USAF Pilot Exposes Top Secret Chemtrails 'Mind Control' Program To 'Destroy Civilization'
The People's VoiceGet Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and Fenbendazole here: https://pills4ever.com - use coupon code 'peoplesvoice' for 15% off. - Become a member of the world’s first ever cyber nation: https://joseon.com - Visit https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/IPV6 to take back control of the Internet A United States Air Force pilot has stepped forward to expose a secretive operation, far beyond top-secret classification. This Air Force program, which has been active since at least 1996, has a chilling objective: to subdue the entire population of the United States by 2025, using a dangerous mix of mind-altering chemicals. The pilot has provided solid documentary evidence, revealing a plot that targets the North American people. He warns that, leading up to the November election, the skies will be filled with even more chemicals than ever before. This buildup is all part of the final phase of the operation, which aims to achieve total mind control and the enslavement of the population by 2025.127K views 171 comments -
Eyewitnesses Testify King Charles Killed Child in 'Human Hunting Party' on European Estate
RAVriesShocking allegations have emerged, claiming that King Charles was present at a sinister human hunting party held at a secretive European estate. According to eyewitness testimony, young children were pursued and cornered by members of European royalty and the global elite - only to vanish without a trace. . These allegations echo disturbing accusations from previous generations, suggesting that the British royal family, along with elite families including the Rothschilds, are still engaging in ancient child sacrifice rituals and other forms of abuse - practices that trace back to the very civilizations from which these families claim their lineage. Source: https://rumble.com/v6a5y1a-eyewitnesses-testify-king-charles-killed-child-in-human-hunting-party-on-eu.html?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=The%20People%27s%20Voice1.26K views 7 comments -
UN Special Rapporteur EXPOSES Crime Of The Century. Zionist Rules Based Rules Order of Death
TheWarAgainstYouUN Special Rapporteur EXPOSES Crime Of The Century. Zionist Rules Based Rules Order of Death - 149,999 views Dec. 18, 2024 Double Down News - This is why Israel wants to silence her Francesca Albanese, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories - Join the Future of Journalism ► /doubledownnews Support DDN ► https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr... - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES Mirrored From: https://www.youtube.com/@DoubleDownNews5.01K views 21 comments -
Fritz Springmeier - Occult Numerology Symbols of The DeepState - more documeneries below
TRUMP LIBRARYYour support is greatly appreciated https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/TrumpLibrary Truthfully i would rather you learn this information and share it, but if you do want to send me something thank you so much, ive to build this platform up so many times its probably my 20th restart so again thank you if you want to support me My palpal is above Have Faith Patriots Bibical lines are being drawn & we only kneel to Jesus my videos are meant to inspire you, to do better to be better and when the time comes to have the courage to stand against evil and tyranny Join Rumble https://rumble.com/register/TrumpLibrary2/ LJP 9265 This was over 70 years ago on how they plan to bring down the America and then the world- Sound Familiar the deep states plan is old very old - https://rumble.com/v2y20cg-this-was-over-70-years-ago-sound-familiar-the-deep-states-plan-is-old-very-.html The Great Reset - The Beast Rising - https://rumble.com/v31eteq-the-great-reset-the-beast-rising.html Glenn Beck - Agenda 21 - https://rumble.com/vycqw9-glenn-beck-united.html Rosa Koire - Agenda 21 - https://rumble.com/vxv3xd-rosa.html Deborah Tavares Agenda 21 - https://rumble.com/v13fyhm-debra-open-hall-discussion-on-current-events.html David icke - agenda 21 the plan to kill YOU - https://rumble.com/v19ot9n-david-college-discussion-open-forum-seminar.html G. 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Griffin Prophetic Wisdom from the past on How the elites plan to take us down - https://rumble.com/vx4ifv-g.e.-griffin-prophetic-wisdom-from-the-past-on-how-the-elites-plan-to-take-.html Out of Shadows - Documentary - https://rumble.com/vycpb9-out-documentary.html Fluvid-19 The Great Scamdemic - the real plandemic was to murder you - https://rumble.com/v3207im-fluvid-19-the-great-scamdemic.html The truth about 911 And The Deepstate - https://rumble.com/v38v3wi-the-truth-about-911-and-the-deepstate-links-below-for-u-to-learn.html Fritz Springmeier - Occult Numerology Symbols of The DeepState - https://rumble.com/v3ambbs-fritz-springmeier-occult-numerology-symbols-of-the-deepstate-more-documener.html The Deep State - 1967 Recording Reveals Everything Happening Today - https://rumble.com/versif-the-deep-state-1967-recording-reveals-everything-happening-today.html TIM ALBERINO on the Bible , JESUS , aliens , Fallen Angels , Nephilim and the end times - https://rumble.com/v2vm67q-tim-alberino-on-the-bible-ets-fallen-angels-nephilim-and-the-end-times.html Justin Faull Aliens are Demons and Fallen Angels from the bible - The Great last Deception - https://rumble.com/v2vmhbi-justin-faull-aliens-are-demons-and-fallen-angels-from-the-bible-the-great-l.html DEAGEL MILITARY INTELLIGENCE REPORT - MASSIVE DEPOPULATION EXPECTED BY 2025 FROM 2017 - https://rumble.com/v1jkzb9-deagel-military-intelligence-report-massive-depopulation-expected-by-2025-f.html EX Cabal BANKER RONALD BERNARD SPEAKS ABOUT THE ELITES AND THEIR RITUALS - https://rumble.com/vx17xj-ex-cabal-banker-ronald-bernard-speaks-about-the-elites-and-their-rituals.html LUCIFERIANS MASTERS OF DECEPTION - Learn Who your true Enemy is - https://rumble.com/vx12mf-luciferians-masters-of-deception-learn-who-your-true-enemy-is.html TEd Gunderson Former FBI Chief Exposing Satanism in America - https://rumble.com/vx10k7-ed-gunderson-former-fbi-chief-exposing-evil-in-america.html George Soros Puppet Master- Glenn Beck 2010 - https://rumble.com/v3aos80-george-soros-puppet-master-glenn-beck-2010-3-part-series.html BEHOLD A PALE HORSE" (FULL AUDIOBOOK) by Bill Cooper Read by Bill Cooper - https://rumble.com/v37z75a-behold-a-pale-horse-full-audiobook-by-bill-cooper-read-by-bill-cooper.html Georgia Guide Stones - Lucifer's 10 Commandments explained - https://rumble.com/v3b28i6-georgia-guide-stones-lucifers-10-commandments-explained.html DR. DAVID MARTIN - COVID-19' WAS A PLANNED WARFARE ON THE HUMAN RACE - https://rumble.com/v2qtw91-dr.-david-martin-covid-19-was-a-planned-warfare-on-the-human-race.html In the Face of evil Reagans War - Word and Deed by steve bannon - https://rumble.com/v2qrot6-in-the-face-of-evil-reagans-war-word-and-deed.html The Plot Against The President the first Coup - https://rumble.com/v2p6g2g-the-plot-against-the-president.html Bill Cooper 1992 Full Interview - https://rumble.com/v3b190a-bill-cooper-1992-full-interview.html Donald Trump & Q Prophecies 3 - Trump Vs the Deepstate and the Great Awakening +++ Motivational Video - https://rumble.com/v32yvik-donald-trump-and-q-prophecies-3-trump-vs-the-deepstate-and-the-great-awaken.html SUN TZU The ART OF W@R PART 1 OF 2 HISTORY DOCUMENTARY - https://rumble.com/vvzuar-sun-tzu-the-art-of-wr-part-1-of-2-history-documentary.html SUN TZU The ART OF W@R PART 2 OF 2 HISTORY DOCUMENTARY - https://rumble.com/vvzwb7-sun-tzu-the-art-of-wr-part-2-of-2-history-documentary.html The DEEP State and the 13 BlOOdline Families - https://rumble.com/vx13zb-the-d33p-state-and-the-13-bl00dline-families.html THE AMERICAN STAND OFF DOCUMENTARY - A TALE OF PATRIOTS & TYRANTS - https://rumble.com/vnkrjr-the-american-stand-off-documentary-a-tale-of-patriots-and-tyrants.html The Plot Against The President The first Coup - https://rumble.com/v2p6g2g-the-plot-against-the-president.html The White Rabbit Molecule and the mass disappearance of children - https://rumble.com/v1w5k6u-the-white-rabbit-molecule-and-the-elites.html LUCIFERIANS MASTERS OF DECEPTION - Learn Who your true Enemy is - https://rumble.com/vx12mf-luciferians-masters-of-deception-learn-who-your-true-enemy-is.html5.44K views 2 comments -
Documentary: "IllumiNAZI 911" Anthony J. Hilder, Jordan Maxwell, Ted Gunderson and More
TheWarAgainstYouDocumentary: "IllumiNAZI 911" Anthony J. Hilder, Jordan Maxwell, Ted Gunderson and More - (This Video Was Converted To High Definition By TheWarAgainstYou) - Lol. The Hitler - Nazi thing was WAY Overplayed as a Metaphor... - Released December 31st, 2001 - 'IllumiNAZI 911' stars Anthony J. Hilder, Jordan Maxwell(Illuminati Historian), Cliff Kincade(Americanist Author), Ted Gunderson (Frm FBI Chief Agent in Charge L.A.), and Clayton Douglas (Publisher - Free American), and Suzanne Harris (Law LOFT). The movie has a runtime of about 1 hr 23 min. Note: The resolution is not so hot but I did try fixing the audio to sync properly. Curious to know what the movie's about❓ - Here's the plot: "In this 86-minute volcanic video former FBI chief agent Ted Gunderson blows the lid off the FBLies involvement in the 1993 Trade Center bombing THEY SET IT UP Illuminati historian Jordan Maxwell publisher Clayton Douglas at The Free American Gunderson and Anthony J Hilder are calling the attack at the US an inside job America has been suckered one more time. This video will shake and shock you into a reality check." - Who's really behind the terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre❓ - Osama Bin Laden or someone much closer❓ - Who benefits from this atrocity❓ Islam? Israel❓ - Or is it those who wish to establish a New World Order on the smoldering ashes of American Sovereignty❓ - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES - Mirrored From: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/page-chronicles/10.5K views 18 comments -
Ted Gunderson - 1998
Ex FBI ChiefTed Gunderson was the former chief of the Los Angeles division of the FBI and brought his impeccable credentials to the truth/freedom movement. After retiring from the FBI, he gave presentations all over the country alerting the public to the reality of false flag terrorism, satanic ritual abuse, and mind control. Gunderson is best known not for just exposing evil and educating the public, but for risking his life to personally help and protect many victims. When a rare leader like that passes on, hundreds more should rise-up and take his place. State Sponsored Terrorism After retiring from the FBI, Ted Gunderson started a private investigation firm in Santa Monica and traveled the country exposing crimes of the New World Order. In addition to overwhelming documentation, Gunderson further confirmed that Osama Bin Laden was a CIA/Pentagon asset that went by the name of Tim Osman. Gunderson met Bin Laden at the Hilton Hotel in Sherman Oaks, California in 1986. At the time, Bin Laden was a representative of the Mujahadeen, the Afghan fighters resisting the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The Mujahadeen were trained and funded by the United States during Operation Cyclone, as stated by Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Jimmy Carter's National Security Adviser and member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg Group. Al-Qaeda is still run by the Pentagon and is used for regional destabilization, most recently in Libya. Gunderson stated that "the CIA makes the mafia look like a Sunday school class" and that the CIA and FBI is "behind most if not all" terrorism. The FBI certainly could have stopped the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing by substituting a fake bomb for the real one, as their informant Emad Salem suggested. Instead, the bombing was allowed to occur, killing six people and wounding more than 1,000. Ted Gunderson researched 911 and concluded that the evidence proves it was a false flag operation to justify foreign wars and pass draconian legislation in the United States, such as the Patriot Act. Gunderson says he knew the man, Michael Riconosciuto, that designed bombs for the CIA. Gunderson believes that the bombs Riconosciuto designed were used in the Oklahoma City, although that was not his intent in designing them. Numerous bombs were planted in the federal building, as reported by several different news agencies. "To say that a fertilizer bomb did that is absolutely ridiculous," says Gunderson. Timothy McVeigh, a mind-controlled asset, and Terry Nichols were set-up patsies of the Oswald variety. In February 2007, Lawyer Jesse Trentadue obtained an astounding declaration from Nichols in which he fingered FBI agent Larry Potts as having directed McVeigh in carrying out the attack. Additionally, Former FBI Terrorist Task Force director Danny Coulson, the man who was in charge of collecting evidence from the Alfred P. Murrah building, has called for a new grand jury investigation into the bombing in order to identify FBI informants who were involved in the plot. Gunderson worked tirelessly to expose the sexual and satanic ritual abuse of children by the global elite. He was instrumental in exposing the Franklin Cover-Up, involving government drug smuggling, money laundering, child kidnapping and recruiting boys from orphanages in the Midwest for sex with U.S. Congressmen. Gunderson also gave speeches exposing the CIA and international child trafficking. He asked his seminar audience members to copy his research and distribute it to as many people as possible. Education was Gunderson's plan for defeating global fascist tyranny.529 views -
#TJvGarland Week 21 Update (Targeted Justice week update #21)
Targeted IndividualAna Toledo and Susan Markstein have joined me for WEEK #21 Update in the historic lawsuit Targeted Justice v Garland. Susan Markstein is an Attorney at Law with practice n the state of NJ, and an Advisory Board Member for TargetedJustice.com Susan can be reached via email markensteinesq at outlook dot com There are the various ways you can act to help our cause: 1) call your elected officials and media members to inform them about the case 2) create paid subscription to TargetedJustice.Substack.com 3) donate via pay.cornerstone.cc/targetedjustice 4) share TargetedJustice.com and its validated resources with family, friends, and colleagues. Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this and other videos on this channel, including those of plaintiffs and Advisory Board Members do not necessary reflect positions of TargetedJustice.com251 views 2 comments