Behind The Green Mask UN: Agenda 21 - Rosa Koire - Open Mind Conference 2013 Skanderborg Denmark
RAVriesImpacting every aspect of our lives, UN Agenda 21/2030 'Sustainable Development' is a CORPORATE manipulation of the CORPORATE globalist crime syndicate, to usher in a totalitarian slave farm, wherein humans are kept as cattle, controlled and surveilled 24/7/365, in small and densely packed zones, using the Green Mask of environmental concern, to forward this tyrannical, corporate globalist plan. . Rosa Koire was a retired forensic commercial real estate appraiser specializing in eminent domain valuation. Her twenty-eight year career with the California Department of Transportation (District Branch Chief) as an expert witness on land use culminated in exposing the impacts of Sustainable Development on private property rights and individual liberty. . In 2005 she was elected to a citizens' oversight committee in Santa Rosa, Northern California, to review a proposed 1,300 acre redevelopment project in which 10,000 people live and work. Her research into the documents justifying the plans led her, with her partner Kay Tokerud, to challenge the fraudulent basis for the huge Gateways Redevelopment Project. The City, in an attempt to block Koire from exposing the project, removed the neighborhood in which Koire and Tokerud's properties were located from the redevelopment area. . Koire and Tokerud fought on, however, not wanting to abandon the thousands of business and property owners still in the area. They formed a business and property owners association and a non-profit organization (Concerned Citizens of Santa Rosa Against Redevelopment Law Abuse) and were able to raise nearly $500,000 in donations and pro bono legal work to sue the City of Santa Rosa to stop the project. The court case, Tokerud v. City of Santa Rosa, lost in Superior Court but the court ruled that they could continue, and they appealed to the San Francisco First District Court of Appeals where they lost again in 2009. The three years of litigation fighting eminent domain and the redevelopment project succeeded in delaying the project while the economy collapsed--the City has failed to implement its plans, but, if Redevelopment had not been ended in California in 2012, would have had the power of eminent domain over the 1,100 acre area until 2018. . Over the course of the legal challenge Rosa Koire became aware of the source of the planning revolution she had observed over more than 10 years: UN Agenda 21. Through her research she found that much of the funding to implement local UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development land use programs comes through the diversion of property taxes to redevelopment agencies. Her work in providing information and solutions for communities fighting UN Agenda 21 has spread across the nation as more and more people become aware of the increased restrictions on their property rights, and the methods used to implement social engineering. Through her website www.DemocratsAgainstUNAgenda21.com and her grassroots tactical organization, Santa Rosa Neighborhood Coalition, she, with other community leaders, has enabled activists on many seemingly unconnected issues to come together and fight the source: UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development. . In 2010 the non-profit organization she and her partner founded was expanded in scope and renamed The Post Sustainability Institute. Rosa spoke internationally on UN Agenda 21, blogged regularly on the Democrats website, and is the author of BEHIND THE GREEN MASK: UN Agenda 21. 🔻👇🔻 OTHER RELATED: 🔻 🎥 Watch: The Fascist Communist Corporate United Nations Agenda for the 21th Century -- A brief summary & revelation by the late Rosa Koire https://rumble.com/v27mk4o-the-fascist-communist-corporate-united-nation-agenda-for-the-21th-century-b.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: Secrets Of The United Nations https://rumble.com/v27l8w4-secrets-of-the-united-nations-what-everyone-should-know-the-un-is-the-commu.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=3 🔻 🎥 Watch: An Introduction to THE OCCULT ART OF LAW. ABSOLUTE MUST WATCH!! How the CORPORATE Take Over of the Planet is Being Fulfilled https://rumble.com/v28kau4-an-introduction-to-the-occult-art-of-law-how-the-corporate-take-over-of-the.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=11 🔻 🎥 Watch: It's an Illusion - John Harris (Full Length). ABSOLUTE MUST WATCH!! 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