Alan Sabrosky on Biden Meltdown & Candace’s 9/11 Awakening
FFFWNwww.KevinBarrett.substack.com Dr. Alan Sabrosky returns for another “first Friday of the month” appearance. Today’s topic menu, borrowed from this week’s False Flag Weekly News stories: (1) DNC campaign to oust Biden has failed. (2) Candace Owens questions 9/11 official story—and points finger at Israel. (3) Panicking MSM says RFK Jr. groped dog and ate babysitter (or was it the other way around?) . We’ll also discuss “Doc” Sabrosky’s latest article: “Deadly Delusions: When the Plans Work All Too Well.” Dr. Alan Sabrosky is the former Head of Strategic Studies at the US Army War College. He expresses his Jewish heritage via cuisine, not foreign policy.1.75K views 16 comments -
Alan Sabrosky: A National & Geopolitical Synopsis. July 26, 2024
444ageAs always, Dr. Sabrosky delivers with exactness and decorum. Music: https://purple-planet.com232 views 6 comments -
Alan Sabrosky on Fallout of the Butler faux assassination attempt'
Jim Fetzersource: https://old.bitchute.com/video/0VPPLSSl34nf EXCELLENT conversation between Dr. Kevin Barrett and the great Alan Sabrosky! They cover the false-flag character of the Trump assassination attempt and the false historical narrative of the "Jewish Holocaust of WWII." Sabrosky reveals that there2.45K views 3 comments -
Dr Alan Sabrosky & Mike Harris | 5th Generation Warfare, Who Benefits ? 10.10.2024
BaggyPantsBuy BaggyPants A Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/BaggyPants QUIT SMOKING OR VAPING NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! Excellent eBook: QUIT SMOKING OR DIE! https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/quit-smoking-or-die-richard-renstone/1136998725?ean=2940164378936 MY PARATHYROID -Learn about Hyperparathyroidism or Hypoparathyroidism https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/my-parathyroid-richard-renstone/1142399066 | LIVESTREAM BEGINS 11:00 AM EST THURSDAY OCTOBER 10TH315 views -
OneGreatWorkNetworkCatCatherine Watters of The Family Industrial Complex podcast on Revolution.Radio Studio B every Wednesday 4-6pm ET AND Replay on OneGreatWorkNetwork.com every Thursday 7-9pm ET. This week is a Returning guest, I interviewed Dr Alan Sabrosky years ago a few times for awakeradio.us and PeoplesInternetRadio.com but, First time on Revolution.Radio https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/author/sabrosky/ Alan Ned Sabrosky (Ph.D., University of Michigan) is a writer and consultant specializing in national and international security affairs. In December 1988, he received the Superior Civilian Service Award after more than five years of service at the U.S. Army War College as Director of Studies, Strategic Studies Institute, and holder of the General of the Army Douglas MacArthur Chair of Research. He is listed in WHO'S WHO IN THE EAST (23rd ed.). A Marine Corps Vietnam veteran and a 1986 graduate of the U.S. Army War College, Dr. Sabrosky's teaching and research appointments have included the United States Military Academy, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Middlebury College and Catholic University; while in government service, he held concurrent adjunct professorships at Georgetown University and the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). Dr. Sabrosky has lectured widely on defense and foreign affairs in the United States and abroad. His published work includes thirteen books or monographs and over one hundred sixty articles, chapters and book reviews. Among his books are Alliances in U.S. Foreign Policy, The Recourse to War: An Appraisal of the "Weinberger Doctrine", and Prisoners of War? Nation-States in the Modern Era; he is completing a book-length study on the U.S. use of military force as an instrument of foreign policy, called Presidential War: The Politics of Military Intervention. A native of Lansing Michigan and a 1959 graduate of Sexton High School, he currently owns a computer business and resides in Jackson, Mississippi. The three videos examine a largely unknown and appalling chapter in our history - the first two are based om books I had read and validated by my own studies: the first ("Hellstorm") is on the real holocaust of WWII inflicted by the US, Britain and the USSR on the German population, a virtual orgy of mass rape, mass slaughter and mass destruction by our armed forces in Europe; the second ("Other Losses") depicts vividly the exposed incarceration and murder of many hundreds of thousands of German prisoners of war at Eisenhower's orders after WWII in the winter of 1045-46, and the subsrquent murder of literally millions of German civilians in accordance with the "(Henry) Morgenthau Plan" - authorized by President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill, then officially rescinded wjem its existence was leaked and became public, then unofficially executed after Germany surrendered. The third link is to by discussion last Friday of the first two videos and their implications for us todat. Here are the links: (1) https://www.bitchute.com/video/oI9kdwezy03r (2) https://www.bitchute.com/video/pOQq6Vr65Vvs (3) https://www.bitchute.com/video/CBhQCAPsS6Ia Why am I doing this, since WWII ended nearly 80 years ago? Because we are living today with an international order driven by a false narrative of that conflict. Because it reveals a dark and thoroughly disgusting side to what we and the British and the Soviets did to the Germans, something that even a damn good military historian like myself did not fully understand. And most importantly, because it makes crystal clear the role elite Jews here and abroad had in the conflict and its murderous aftermath - the descendants of whom are actively engaged in furthering our own destruction and ruin today, doing to the US and other Western countries what they tried and failed to do to Weimar Germany after WWI. I sincerely hope you all watch and learn from these videos, as I did. I would be grateful if you would share them as widely as possible. The existing deceit is pervasive and the hour is late, but the proverbial bell has - perhaps - not yet tolled for us. Many thanks, Alan Please support Catherine Watters HERE https://onegreatworknetwork.com/catherine-watters my X profile https://x.com/watterscat4189 views