Satanic Puppets Such As Trump, Musk & Such!
11 videos
Updated 10 months ago
They wonder why i give lucifer the cookie do they? For those whom have eyes to see aye!
They Don't Make a Pill For That Creature Nope! @Effectively Taken Over We Are Yup!
Alpha Omega 1412"god" won alright creatures, stellar work i'd say yep! Tantamount to a federation of planets D12 "galactic" sized Cat mowing over a billions "strong", biped creatures, "ant" hill in one foul swoop yup! The biggest regurgitator of "man" can be summed up in a word aye! "god"! And the kicker? Every last one of ya's is a "god" in potentiality! John 14:12, like for real! It's not a "man" that's gonna save you so [time] to grow up yep! Or hey maybe just sit around while we cull some more creatures, finish off the middle class or wait for them to kick your bloody door down first before you ever do anything yup! Let there be no doubt we have been taken over and more in the know should be placing the blame where it belongs! To the creature culling orange puppet! Not some fool(s) playing "biden"! Full description with links and further expanded picture mashes are included here for the below linked video and the 1080p version as well for any on bunkchute that saw the low [Q]uality! Description With Context Pictures/links for "They Don't Make a Pill For That Creature Nope! @Effectively Taken Over We Are Yup!" https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTJbb5qLbVWyLwobzXdPrC7Ij-UMC-ARB-aGo-r1_9RpaiSgSdRll1TS9tiuGm5NFxTGqX8jW95y3Af/pub See the new playlist all things border invasion with context to satanic puppets such as trump and musk that i'll be adding onto here shortly! Satanic Puppets Such As Trump, Musk & Such! https://rumble.com/playlists/Jx_nuU_wSuk A Little Ditty On Federation Puppet Orange Prick, Turtle Island, "Is Ra El" Connections Yup Why Not! https://rumble.com/v4bl2e6-a-little-ditty-on-federation-puppet-orange-prick-turtle-island-is-ra-el-con.html The satanic musk Puppet Can Project Yes, With Mari M BOOM & CIA Youtube SCREWS! https://rumble.com/v4juqg3-the-satanic-musk-puppet-can-project-yes-with-mari-m-boom-and-cia-youtube-sc.html Who owns who is clear to see linked below_ Brantford warning PDFs, orange skin puppet with china masters mash~3.png https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IrEof-jbzdxvqc2FU6NUnTZ0fKx5-Ojm/view?usp=sharing "christian" Experiment Failed, Irony At It's Finest With M33 Laughing At Y'all! https://rumble.com/v48ej9f-christian-experiment-failed-irony-at-its-finest-with-m33-laughing-at-yall.html Guess We Just Can't Fix Stupid Eh "god"? And What Did You Win Again Exactly? https://rumble.com/v3yv57p-guess-we-just-cant-fix-stupid-eh-god-and-what-did-you-win-again-exactly.html FYI for all the "smart" people grammar nazis out there or otherwise bubbled ones living a jeebus lie aye! i most certainly shall not "CAPITALISE" my "i"s no... i'll stick to walking on water thanx yep! Walking on water jeebus lie aye Ms Goldfishy mash.PNG https://drive.google.com/file/d/14ZuQ6zJMeTYJLrbCGPu7_Xa9uOwx3OQw/view?usp=sharing The Nanabush "your all bloody "gods" in potentiality" mash below_ 223 X 2 [Q] inky dinky Nanabush.png https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Zz9lS3ASGwwugI7quvZFS9c1T5wwGjpX/view?usp=sharing BEST ADVICE TO GET THESE ANCIENT WARS IS TO BE LIKE THE SCORCHED GRANDFATHER IN THE CENTER OF THE SWEAT LODGE THAT CAN SEE ALL SIDES OF THE S[Q]UARE! CONTEXT MATTERS FOR SURE [GOOGLE] GARBAGE YA! ;) TOLD YA SO TURTLE ISLAND BOOM! https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRnByWpihGwEdVxJL1saHh5uXdg2csfMvreoWlmreSG7QoI-YZo6sOFJMjYdB71K1qt8X8r1xV9xjbr/pub FULL TRUTH! It shall [set] you free, but first it has to hurt! Thus onto the greatest culling for "god" this 141 X genome womb mother rock has ever witnessed for sure yup! Great job for sure [Q] culling billions of creatures for "god" for sure orange clown yay! #322 How were we all so fooled? Deception, Shills, Disinfo agents, Psy-Ops Mark Devlin and JC Kay https://youtu.be/w3GvGC4IfgI Ever wonder why the "word" of "god" that's supposed to be feared needs a patent anyone? pedo demon james draco orion group buy-bull patent mash.png https://drive.google.com/file/d/10oRe7kJOjzJ8XCOhkrhnKLTufAdt81--/view?usp=sharing383 views -
The satanic musk Puppet Can Project Yes, With Mari M BOOM & CIA Youtube SCREWS!
Alpha Omega 1412WARNING... Contains what some would consider "graphic" content! i recall a guy back in the day that accused me of traumatising children from the lady gaga/child beaten picture on the side of the car! i told the guy are you kidding me??? You know what children used to do when they saw the car and that picture i said? They always looked at their parents like why? They wanted to understand why anyone would do this to children and always were curious not traumatised at all! Then usually it was the parents with the issue dragging the children away in a rush! Likely because they like lady gaga too who knows! Point is all you so called "adults" out there that would have a problem with truth and this video? Well consider yourselves part of the problem i'd say because this is what ignorance is bliss bloody looks like okay! Millions go missing every bloody year in our world so if your offended? Well you should BE! Not at me though at yourselves for letting it come to this! Because at the end of the day none of you helped Annette Marie did you? That other mother at the Calgary indigenous hub? (thats likely now murdered too thanx to no help) You sure didn't help me either out of the likely millions now that have watched this 6 year long hell ride with ZERO HELP! So i could care less if your offended really! i can at least say i bloody tried to do something, which is more than i can say for most no doubt there! As far as satanic demon pigs such as elon musk, the creature culling satanic orange puppet and alike well they shall always project what they are onto others no doubt there! So far as my most recent "banning" from the CIA satanic [X] front well let it be known the original pictures actually came from twitter for one, for 2 when you actually see that hand fiddling, giggling pedo demon enabling pig laughing about what he most certainly knows about AND HAS SEEN at it's worse regarding hunter biden theres no doubt in my mind what that puppet is all about! (never mind the fact i have 100's of gb's of content of him screwing me non-stop) Further more i wasn't given any chance to appeal, nor did i even get an email like in the past when i was required to remove posts! So it's my belief this was merely to remove all these posts because clearly more people were seeing me over there, and as it was clear the porn bot attacks had picked up and that as well was another tactic they started to use more on me! It is also no secret many others reported way worse REAL CHILD exploitation still happening on the satanic [X] front so clearly my evidence picture mash (including content from another channel bitchute took out right after making that mash! @ Falconscafe!) was getting under the skin of that CIA satan puppet elon musk, thus he had to do something! As far as the Mari M boom well hey i could do 10 more videos explaining more on that which connects the full circle pretty much to many other parts of this hell ride story but would it matter to anyone here? Likely not as no one ever says anything, does anything... FUCKING SQUAT... so for now i'll stick to these other things before my court date next month! See the original video below i used in this here mash should any care! Prophecy isn't really prophecy if it was the master plan, orange skin, musk china puppet cut! https://rumble.com/v2fq49i-prophecy-isnt-really-prophecy-if-it-was-the-master-plan-orange-skin-musk-ch.html Chi-miigwetch 224 like i said for helping to complete the circle in regards to the vid contained here! It helped confirm many things so far as the recent Mary M attempted infiltration as well as many other things i was working on or thinking to complete! Guess you already know all that though as you can read my mind i know! But hey maybe someone watching here gets it who the hell knows! 6 bloody years of isolation here so who the fk knows anymore what anyone is/isn't/knows of doesn't fkn know i know!436 views -
"christian" Experiment Failed, Irony At It's Finest With M33 Laughing At Y'all!
Alpha Omega 1412Bravo pavlovski you stellar satanic soros/g8tes rumble puppet for screwing me last night likely for 300 to 500mb! Must have been too much slow killing fun for the creatures or hey maybe it was for the new Brantford Police service intimidation tactics maybe who knows! https://x.com/alberts60star/status/1749154131942543371?s=20 irony at it's finest indeed aye! hail to the creature culling orange puppet, way to go! somebody needs to give lucifer another cookie like for real! "christian" Experiment Failed, Irony At It's Finest With M33 Laughing At Y'all! https://rumble.com/v48ej9f-christian-experiment-failed-irony-at-its-finest-with-m33-laughing-at-yall.html Got to love the irony of an american living on blood soaked lands (as they now seek to actively scrub any mention of indigenous history from american records - "officially") saying to a potential terrorist (here to reclaim Turtle Island for his blue skinned micro "god" "ET" masters) anything about "entitlement" eh"? As america has pretty much destroyed the world with its greed and mother killing glutenous ways the last 100 years like! Dropping bombs on anything it doesn't like in the name of "god" and what evers! Doesn't get anymore ironic really and the kicker is it was actually the orange clown millions love that helped it all happen! Helping to cull billions in the process while doing it to boot! https://x.com/EndWokeness/status/1749040928453472305?s=20 Reporter: "Where are you from?" Middle Eastern illegal migrant: "Soon you will know who I am. Believe me. You will see." Alberts60star @alberts60star https://x.com/alberts60star/status/1749114271819075937?s=20 no not really... merely a "biblical" prophetic "plan"! lets face it the "christian" experiment has failed so on to a new woo hoo! Never forget either it was the orange tool that left the border open! He even bragged it could be done in weeks ok, so [Q]uit even saying "biden"! https://x.com/alberts60star/status/1749114990148136962?s=20 hook line & sinker your orange tool puppet sold y'all out ok! already a done bloody deal so get used to it! Guess We Just Can't Fix Stupid Eh "god"? And What Did You Win Again Exactly? https://rumble.com/v3yv57p-guess-we-just-cant-fix-stupid-eh-god-and-what-did-you-win-again-exactly.html Meanwhile the tip of the spear to the full truth y'all need to be [set] free remains forsaken going on 6 years here but all good creatures! Hopefully they finish me off here soon enough and y'all can enjoy your orange age yay! See the new updated rumble about section i'm working on with pictures and more links i hope to be finished with when i can get to another location later... i'll be adding onto as well down the line should i still have a pulse! https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSKHF1YKgF-OijpUVBF03G72XwUC1RuglsvlgumZhnKG_rLsrJpZVVrYLMWFu3GZxmNmMbjt_4YD3Ig/pub See more on the truth of Turtle Island below as well and more on the Federation of planets "god" lie that's recycled trillions over the ages! https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRnByWpihGwEdVxJL1saHh5uXdg2csfMvreoWlmreSG7QoI-YZo6sOFJMjYdB71K1qt8X8r1xV9xjbr/pub?fbclid=IwAR0sW3uVx8yrAFy0kp6UL4U17zSC_OWbyiXxgQRX1-TIQCjeAbnhM8qyee4 Great job for sure [Q] culling billions of creatures for "god" for sure orange clown yay! #322 How were we all so fooled? Deception, Shills, Disinfo agents, Psy-Ops Mark Devlin and JC Kay https://youtu.be/w3GvGC4IfgI Prophecy isn't really prophecy if it was the master plan, orange skin, musk china puppet cut! https://rumble.com/v2fq49i-prophecy-isnt-really-prophecy-if-it-was-the-master-plan-orange-skin-musk-ch.html Paid Ops, "gods" Orange Age Harvest Conclusions, Clone Fun Mash! https://rumble.com/v2no1ci-paid-ops-gods-orange-age-harvest-conclusions-clone-fun-mash.html194 views -
Guess We Just Can't Fix Stupid Eh "god"? And What Did You Win Again Exactly?
Alpha Omega 1412Here's another one your yella satanic pedo demon enabling masters are going to need you to throttle hard core you soros/g8tes rumble puppet! That creature hasn't the foggiest of notions at all no! see full thread below of comments posted on the below video! https://www.bitchute.com/video/sRiX1ba7A3Mq/ SeatWarmer747 Totally stupid !!!!! RIGHT !!!!! RIGHT !!!! RIGHT !!!!! LMFAO !!!! What a waste of time!!! You never a waste of time catching that satanic yella federation of planets creature culling orange puppet! goes great with the hundreds of gb's of other evidence as well and considering they've got me right throttled on top of that theres your icing on the cake for the Brantford PD add ons coming here shortly... i feel for any creature that goes along with that orange pricks game to be honest and truly hope i'm extracted here before long... you creatures are in for some serious rude awakenings no doubts there! SeatWarmer747 You do know the Trump is still the President ??? Trump handed over the country to the military, and he did this right in front of everyone’s eyes, and all the signed documentation to go with it !!!! Remember there is not going to a 2024 election, the military will reinstate Trump, and the all the bad guys go away !!! LMFAO !!!! Isn’t that right ???? You to SeatWarmer747 for sure i know creature... from leaving the border wall open on purpose letting your country be invaded by millions to helping cull well over a billion now the last few years he's been the one pulled it all off for his satanic federation masters for sure yep! well ahead of ya creature aye! https://x.com/alberts60star/status/1730167421581905985?s=20 Really @BrantfordPolice from $40 to 0 after the @Bell cyber crimes video six nation screws on top of being robbed again you say @csiscanada pedo demon enablers Screenshot 2023-11-30 03.32.47.png just keeps piling up eh? @JustinTrudeau @iHeartRadio @rcmpgrcpolice @CalgaryPolice https://x.com/alberts60star/status/1730168189164601444?s=20 more BELL Cjay iheart CSIS RCMP continued murder cover up screws going on you say eh turdeau castro Screenshot 2023-11-30 04.54.18.png it makes a lot more sense now doesn't it why @CsiHawkins got murdered now doesn't it @elonmusk & why @Bitchute @rumblevideo @chrispavlovski https://x.com/alberts60star/status/1730169185894822347?s=20 @YouTube & every other bloody big tech platform has done everything in their power to finish me off here eh @realDonaldTrump @A1Policy that also has failed in obligations & screwed me on "truth" social? this creature hasn't the foggiest of notions what he's even fkn looking at here does he eh creature culling orange prick? https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRnByWpihGwEdVxJL1saHh5uXdg2csfMvreoWlmreSG7QoI-YZo6sOFJMjYdB71K1qt8X8r1xV9xjbr/pub?fbclid=IwAR0sW3uVx8yrAFy0kp6UL4U17zSC_OWbyiXxgQRX1-TIQCjeAbnhM8qyee4 take it from a main witness i've caught that puppet trespass against us so this federation of planets orange goof creature culling puppet for sure knows he's helped cull billions here & knows full well too if the people knew what he's done they'd want his fkn head on a stick for sure creature yup👍 Define damage control aye, oh my why? @chrispavlovski @elonmusk @realDonaldTrump @facebook @X @rumblevideo @Bitchute https://x.com/Prolotario1/status/1727175723331309844?s=20 https://x.com/alberts60star/status/1726963043123482802?s=20 https://x.com/chrispavlovski/status/1724451485029699891?s=20 https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRnByWpihGwEdVxJL1saHh5uXdg2csfMvreoWlmreSG7QoI-YZo6sOFJMjYdB71K1qt8X8r1xV9xjbr/pub?fbclid=IwAR0sW3uVx8yrAFy0kp6UL4U17zSC_OWbyiXxgQRX1-TIQCjeAbnhM8qyee4 now unless you have something productive to contribute you disrespectful biped slug i suggest you get the fk out of here and never bloody return you brainwashed goof creature! https://x.com/alberts60star/status/1730278265418387844?s=20 look at this brain dead disrespectful biped slug, ignorant fool go eh you creature culling orange clown @realDonaldTrump the yella commy puppet eh Screenshot 2023-11-30 12.08.35.png that's some stellar good luciferian creature culling mk ultra programming going there eh [Q]?🤨 https://x.com/alberts60star/status/1730281029531791614?s=20 that creatures in for some serious rude awakenings for real eh orange clown @realDonaldTrump ? someone better give lucifer another cookie i say aye! Screenshot 2023-11-30 12.34.38.png guess we just can't fix stupid eh "god"? like wow! What did you win again exactly?🤨 Nothing i'd bloody brag about winning at all "god" no! https://x.com/alberts60star/status/1730306578106950132?s=20 they wonder why my pulse annoys me thoroughly do they "god"? and sure i know i know, judge lest not you be judged i get it yup! well hey "god" lets be clear here... that fractal of me makes me sick yup! thus is why my pulse annoys me a lot and what nots!😒 may you get your head out of your arse sooner rather then later i'd most certainly say aye! https://x.com/alberts60star/status/1730303928682631664?s=20 Nothing i'd brag about winning no "god" fk nope!😒 Guess We Just Can't Fix Stupid Eh "god"? And What Did You Win Again Exactly? https://rumble.com/v3yv57p-guess-we-just-cant-fix-stupid-eh-god-and-what-did-you-win-again-exactly.html maybe give lucifer like 10 more cookies for the creature culling orange puppet @realDonaldTrump idk!👍 and no for the record i most certainly shall not CAPITALISE my "i"s no! i prefer walking on water thanx yup!👍 try and take ur easy on your ??????? !!!!!!!!! keys too creature! and maybe leaving your caps lock alone for awhile wouldn't hurt your shit either but idk! give it a try and see how she goes, you just never know yep!👍280 views -
Prophecy isn't really prophecy if it was the master plan, orange skin, musk china puppet cut!
Alpha Omega 1412let's see how bad you fk me on this one eh you soros/g8tes aurora rumble puppet eh? well hey like i told hacker garbage there blow me up anytime i says and we can all get onto repaying our debts together aye! i was gone before i got here anyhoo pavlovski so be that good little nazi puppet skin like only you can be yippy! silence sure is making a lot more sense "higher" ups and why i don't much care to finish any of these other projects and with more confirmations still denied, more disrespect, and clearly seeing what no one seems to want to "believe" on any side what else can ya do at the end of the day but just get right fkn finished off for "god" lol! i'll have a blog post up with links and other shorts to come but what's the hurry i figure as we all know what everyone thinks of us! just watch us get run over by the bus yep i get it yep! great work for sure orange skin and you too there pedo protecting musk puppet, great work for sure aye! as for where the blame really should go? i cast it to you there 7 federation lords and other associated above garbage that has been letting this shit go on for thousands of years! the idea i ever looked up to you makes me want to gag should i be honest! you should have been cramming one of your space wands up that orange clowns orange wrinkly sphincter long ago by now ffs you federation garbage!134 views -
Paid Ops, "gods" Orange Age Harvest Conclusions, Clone Fun Mash!
Alpha Omega 1412Let's see how bad you screw me on this one now eh pavlovski! bunkchute raymond sure wouldn't let it fly so i had no choice but to bring it here in lower quality all things considered! This ones a mash of older stuff including clone fun, strange "biblical" type shit with follow up after an attack the night i added AFPI to an orange clown taunting thread over on twitter awhile back! More confirmations as well the musk puppet is actively continuing to enable and protect a pedo demon canadian judiciary and break down explanations of paid opposition actors and platforms such as gab that has been nothing but a gong show over there since day one! As far as conclusions to this hell ride here well hey with the recent hack of the white love video it world seem i've been pretty much spot on since day one so far as the true history of these orion wars go and where it really started thus it's safe to assume for me from here on many aren't going to end up where they think they are long term here! So if it's the orange age you want, the orange age you get yup! good luck with that and may they finally put me out of my misery here once and for good on the streets wooo hooo yay! More on the sore necks thing and creature culling "god" wins fun linked below_ THERE ARE NO WHITE HATS! MERELY GREY AT BEST YES! COBRA CUT! https://www.bitchute.com/video/IQ5Hw3OLYT7X/ As for any that think the orange puppet really gives a shit about any of you at the end of the day i don't know what to tell you! good luck with that too as well long term i'd say! feel free to go to the 9:11 mark of the video below for more on your likely creature culling body count for "god" and your orange clown [Q] games here come 5 years time! GOOD OL CALCULATOR SAYS 5 MINUTES TO UPLOAD SO LET'S SEE HOW BAD YOU FK US NOW RAYMOND! https://www.bitchute.com/video/W2CTRMe9YDDV/ oh and for sure thomas @OPPcommissioner sorry about the man panties creature!107 views 1 comment -
A Little Ditty On Federation Puppet Orange Prick, Turtle Island, "Is Ra El" Connections Yup Why Not!
Alpha Omega 1412Back when i thoth sky lady could be "Gene" Isis, but now after seeing the satanic creature culling federation of planets orange tool puppet for what he truly is i tend to stray from that original thoth! regardless these wars still started here on Turtle Island "ages" before the Zeus canal was even a wet dream in egypt just the same! Too bad more couldn't be the scorched grandfather in the centre of the sweat lodge for sure! (as in a spirit in a "rock" and what nots!) to know would be to see while being blind! ask the difference between a realm & "reality" & maybe you'll know the difference but idk! no longer much care either> test bunkchute download yep yup! BEST ADVICE TO GET THESE ANCIENT WARS IS TO BE LIKE THE SCORCHED GRANDFATHER IN THE CENTRE OF THE SWEAT LODGE THAT CAN SEE ALL SIDES OF THE S[Q]UARE! https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRnByWpihGwEdVxJL1saHh5uXdg2csfMvreoWlmreSG7QoI-YZo6sOFJMjYdB71K1qt8X8r1xV9xjbr/pub?fbclid=IwAR0sW3uVx8yrAFy0kp6UL4U17zSC_OWbyiXxgQRX1-TIQCjeAbnhM8qyee4 From the 141 [X] genome womb of [time] may "wisdom" once again come again in HER children eye, Che[Q]uetet aye! i won't hold my breath on that no you "heavenly" federation of planets, loosh consuming creature culling "father" nope! as our mother & her creatures burn another fkn day yep, i got it yup!108 views -
More jackmusk 2.o fun, Wrecker Plea, OIPRD, More Bell Cybercrimes screwing insights!
Alpha Omega 1412This is merely a lazy edit with more insights of further trespasses against me from X and more Bell screwing me garbage! See original Goldfish report fun on X linked below_ https://x.com/alberts60star/status/1708812957235167318?s=20 https://x.com/alberts60star/status/1708815271497023889?s=20 https://x.com/alberts60star/status/1708817595720212565?s=20 https://x.com/alberts60star/status/1708817917062631508?s=20 Will fill in more when i can but for now this is more for the wrecker company i shall be emailing shortly and this will be added on to all the other content from recent videos but as i said with all the bunk they do here as well the laptop about done and with no help from anyone here it is what it is i know! Hopefully more shall actually help with the flyers i am handing out but who knows anymore when i can't half tell this story and so many are too brain washed to even know what a "god" is and forgot their obligations as "humans", so many have it would seem! Thank you to any who may have helped and see the other videos in the about section of my channel for more details to help your family and friends and those other children the satanic government of Canada has stolen from their parents! More as well at link below_ https://awarriorcalls.com/ If you can help save the car please click the link below_ https://paypal.me/nativesunontherun4fr?country.x=CA&locale.x=en_US28 views -
"god" loves it Ms. Goldfishy yup!
Alpha Omega 1412still not getting what a "fallen" angel even is no nor does she get we aren't all bad but hey wtf do i know i know! free will yep "god" yup.PNG👍 its the creature culling enjoy the show, orange age federation "plan" is all Ms. Goldfishy @ReportGoldfish so worry nots!👍 https://twitter.com/alberts60star/status/1700754018165768383?s=20 way more on that thread should any care! if the pedo demon enabling satan tool jackmusk 2.o lets you even see it that is!6 views -
Psychopathic to the bone, Federation of Planets Style Cream of the "crop" need apply only!
Alpha Omega 1412wonder if jackmusk 2.o could make a gauge for those 2 biped chunks of creature culling federation of planets faecal matter puppet skins eh "god" videoplayback.mp4 yet another title i never saw coming you satanic soros/g8tes yella puppet skin! throttle me away another day now pavlovski and worry not! my hope is to be out of this cesspit fkn world soon enough yup! "god" can deal with it yep!👍 Replying to @alberts60star @ronin19217435 and @ReportGoldfish https://x.com/alberts60star/status/1732461108747706586?s=20 awe now what bunkchute raymond @Bitchute, did your satanic yella string pullers yank your chain tight again for @csiscanada now again Screenshot 2023-12-06 13.00.53.png like it was only 60mb??? really @rcmpgrcpolice like isn't there a LAW for that @OIPRD_BDIEP? Link below for original post & comments that are already shadow banned (if even there at all to be seen that is) https://x.com/ronin19217435/status/1732425289207341485?s=20 Alberts60star@alberts60star https://x.com/alberts60star/status/1732437341451534404?s=20 Careful mother... don't go loosing your kuiper belt now sky lady! shhh shhh careful of the grand father "star" lodge yay! like linear "glass" they figured kept them in a [Q]uarantine like! i'll stick to walking on "water" thanx "i" aye, eye! linear just ain't my thang so!👍 https://x.com/alberts60star/status/1732437986061533439?s=20 "dinosaurs" though for sure there "draconian" LAW! And don't forget lizzy's cut now y'all... we sure wouldn't want to piss off "god" now ya hear!👌👌👌 And if you don't get the above feel free to clarify your confusion anytime! Otherwise there is enough there in the cryptic of it all to connect your own dots i'm sure as i'm no longer wasting my [time] trying to explain what really is [Q]uite simple here! https://x.com/alberts60star/status/1732449133955305832?s=20 Hey maybe jackmusk 2.o can work that out for sure Ms. Goldfishy @ReportGoldfish you just never know! Psychopathic to the bone, Federation of Planets Style Cream of the "crop" need apply only! https://rumble.com/v3zxilp-psychopathic-to-the-bone-federation-of-planets-style-cream-of-the-crop-need.html https://x.com/alberts60star/status/1732452302995304667?s=20 awe whats the matter jackmusk 2.o? you mad at me again are you? boo hoo poor jackmusk 2.o! wonder if jackmusk 2.o could make a gauge for those 2 biped chunks of creature culling federation of planets faecal matter puppet skins eh "god" videoplayback.mp4 & for sure another title i ever saw coming for sure jackmusk 2.o, for real! jackmusk 2.o sure is looking stiff with its saudi collar on eh raymond? https://x.com/alberts60star/status/1732452551239270801?s=20 i often ponder if the general really is [Q]uite that stupid? or maybe he knows full well like i figure! https://x.com/alberts60star/status/1732417242254729719?s=20 well dahh... it's called we need to eat up of the last of your middle class 1st while puking out as much biped loosh for orange puppets string pullers! you know, the one thats really in control of your so called government you claim theres no "leader" for orange puppet likes!🤨54 views