Once Saved Always Saved (Volharding der heiligen)
10 videos
Updated 9 months ago
Satan's First Lie to Mankind
FGCApril 1st, 2018 Pastor Dean shows how Satan's first lie continues among Christians and churches today. It is the lie that deceived a sinless, perfect new creature named Eve in the garden of Eden, and many born-again Christians are deceived by this lie today. Revival is when Christians wake up to the truth of God's Word and return to seeking and worshipping God in truth and righteousness. The fruits of repentance and holiness MUST be in a Christian's life. -
Without Fruit, Twice Dead Believers
FGCApril 8th, 2018 Are we "once saved, always saved" no matter how we choose to live as Christians? What is the difference between work and bearing fruit? What are grace and faith? Are repentance and obedience required or do we just "believe"? What about holiness? It's time to fully expose the grace twisters!1 comment -
Perverted Grace vs. Being a Disciple
FGCApril 15th, 2018 Pastor Dean continues with part three of a series on the deception of unconditional eternal security otherwise known as "once saved, always saved" no matter what. The Apostles warned us by the Spirit that men would creep into the church and pervert the grace of God into a license to sin. One such person was John Calvin (who will be addressed in greater detail over the next few weeks). But today, we will contrast what the grace twisters teach versus Jesus' call to take up your cross and follow Him. Are you a compromising believer trusting in a perverted version of grace or are you a disciple of Jesus Christ? -
The Falling Away
FGCApril 22nd, 2018 Pastor Dean continues with part 4 in a series that destroys the false doctrine of "once saved, always saved no matter how a believer chooses to live." We will look at the end-time prophecy of a falling away and a passage in Luke where Jesus warned about a last-days falling away of His servants. It is time to wake up and stop drinking the poison of Calvinism and other deceptions. Where will you be standing when the Lord Jesus returns or when you die? Many think they will be with the Lord, but they are not ready. -
Once Saved, Always Saved?
FGCJuly 25th, 2017 Pastor Dean addresses some questions and comments that arose from the Sunday morning message "Eyes to See the Mysteries" and a Facebook post made Monday. The issues are due to some troubling Bible passages that shake up the idea that a believer in Jesus Christ is "once saved, always saved" no matter what they do or how they choose to live. Tonight, we will look at three parables of Jesus and other passages that destroy the false doctrine of "once saved, always saved" or "unconditional eternal security." -
Departing from the Faith
FGCAugust 11th, 2019 A message from Pastor Dean Odle about the falling away happening right now in Western Christianity. -
Departing from the Faith (Part 2)
FGCAugust 18th, 2019 In part two of Departing from the Faith, Pastor Dean breaks down the falling away of the Hillsong's worship leader Marty Sampson. One of his excuses for "losing his faith" was "science" so Pastor Dean thoroughly addresses that excuse with the truth of Biblical cosmology. -
The Same Old Lies
FGCAugust 25th, 2019 Pastor Dean Odle addresses the underlying scheme of Satan that he uses to this day... casting doubt on the Divine inspiration and accuracy of God's Word as found in the Holy Bible. -
Don't Become a Castaway
FGCSeptember 29th, 2019 Pastor Dean Odle destroys the false doctrine of Once Saved Always Saved. Jesus instructed us to abide in Him continually and pick up our cross daily. We cannot be found in the habitual, ongoing sins listed in 1 Corinthians 5,6, Ephesians 5, Galatians 5, and Revelation 21. All are required to work out their own salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12) and keep our whole body under subjection least we also become as castaways and lose our souls (1 Corinthians 9:27). -
The Blind Ones
FGCDo you have eyes to see? True doctrine is understood when we lay down our pride and allow Jesus to lead us in all understanding. Study to show yourself approved; do not twist the Bible to fit your own belief, rather allow God's word to transform your mind. "Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me. If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself." John 7:16-1712 comments