Sherlock Holmes Vs Dracula by Loren D Estleman. BBC RADIO DRAMA
OldtuberadioThe world's greatest detective pits his wits against the evil forces of the sanguinary count. From a posthumously published memoir of Dr John Watson: “I feel it my duty to set the record straight regarding a number of erroneous statements made recently concerning the events I am about to describe. I refer in particular to a spurious monograph by one Bram Stoker, entitled Dracula, which completely ignores the part which Sherlock Holmes played in bringing that affair to its successful conclusion.” Sherlock Holmes …. John Moffatt Dr Watson …. Timothy West Count Dracula …. David March Professor Van Helsing …. Aubrey Woods Thomas Parker …. Michael Maloney Mr Caffyn …. Noel Howlett Mary Watson …. Theresa Streatfeild Vampire …. Frances Jeater Inspector Lestrade …. Nicholas Courtney Mrs Barton …. Katherine Parr Ned Bridger …. John Hollis Dramatised and directed by Glyn Dearman from the book by Loren D Estleman. First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 1981. Do you enjoy the variety on Oldtuberadio? Like, Share and Subscribe to be notified of our new shows #radio #crime #thriller #drama To Support this channel please visit https://www.buymeacoffee.com/oldtuberadio https://ko-fi.com/oldtuberadio98 https://www.patreon.com/oldtuberadio https://locals.com/Oldtuberadio268 views