoughts, Ideas and Info on current events and news in the headlines....As we are waiting for this Movie to end! We are trying to connect with other Patriots and Freedom Fighters to help us spread our voice in the Community. Especially a conduit to help the sleepers and normies when Shit Hits The Fan! We want to speed up the awakening as soon as humanly possible! Our Mission is to seek knowledge and Educate those still on "AutoPilot". ************************************************************************************ *** If you would like to Donate to the Self Funded Page & Support Independent Media - [ Below ] - It is GREATLY appreciated! *** Cash App: $AZIG22 Venmo: @Adam-Zeigler Chime: $BigZig22 *BUY ME A COFFEE! https://bmc.link/AdamZeiglec Adam.Zeigler86@ProtonMail.com - BigZigProductions@Gmail.com *Personal Email(s) - would love to network, connect with sponsors/Admins for Patriot channels. To try and help in many ways to speed up "The Great Awakening". Thank you!! - WWG1WGA - NCSWIC - Q - PEACE OF MIND PRODUCTIONS, LLC. BIG ZIG MEDIA, INC. 2006 - 2023 PROFESSIONAL EDITOR, AUDIO ENGINEER, FILMMAKER, PRODUCER, CONSULTANT #Q #WWG1WGA #TRUMP #PODCASTS #NEWS #Politics #WHITEHATS #INTEL #RUSSIA #PUTIN #GeneDecode #SGAnon #QNewsPatriot #DerekJohnson #NinosCorner #DavidNino #JuanOSavin #107 #Patriots #QPlus #JFKJr #1776 #Jaco #DUMBS #SoundOFFreedom #1871 #SovereignSoul #UnitedStatesRepublic #TRUMP2020 #TheGreatAwakening #Source #Starseed #MountRushmore #EndTimes #Rapture #SolarFlash #Earth20 #5D #7D #ASCENSION #Prophecy #Revelation #ChristConsciousness #JesusOfNazerath #JesusChrist #Yeshua #Yahweh #YHWH #GOD #Biblical #SaveTheChildren #ExoposeThePedos #EarthAlliance #GalacticFederation #StarAlliance #SpaceForce #EBS #Blackout #WorldAlliance #BinSalamin #Moodi #Xi #Bolsonaro #DJT45 #Un #DrainTheSwamp #ExposeThePedos #PizzaGate #Adrenochrome #TrumpArrest #TrumpIndictment #SealBroken #FinalWar #FinalBattle #CheckMate #TrumpCard #TrumpComeBackSoon670 views 1 comment -
"THE [ PsyOp ] CYPHER" EPISODE # 05 - PART ONE! *** 06.23.2023 *** FINAL COUNTDOWN! (Roll Credits)
The [PSY OP] Cypher"The PsyOp Cypher" [ @CensorMeNott @DirtTooliski @BigZigProductions ]. *** PATRIOTS [ not: PAYtriots ] > SELF FUNDED < *** MISSION STATEMENT: - Logical thoughts on Truthful Stories - Based on Facts, Bringing Sanity Back to Humans. OBJECTIVE: - To bring the audience a well rounded, deeply researched summary of the daily "news' ' that takes place on Planet Earth. To educate those just awakening & spark "food for thought". To possibly say something to wake up a sleeping sheep that randomly comes across this production. To network with fellow truthers, anons, patriots, freedom fighters, sovereign, high frequency light beings that are seekers of knowledge and truth. *** 06.23.2023 *** - [ EPISODE # 05 - Part: ONE ] - THE END IS NEAR (...hopefully...) ************************************************************************************ BIG "ZIG" ZELENKO ----> [ Tribute to the late "Dr. Zelenko" - R.I.P ] Peace Of Mind Productions, LLC. "The Daily Drip" & "The PsyOp Cypher" - Podcasts > Fellow Truther, Patriot & Warrior Broadcast. Loaded with Discussion, Intel, Thoughts, Ideas and Info on current events and news in the headlines....As we are waiting for this Movie to end! We are trying to connect with other Patriots and Freedom Fighters to help us spread our voice in the Community. Especially a conduit to help the sleepers and normies when Shit Hits The Fan! We want to speed up the awakening as soon as humanly possible! Our Mission is to seek knowledge and Educate those still on "AutoPilot". ************************************************************************************ *** If you would like to Donate to the Self Funded Page & Support Independent Media - [ Below ] - It is GREATLY appreciated! *** Cash App: $AZIG22 Venmo: @Adam-Zeigler Chime: $BigZig22 *BUY ME A COFFEE! https://bmc.link/AdamZeiglec Adam.Zeigler86@ProtonMail.com - BigZigProductions@Gmail.com *Personal Email(s) - would love to network, connect with sponsors/Admins for Patriot channels. To try and help in many ways to speed up "The Great Awakening". Thank you!! - WWG1WGA - NCSWIC - Q - PEACE OF MIND PRODUCTIONS, LLC. BIG ZIG MEDIA, INC. 2006 - 2023 PROFESSIONAL EDITOR, AUDIO ENGINEER, FILMMAKER, PRODUCER, CONSULTANT #Q #WWG1WGA #TRUMP #WHITEHATS #INTEL #RUSSIA #PUTIN #GeneDecode #SGAnon #QNewsPatriot #DerekJohnson #NinosCorner #DavidNino #JuanOSavin #107 #Patriots #QPlus #JFKJr #1776 #Jaco #DUMBS #SoundOFFreedom #1871 #SovereignSoul #UnitedStatesRepublic #TRUMP2020 #TheGreatAwakening #Source #Starseed #MountRushmore #EndTimes #Rapture #SolarFlash #Earth20 #5D #7D #ASCENSION #Prophecy #Revelation #ChristConsciousness #JesusOfNazerath #JesusChrist #Yeshua #Yahweh #YHWH #GOD #Biblical #SaveTheChildren #ExoposeThePedos #EarthAlliance #GalacticFederation #StarAlliance #SpaceForce #EBS #Blackout #WorldAlliance #BinSalamin #Moodi #Xi #Bolsonaro #DJT45 #Un #DrainTheSwamp #ExposeThePedos #PizzaGate #Adrenochrome #TrumpArrest #TrumpIndictment #SealBroken #FinalWar #FinalBattle #CheckMate #TrumpCard #Checkmate486 views -
[10.05.2023] "The [PsyOp] Cypher "- ZIG, MILLER, DIRT - TRUMP TO BE SPEAKER? All Signs pointing to Major Black Swan Event!!
The [PSY OP] CypherFEATURING: ZIG ZELENKO , CENSOR ME NOT & DIRT TOOLISKI - [EPISODE# 06] - "The [PsyOp] Cypher" [10.05.2023]. TRUMP TO BE SPEAKER OF HOUSE! CONFIRMED!!!! > Fellow Truther, Patriot & Warrior Broadcast. Loaded with Discussion, Intel, Thoughts, Ideas and Info on current events and news in the headlines....As we are waiting for this Movie to end! We are trying to connect with other Patriots and Freedom Fighters to help us spread our voice in the Community. Especially a conduit to help the sleepers and normies when Shit Hits The Fan! We want to speed up the awakening as soon as humanly possible! Our Mission is to seek knowledge and Educate those still on "AutoPilot". ******************************************************************** Please Donate to the Page! Support Independent Media! Cash App: $AZIG22 Venmo: @Adam-Zeigler Chime: $BigZig22 *BUY ME A COFFEE! https://bmc.link/AdamZeiglec Adam.Zeigler86@ProtonMail.com - BigZigProductions@Gmail.com *Personal Email(s) - would love to network, connect with sponsors/Admins for Patriot channels. To try and help in many ways to speed up "The Great Awakening". Thank you!! - WWG1WGA - NCSWIC - Q - PEACE OF MIND PRODUCTIONS, LLC. BIG ZIG MEDIA, INC. 2006 - 2023 PROFESSIONAL EDITOR, AUDIO ENGINEER, FILMMAKER, PRODUCER, CONSULTANT #Q #WWG1WGA #TRUMP #WHITEHATS #INTEL #RUSSIA #PUTIN #GeneDecode #SGANAON #DerekJohnson #JuanOSavin #Patriots #QPlus #JFKJr #1776 #Jaco #DUMBS #SoundOFFreedom #1871 #SovereignSoul #UnitedStatesRepublic #TRUMP2020 #TheGreatAwakening #Source #Starseed #EndTimes #Rapture #SolarFlash #Earth20 #5D #7D #ASCENSION #Prophecy #Revelation #ChristConsciousness #JesusOfNazerath #JesusChrist #Yeshua #Yahweh #YHWH #GOD #Biblical #SaveTheChildren #ExoposeThePedos #EarthAlliance #GalacticFederation #StarAlliance #SpaceForce #EBS #Blackout #WorldAlliance #BinSalamin #Moodi #Xi #Bolsonaro #DJT45 #Un #DrainTheSwamp #ExposeThePedos #PizzaGate #Adrenochrome348 views -
FALSE FLAG FRIDAY? [03.15.2024] "The [PsyOp] Cypher" LIVE! @9:11pm EST w/ CensorMeNot & ZIG ZELENKO
The [PSY OP] CypherΩ “BIG ‘ZIG' ZELENKO” Ω [[[ LIVE!!! ]]] " THE [PSY OP] CYPHER " [[[ LIVE!!! ]]] - FRIDAY - MARCH 15th, 2024 - SPECIAL GUEST(s): © Mr. Censor Me Not © BIG DIRT TOOLISKI *** IT IS CLEAR THE CABAL IS LOSING CONTROL, WE ARE WINNING! *** THE OLD SWIFT/ FED RESERVE DEBT NOTE/PETRO DOLLAR IS DEAD! *** B.R.I.C.S. = 70% of World's population STANDING UP AGAINST the EVIL "US,INC." DOLLAR! "The United States Made a GRAVE MISTAKE" - BRICS LEADER @BigZigProductions - RUMBLE Other Podcast Channel: “THE [ PSY OP ] CYPHER" SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS: @Zig_Zelenko - X @BigZigZelenko - Truth Social @BigZigProductions - IG @BigZigProductions - TikTok MISSION STATEMENT: - Logical thoughts on Truthful Stories. Based on Facts, Bringing Sanity Back to Humans. OBJECTIVE: - To bring the audience a well-rounded, deeply researched summary of the daily "news' ' that takes place on Planet Earth. To educate those just awakening & spark "food for thought". To possibly say something to wake up a sleeping sheep that randomly comes across this production. To network with fellow truthers, anons, patriots, freedom fighters, sovereign, high-frequency light beings that are seekers of knowledge and truth. > Quantum Leap COMING SOON for America [ and the WORLD ] > TRUMP COMMS that clearly state [I.E: “C.O.G” E.O:14838] The real Joe Biden is DEAD…. [ cue Derek Johnson… LOL ] “If you can’t see on the mainstream news that what they are showing the Public IS NOT the “real”Joe Biden, but rather One of FOUR “imposters” (Clones, Doubles, Actors wearing a mask, etc..) then YOU NEED to get your EYES CHECKED ASAP!” > THE GREAT AWAKENING IS IN FULL EFFECT > "DEMONRATS" ARE IN FULL PANIC. RHINOS & DINOS @GITMO & GUAM. THEY KNOW THEY ARE PLUCKED! *** SPREADING HOPE, LOVE & STRENGTH DURING THE "FOG OF WAR"...KEEP PUSHING, WE ARE AT THE GATE...YOU CAN FEEL IT IN THE AIR! - “N.C.S.W.I.C !!!” - NOT A DAMN THING! *** 03.15.2024 *** - THE END IS NEAR !!!! [ FOR THEM ] *********************************************************************************** BIG "ZIG" ZELENKO ----> [ Tribute to the late "Dr. Zelenko" - R.I.P] Peace Of Mind Productions, LLC. "The Daily Drip" & "The PsyOp Cypher" - [Rumble Podcasts] > Fellow Truther, Patriot & Warrior Broadcast. Loaded with Discussion, Intel, Thoughts, Ideas, and Info on current events and news in the headlines....As we are waiting for this Movie to end! We are trying to connect with other Patriots and Freedom Fighters to help us spread our voice in the Community. Especially a conduit to help the "sleepers" and "normies" when Shit Hits The Fan! We want to speed up the awakening as soon as humanly possible! Our Mission is to seek knowledge and educate those still on "Auto Pilot". *********************************************************************************** If you would like to Donate to the Self Funded Page and support Independent Media - [ Below ] - It is GREATLY appreciated! *** Cash App: $AZIG22 Venmo: @Adam-Zeigler Chime: $BigZig22 *BUY ME A COFFEE! https://bmc.link/AdamZeiglec **GIVE SEND GO LINK: https://givesendgo.com/ZigLovesTheKids?utm_source=sharelink&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=ZigLovesTheKids ** GO FUND ME LINK: https://gofund.me/2cf3c65c Adam.Zeigler86@ProtonMail.com - BigZigProductions@Gmail.com *Personal Email(s) - would love to network, and connect with sponsors/Admins for Patriot channels. **To try and help in many ways to speed up "The Great Awakening". Thank you! - WWG1WGA - NCSWIC - SEVENTEEN - PEACE OF MIND PRODUCTIONS, LLC. BIG ZIG MEDIA, INC. 2006 - 2024 PROFESSIONAL EDITOR, AUDIO ENGINEER, FILMMAKER, PRODUCER, MIX ENGINEER, CONSULTANT, WRITER, CAMERA OP, PHOTOGRAPHER, VOICE ARTIST, SKETCH ARTIST, SOUND DESIGNER, SEEKER OF KNOWLEDGE, SOVEREIGN SOUL, FREEDOM FIGHTER, SMALL BUSINESS / SMALL GOVERNMENT / DECENTRALIZED / NON COMPLY / QUESTION EVERYTHING / PRAISE SOURCE "MINDED" PATRIOT OF THIS LAND. TRUTH SEEKER.474 views -
The [PSY OP] Cypher[ JRE CLIP HIGHLIGHT OF LIVE EPISODE ON 08.26.2024 -PSY OP CYPHER ] "The [PSY OP] Cypher" w/ "Big Zig Zelenko" [ ICONS REPRESENTATIVE ] And @MrCensorMeNot ˚∆ AUGUST 31ST, 2024 ∆˚ ALL KINDS OF WILD SHIT GOING DOWN WORLD WIDE! *MARKET COLLAPSING, THE WORLD IS IN PANIC! - WE ARE SO CLOSE! "BIG 'ZIG' ZELENKO" & "CENSOR ME NOT" * ICONS OFFICIAL AFFILIATE * @BigZigProductions - RUMBLE Other Podcast Channel: “THE [ PSY OP ] CYPHER" SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS: @ThePSYOPcypher - X @TheDailyDrip17 - X @Zig_Zelenko - X @BigZigZelenko - Truth Social @BigZigProductions - IG @BigZigProductions - TikTok TELEGRAM CHANNELS: https://t.me/PSYOP17 ************************************************************************** FOLLOW: @ICONS2020 (ON RUMBLE) FOR DAB BRAD READINGS AND OTHER SERVICES: @DabBrad100 - Telegram http://t.me/FederationOfAWHR Facebook https://www.facebook.com/share/1yMt5bjk1hqYv7hN/?mibextid=qi2Omg Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@dabbrad100?_t=8lE1LdemQrD&_r=1 YouTube https://youtube.com/@FederationOfAWHR?si=MfrmvB1usxyXu-in IG https://www.instagram.com/dabbedn5d?igsh=NDUzMnpiczZrbDkw FOR HEIDI...KEEP COMING BACK HERE ON ICONS!!! ICONS SPEAK ABOUT THE VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION THAT IS NOT TALKED ABOUT. THIS EPISODE GOES ALL IN AND OUT OF THIS REALITY. PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE TROLL IMPOSTERS WHO ARE AFTER YOUR MONEY. I DO NOT SELL OR SOLICIT FOR ANYONE OR ANYTHING. I HAVE A PURPLE CROWN AS A COMMENTER. ANYONE ELSE IS A FRAUD. WALK BESIDE US @ https://t.me/ICONS2021 AND WE HAVE A SPIRITUAL CHANNEL ON TELEGRAM CALLED "SOULS OF LIGHT" - https://t.me/SOULIGHTS BE SAFE AND SOVEREIGN ALWAYS!!! - SARGE ************************************************************************** "THE [ Psy Op ] CYPHER" & "THE DAILY DRIP" w/ BIG ZIG ZELENKO MISSION STATEMENT: - Logical thoughts on Truthful Stories. Based on Facts, Bringing Sanity Back to Humans. OBJECTIVE: - To bring the audience a well-rounded, deeply researched summary of the daily "news' ' that takes place on Planet Earth. To educate those just awakening & spark "food for thought". To possibly say something to wake up a sleeping sheep that randomly comes across this production. To network with fellow truthers, anons, patriots, freedom fighters, sovereign, high-frequency light beings that are seekers of knowledge and truth. > Quantum Leap COMING SOON for America [ and the WORLD ] > TRUMP COMMS that clearly state [I.E: “C.O.G” E.O:14838] The real Joe Biden is DEAD…. [ cue Derek Johnson… LOL ] “If you can’t see on the mainstream news that what they are showing the Public IS NOT the “real”Joe Biden, but rather One of FOUR “imposters” (Clones, Doubles, Actors wearing a mask, etc..) then YOU NEED to get your EYES CHECKED ASAP!” > THE GREAT AWAKENING IS IN FULL EFFECT > "DEMONRATS" ARE IN FULL PANIC. RHINOS & DINOS @GITMO & GUAM. THEY KNOW THEY ARE PLUCKED! *** SPREADING HOPE, LOVE & STRENGTH DURING THE "FOG OF WAR"...KEEP PUSHING, WE ARE AT THE GATE...YOU CAN FEEL IT IN THE AIR! “N.C.S.W.I.C !!!” - NOT A DAMN THING! - *** ( 08/31/2024 ) *** - THE END IS NEAR ! [ FOR THEM ] ************************************************************************** BIG "ZIG" ZELENKO ----> [ Tribute to the late "Dr. Zelenko" - R.I.P] Peace Of Mind Productions, LLC. * ICONS OFFICIAL AFFILIATE * "The Daily Drip" & "The PsyOp Cypher" - [Rumble Podcasts] > Fellow Truther, Patriot & Warrior Broadcast. Loaded with Discussion, Intel, Thoughts, Ideas, and Info on current events and news in the headlines....As we are waiting for this Movie to end! We are trying to connect with other Patriots and Freedom Fighters to help us spread our voice in the Community. Especially a conduit to help the "sleepers" and "normies" when Shit Hits The Fan! We want to speed up the awakening as soon as humanly possible! Our Mission is to seek knowledge and educate those still on "Auto Pilot". ****************************************************************** If you would like to Donate to the Self Funded Page and support Independent Media - [ Below ] - It is GREATLY appreciated! *** Cash App: $AZIG22 Venmo: @Adam-Zeigler Chime: $BigZig22 *BUY ME A COFFEE! https://bmc.link/AdamZeiglec **GIVE SEND GO LINK: https://givesendgo.com/ZigLovesTheKids?utm_source=sharelink&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=ZigLovesTheKids ** GO FUND ME LINK: https://gofund.me/2cf3c65c Adam.Zeigler86@ProtonMail.com - BigZigProductions@Gmail.com *Personal Email(s) - would love to network, and connect with sponsors/Admins for Patriot channels. **To try and help in many ways to speed up "The Great Awakening" Thank you! - WWG1WGA - NCSWIC - SEVENTEEN - PEACE OF MIND PRODUCTIONS, LLC. BIG ZIG MEDIA, INC. 2006 - 2024 PROFESSIONAL EDITOR, AUDIO ENGINEER, FILMMAKER, PRODUCER, MIX ENGINEER, CONSULTANT, WRITER, CAMERA OP, PHOTOGRAPHER, VOICE ARTIST, SKETCH ARTIST, SOUND DESIGNER, SEEKER OF KNOWLEDGE, SOVEREIGN SOUL, FREEDOM FIGHTER, SMALL BUSINESS / SMALL GOVERNMENT / DECENTRALIZED / NON COMPLY / QUESTION EVERYTHING / PRAISE SOURCE "MINDED" PATRIOT OF THIS LAND. TRUTH SEEKER.696 views 6 comments -
[09.04.2024] SARGE & DABBRAD *LIVE* DEBUT ON "THE [Psy-Op] CYPHER" *7:15pm EST*w/ BIG ZIG & MILLER
The [PSY OP] Cypher**Do you enjoy the free speech that Rumble is protecting and fighting for? Our show on Rumble is only possible thanks to our viewers supporting Rumble’s platform by purchasing Rumble’s products. Most of you drink coffee every day. That’s why you have to try Rumble’s 1775 Coffee—it’s actually some of the best coffee, and it’s the same price as the coffee you buy now. But it’s WAY better. Rumble’s 1775 coffee is free from chemicals, yet rich in flavor. This is because their beans are sourced from high-altitude farms in Bolivia, hand picked, roasted weekly at their facility in Miami, and delivered fresh to your doorstep. And as believers in freedom, buying from Rumble helps fight back against woke corporations like Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts. Join the coffee revolution and brew rebellion with Rumble’s 1775 Coffee. Go to 1775Coffee.com, use code ‘Studio,’ and get a free month’s supply of their cognitive-boosting supplement “Limitless” when you buy two bags of their coffee. Think about that—it’s a crazy deal, and the supplement is worth more than the two bags of coffee. **************************************** [ "THE [PSY OP] CYPHER" ] *LIVE* BROADCAST @ 7:30pm EST *** SARGE ( @ICONS2020 ) MAKES SURPRISE *DEBUT* LIVE APPEARANCE ON RUMBLE !!!! @DABBRAD100 JOINS BIG ZIG ZELENKO ALONG WITH @CENSORMENOTT on "THE [PSY-OP] CYPHER" !!! *** ∆ WEDNESDAY September 4th, 2024 ∆ BRAZIL vs. ELON & X HRC HAS COVID 19 62 Days until Nov. 5th 6 Israeli Hostages killed Palestine Protests all over Columbia (NYC) CHI venezuelan gangs taking over Apt complexes Hells Angels Bikers to Help Aurora, CO this weekend Venezuelan gangs in Aurora, CO Sleeper Cells beginning to activate Nationwide??? Kamala awful Detroit Accent /Headphones to ignore press People in attendance at these Kamala Campaign event The Church in France burns down again. Built in 1854. Survived 2 World wars. Putin in Mongolia - Red carpet arrival ******************************************* "The [PSY OP] Cypher" w/ "Big Zig Zelenko" [ ICONS REPRESENTATIVE ] SARGE - @ICONS2020 DAB BRAD - @DabBrad100 MILLER - @CensorMeNott *MARKET COLLAPSING, THE WORLD IS IN PANIC! - WE ARE SO CLOSE! "BIG 'ZIG' ZELENKO" * ICONS OFFICIAL AFFILIATE * @BigZigProductions - RUMBLE Other Podcast Channel: “THE DAILY DRIP" SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS: @ThePSYOPcypher - X @TheDailyDrip17 - X @Zig_Zelenko - X @BigZigZelenko - Truth Social @BigZigProductions - IG @BigZigProductions - TikTok TELEGRAM CHANNELS: https://t.me/PSYOP17 ************************************************************************** "THE [ Psy Op ] CYPHER" & "THE DAILY DRIP" w/ BIG ZIG ZELENKO MISSION STATEMENT: - Logical thoughts on Truthful Stories. Based on Facts, Bringing Sanity Back to Humans. OBJECTIVE: - To bring the audience a well-rounded, deeply researched summary of the daily "news' ' that takes place on Planet Earth. To educate those just awakening & spark "food for thought". To possibly say something to wake up a sleeping sheep that randomly comes across this production. To network with fellow truthers, anons, patriots, freedom fighters, sovereign, high-frequency light beings that are seekers of knowledge and truth. > Quantum Leap COMING SOON for America [ and the WORLD ] > TRUMP COMMS that clearly state [I.E: “C.O.G” E.O:14838] The real Joe Biden is DEAD…. [ cue Derek Johnson… LOL ] “If you can’t see on the mainstream news that what they are showing the Public IS NOT the “real”Joe Biden, but rather One of FOUR “imposters” (Clones, Doubles, Actors wearing a mask, etc..) then YOU NEED to get your EYES CHECKED ASAP!” > THE GREAT AWAKENING IS IN FULL EFFECT > "DEMONRATS" ARE IN FULL PANIC. RHINOS & DINOS @GITMO & GUAM. THEY KNOW THEY ARE PLUCKED! *** SPREADING HOPE, LOVE & STRENGTH DURING THE "FOG OF WAR"... KEEP PUSHING, WE ARE AT THE GATE... YOU CAN FEEL IT IN THE AIR! “N.C.S.W.I.C !!!” - NOT A DAMN THING! - *** ( 09/04/2024 ) *** - THE END IS NEAR ! [ FOR THEM ] ***************************************** BIG "ZIG" ZELENKO ----> [ Tribute to the late "Dr. Zelenko" - R.I.P] Peace Of Mind Productions, LLC. * ICONS OFFICIAL AFFILIATE * "The Daily Drip" & "The PsyOp Cypher" - [Rumble Podcasts] > Fellow Truther, Patriot & Warrior Broadcast. Loaded with Discussion, Intel, Thoughts, Ideas, and Info on current events and news in the headlines....As we are waiting for this Movie to end! We are trying to connect with other Patriots and Freedom Fighters to help us spread our voice in the Community. Especially a conduit to help the "sleepers" and "normies" when Shit Hits The Fan! We want to speed up the awakening as soon as humanly possible! Our Mission is to seek knowledge and educate those still on "Auto Pilot". ***************************************** If you would like to Donate to the Self Funded Page and support Independent Media - [ Below ] - It is GREATLY appreciated! *** Cash App: $AZIG22 Venmo: @Adam-Zeigler Chime: $BigZig22 *BUY ME A COFFEE! https://bmc.link/AdamZeiglec **GIVE SEND GO LINK: https://givesendgo.com/ZigLovesTheKids?utm_source=sharelink&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=ZigLovesTheKids ** GO FUND ME LINK: https://gofund.me/2cf3c65c Adam.Zeigler86@ProtonMail.com - BigZigProductions@Gmail.com *Personal Email(s) - would love to network, and connect with sponsors/Admins for Patriot channels. **To try and help in many ways to speed up "The Great Awakening" Thank you! - WWG1WGA - NCSWIC - SEVENTEEN - PEACE OF MIND PRODUCTIONS, LLC. BIG ZIG MEDIA, INC. 2006 - 2024 PROFESSIONAL EDITOR, AUDIO ENGINEER, FILMMAKER, PRODUCER, MIX ENGINEER, CONSULTANT, WRITER, CAMERA OP, PHOTOGRAPHER, VOICE ARTIST, SKETCH ARTIST, SOUND DESIGNER, SEEKER OF KNOWLEDGE, SOVEREIGN SOUL, FREEDOM FIGHTER, SMALL BUSINESS / SMALL GOVERNMENT / DECENTRALIZED / NON COMPLY / QUESTION EVERYTHING / PRAISE SOURCE "MINDED" PATRIOT OF THIS LAND. TRUTH SEEKER.2.16K views 29 comments -
"The [ Psy Op ] Cypher" - LIVE ! [ FRIDAY - AUGUST 9th, 2024 ] - @ThePsyOpCypher - X
The [PSY OP] CypherPatriot Shave Razors > Let me tell you about our new sponsor "PATRIOT SHAVE". Backed by over 2K 5-Star customer reviews & a Satisfaction Guarantee, Patriot Shave offers premium quality razors @ AFFORDABLE prices in this awful economy. But, even better -- They are a freedom-loving company that is standing up for Traditional American Values & fighting Wokeness. While other "big name" razor brands may salute flags or support causes that don't align w/ your values – Patriot Shave is here for people like YOU & ME; The hard-working Men & Women who LOVE this Country & who don't want your hard earned $money$ to support evil/divisive "woke" causes. That enable a victim hood mentality. Throw your woke razor in the trash now & go to: PatriotShave.com - RIGHT NOW & use code: " SWITCH " for 15% off! > That’s www.PatriotShave.com - Code: "SWITCH " ** PatriotShave.com ---> Promo Code: " SWITCH " for 15% OFF! ***************************************** "THE [PSY OP] CYPHER" [ LIVE! ] @BIGZIGZELENKO & @CENSORMENOT - DISCUSS THE WEEK's EVENTS, HEADLINES & OPINIONS /THEORIES ON WHAT IS GOING ON IN THIS CURRENT CLOWN WORLD..... @ThePsyOpCypher - X @Zig_Zelenko - X @TheDailyDrip17 - X @BigZigZelenko - X1.23K views 8 comments -
"The [ PsyOp ] Cypher” **LIVE** [08.21.2024] - BIG ZIG ZELENKO & CENSOR ME NOT - RAW & UNCUT #DNC