Golden Sun FINALE! Happy Pascha (for those who celebrate)!
YoboiAAronGamesThis weekend is going to be insanely busy for me going to church a lot, so I am getting the finale done late tonight so I don't have to worry about streaming the rest of this weekend! Next weekend I'll start the sequel to this game and we'll go from there! Make sure to leave a like and follow the channel if you enjoyed!34 views -
Golden Sun Stream 5: Colosso, Hammet, and My Thumb is Okay?
YoboiAAronGamesWasn't expecting my xray to be normal, but at least there is no fracture! Now I just need to figure out what's actually wrong with me so I can get better! In the meantime, more playing with splint on, more Golden Sun, and hopefully more people tuning in, leaving likes, and following the channel!51 views -
Golden Sun Stream 4: Kalay, Back Pedaling, and the Mighty Karagol!
YoboiAAronGamesOnce I'm done in Kalay, I'm going to visit some places we've already been to before progressing on because getting back is going to be quite annoying and take a long time! Although based on stream number, watch it only take two streams or something! Make sure to leave a like and follow the channel if you enjoyed!44 views -
Golden Sun Stream 3: I MAY Have Sprained My Thumb!
YoboiAAronGamesThe stream pace is going to be slow in this one as I attempt to play through with a splint on my thumb! That being said, Mogall Forest, then I plan on being lost because we're coming to the point in the game where I always get lost, so it's probably going to be a slog! Make sure to leave a like and follow the channel if you enjoyed!55 views -
The Rare Thursday Stream! Golden Sun 2
YoboiAAronGamesSince I am working this weekend, I plan on streaming Thursday and possibly Monday to make up for the weekend; this stream, I'll focus on Goma Cave, pass by Bilibin and head to Mercury Lighthouse for reasons I'll explain in the video! Make sure to leave a like and follow the channel if you enjoyed!31 views -
Easter Weekend New Project Stream! Golden Sun 1
YoboiAAronGamesHappy Easter to those celebrating! I think it's time for me to start the next gaming project here on the channel and I've wanted to do this project since January but with White Knight Chronicles already being scheduled and on the books, Golden Sun via Nintendo Switch Online was going to have to wait! Now it's time to bring back a game I loved from my childhood (despite never legitimately beating it without loads of cheat codes) and show it to the world! Make sure to leave a like and follow the channel if you enjoyed!31 views