Big Pharma
63 videos
Updated 2 days ago
The ultimate "Follow the Money " Industry.
The Deadliest Scandal in Canadian History
Always Follow the MoneyIt's time you know about the deadliest scandal in Canadian history. On the eve of the most consequential election in our lifetime, I am debuting the conclusion to my trilogy of documentaries and my final piece as an Independent Journalist. Please join me in uncovering the human cost of a decade of failed Liberal/NDP drug policies and the deadly consequences that will echo for years to come.43 views -
MMR Whistleblower
Always Follow the MoneyAn incredible story that spans 25 years, so far. It involves the MMR vaccine against Measles, Mumps, and Rubella given to most American babies in two doses. Yet you probably never heard about this controversy. It’s brought to us by a scientist named Stephen Krahling who worked on a project at Merck called “Protocol 7” and was uniquely positioned to blow the whistle on what he learned. In the bigger sense, his account raises questions about what can go on unknown to most of us about products injected into nearly all children.20 views -
Big COVID Lies to be EXPOSED by Trump Presidency | Mark Dolan
Always Follow the MoneyIn this video, Mark Dolan explores how Trump’s re-election victory could lead to a full revelation of the government’s handling of COVID-19, from lockdown measures to vaccine mandates. With new insights, Trump's administration may challenge the narratives of the past, exposing the policies and decisions that shaped America's pandemic response.51 views -
New mRNA Pediatric RSV vaccine trial suspended
Always Follow the MoneyWow! And they are still prescribing this for children and seniors in Canada. https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/rsv-shots-recommended-naci-1.720792560 views -
2024 White clot survey results
Always Follow the MoneyAnd yet they keep pushing these vaccines. Looks like they would rather keep killing people than admitting that this product is a massive problem.49 views -
The True Cost of COVID
Always Follow the MoneyComing up to the 5 year anniversary. Here is a great summary of this event and how we seem to choose to just forget about it.54 views 4 comments -
Cancer concerns exploding from Covid 19 Vaccines
Always Follow the MoneyNow we know why Dr.Fauci will have a pre-emptive pardon. Dr. Evil himself should face a firing squad.76 views -
Always Follow the MoneyThe ultimate admission of guilt. Extraordinary.42 views 1 comment -
Trump's Presidential Health Review
Always Follow the MoneyGood video for those who are anxious about the supposed nutjobs that will be looking into this come Jan 6.52 views 1 comment -
Republished autopsy paper regarding Covid Vaccine Deaths
Always Follow the MoneyThis video was taken down by YouTube. From 325 autopsy reports after vaccination, 240 were evaluated by three doctors to have a causal relationship A Systematic Review Of Autopsy Findings In Deaths After COVID-19 Vaccination76 views 1 comment