How Hamas Riots Will Be Used to Take Down the Nation, Plus John B Wells - The JD Rucker Show
The JD Rucker ShowChristmas yielded riots in New York City that may or may not be classified as riots today by corporate and conservative media. We'll see. These riots are a dress rehearsal for the events that the powers-that-be may use to try to destroy the nation starting next year. Nikki Haley seems to have been anointed by the UniParty Swamp. Her nomination would be a disaster. My interview with John B. Wells was lit. All of this and more on today's episode of The JD Rucker Show. Stories Discussed: https://slaynews.com/news/citizens-urged-prepare-2024-election-riot-season-draws-near/ https://discernreport.com/us-strikes-back-in-iraq-after-3-troops-injured-in-multiple-attacks/ https://discernreport.com/2024-will-be-a-year-of-catastrophic-war-in-the-middle-east/ https://www.dailywire.com/news/reporter-catherine-herridge-frets-over-prospect-of-black-swan-event-in-2024 https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/12/17-illegal-aliens-fbis-terror-watch-list-encountered/ https://www.newsnationnow.com/politics/unproductive-congress-2023/ https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/12/22/top-5-revelations-from-biden-family-probe-in-2023/29.8K views 30 comments -
Actions Being Taken to Stop the Border Invasion May Be Too Little, Too Late - The JD Rucker Show
Freedom First NetworkToday's show sponsored by a faith-driven precious metals company, Genesis Gold Group: https://jdrgold.com We're finally seeing actions being taken to slow down the border invasion of illegal aliens. Unfortunately, those actions should have been taken a long time ago and the ones that we're finally seeing are so small that we might as well be peeing on a wildfire. But we must move forward. We take whatever wins we get and we try to get more. This is not an issue that can be dismissed just because the odds are stacked against us. We have to assume that this existential threat can be stopped because to do otherwise would simply bring about the fall of our nation even faster. Here are the stories we covered today on The JD Rucker Show: https://twitter.com/RepMTG/status/1736813286232920391 https://thepostmillennial.com/64-of-gen-z-and-millennial-men-turned-off-by-women-who-identify-as-communists https://discern.tv/why-has-prepping-become-so-popular-with-the-left/ https://discern.tv/greg-abbott-signs-bill-allowing-texas-cops-to-arrest-illegal-aliens/ https://www.independentsentinel.com/blackrock-china-will-own-the-us-electric-car-market/ https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/holdbefore-arizona-gov-hobbs-deployed-national-guard-she-undercut-border-security https://slaynews.com/news/another-drill-sergeant-found-dead-fort-jackson-army-base-2nd-8-days/ https://endtimeheadlines.org/2023/12/fear-grips-doctors-around-the-world-as-new-virus-stops-responding-to-all-antibiotics/ https://justthenews.com/government/courts-law/over-175-jeffrey-epsteins-associates-be-revealed-court-documents-2024 https://spectator.org/rockefeller-dream-the-truth-behind-climate-change/246 views