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Let's Play Dragon Age Inquisition (Blind)

23 videos
Updated 1 year ago
#dragonage #dragonage3 #da3 #daiii #dragonageinquisition ► Dragon Age: Inquisition Story Synopsis When the sky opens up and rains down chaos, the world needs heroes. Become the savior of Thedas in Dragon Age: Inquisition – Game of the Year Edition. You are the Inquisitor, tasked with saving the world from itself. But the road ahead is paved with difficult decisions. Thedas is a land of strife. Factions constantly war with each other even as a larger demonic invasion has begun. And you? You and your band of champions are the only ones who can hold it together. It’s your job to lead them...or fall. #dragonageinquisition #DragonAge #bioware #DragonAge3 #electronicarts
  1. Horse Master - Let's Play Dragon Age Inquisition Blind #22
  2. Enchanter Ellandra - Let's Play Dragon Age Inquisition Blind #21
  3. Another Rift Bites The Dust - Let's Play Dragon Age Inquisition Blind #20
  4. Small Grove - Let's Play Dragon Age Inquisition Blind #19
  5. Cleaning House - Let's Play Dragon Age Inquisition Blind #18
  6. The Chargers - Let's Play Dragon Age Inquisition Blind #17
  7. Dwarfson's Pass Rifts - Let's Play Dragon Age Inquisition Blind #16
  8. A Cult - Let's Play Dragon Age Inquisition Blind #15
  9. Blackwall - Let's Play Dragon Inquisition Blind #14
  10. Hunting Rams - Let's Play Dragon Inquisition Blind #13