Nioh 2 - Let's Play with Grrman 30 NG+ Final DLC Finale
grrmanJoin and let's play some Nioh 2 starting from scratch! Episode 30 Let's wrap up NG+ and finish this! Currently these are streamed on Youtube, but I will look into streaming these on Rumble too. Following on from my Nioh let's play and succesfully completing NG+, we move onto Nioh 2! This time we'll going for a magic focused build with a Switch Glaive and Splitstaff, two new weapons introduced to the game. Follow along and enjoy some classic carnage in this souls like, and join in for a yarn. Nioh 2 is available on Steam (Windows), PS4 and PS5. #Nioh #SoulsLike #DifficultGame #ActionRPG #Gaming #Grrman #LetsPlay #TeamNinja #KoeiTecmo #Steam13 views -
Nioh 2 - Let's Play with Grrman 29 NG+ DLC 2 Wrap up & Final DLC
grrmanJoin and let's play some Nioh 2 starting from scratch! Episode 29 Currently these are streamed on Youtube, but I will look into streaming these on Rumble too. Following on from my Nioh let's play and succesfully completing NG+, we move onto Nioh 2! This time we'll going for a magic focused build with a Switch Glaive and Splitstaff, two new weapons introduced to the game. Follow along and enjoy some classic carnage in this souls like, and join in for a yarn. Nioh 2 is available on Steam (Windows), PS4 and PS5. #Nioh #SoulsLike #DifficultGame #ActionRPG #Gaming #Grrman #LetsPlay #TeamNinja #KoeiTecmo #Steam2 views -
Nioh 2 - Let's Play with Grrman 28 NG+ DLC
grrmanJoin and let's play some Nioh 2 starting from scratch! Episode 28 Currently these are streamed on Youtube, but I will look into streaming these on Rumble too. Following on from my Nioh let's play and succesfully completing NG+, we move onto Nioh 2! This time we'll going for a magic focused build with a Switch Glaive and Splitstaff, two new weapons introduced to the game. Follow along and enjoy some classic carnage in this souls like, and join in for a yarn. Nioh 2 is available on Steam (Windows), PS4 and PS5. #Nioh #SoulsLike #DifficultGame #ActionRPG #Gaming #Grrman #LetsPlay #TeamNinja #KoeiTecmo #Steam1 view -
Nioh 2 - Let's Play with Grrman 27 NG+
grrmanJoin and let's play some Nioh 2 starting from scratch! Episode 27 Currently these are streamed on Youtube, but I will look into streaming these on Rumble too. Following on from my Nioh let's play and succesfully completing NG+, we move onto Nioh 2! This time we'll going for a magic focused build with a Switch Glaive and Splitstaff, two new weapons introduced to the game. Follow along and enjoy some classic carnage in this souls like, and join in for a yarn. Nioh 2 is available on Steam (Windows), PS4 and PS5. #Nioh #SoulsLike #DifficultGame #ActionRPG #Gaming #Grrman #LetsPlay #TeamNinja #KoeiTecmo #Steam6 views -
Nioh 2 - Let's Play with Grrman 26 NG+
grrmanJoin and let's play some Nioh 2 starting from scratch! Episode 26 Currently these are streamed on Youtube, but I will look into streaming these on Rumble too. Following on from my Nioh let's play and succesfully completing NG+, we move onto Nioh 2! This time we'll going for a magic focused build with a Switch Glaive and Splitstaff, two new weapons introduced to the game. Follow along and enjoy some classic carnage in this souls like, and join in for a yarn. Nioh 2 is available on Steam (Windows), PS4 and PS5. #Nioh #SoulsLike #DifficultGame #ActionRPG #Gaming #Grrman #LetsPlay #TeamNinja #KoeiTecmo #Steam1 view -
Nioh 2 - Let's Play with Grrman 25 NG+
grrmanJoin and let's play some Nioh 2 starting from scratch! Episode 25 Currently these are streamed on Youtube, but I will look into streaming these on Rumble too. Following on from my Nioh let's play and succesfully completing NG+, we move onto Nioh 2! This time we'll going for a magic focused build with a Switch Glaive and Splitstaff, two new weapons introduced to the game. Follow along and enjoy some classic carnage in this souls like, and join in for a yarn. Nioh 2 is available on Steam (Windows), PS4 and PS5. #Nioh #SoulsLike #DifficultGame #ActionRPG #Gaming #Grrman #LetsPlay #TeamNinja #KoeiTecmo #Steam1 view -
Nioh 2 - Let's Play with Grrman 24 NG+
grrmanJoin and let's play some Nioh 2 starting from scratch! Episode 24 Currently these are streamed on Youtube, but I will look into streaming these on Rumble too. Following on from my Nioh let's play and succesfully completing NG+, we move onto Nioh 2! This time we'll going for a magic focused build with a Switch Glaive and Splitstaff, two new weapons introduced to the game. Follow along and enjoy some classic carnage in this souls like, and join in for a yarn. Nioh 2 is available on Steam (Windows), PS4 and PS5. #Nioh #SoulsLike #DifficultGame #ActionRPG #Gaming #Grrman #LetsPlay #TeamNinja #KoeiTecmo #Steam10 views -
Nioh 2 - Let's Play with Grrman 23 Final DLC Wrap Up + NG+ Start
grrmanJoin and let's play some Nioh 2 starting from scratch! Episode 23 Currently these are streamed on Youtube, but I will look into streaming these on Rumble too. Following on from my Nioh let's play and succesfully completing NG+, we move onto Nioh 2! This time we'll going for a magic focused build with a Switch Glaive and Splitstaff, two new weapons introduced to the game. Follow along and enjoy some classic carnage in this souls like, and join in for a yarn. Nioh 2 is available on Steam (Windows), PS4 and PS5. #Nioh #SoulsLike #DifficultGame #ActionRPG #Gaming #Grrman #LetsPlay #TeamNinja #KoeiTecmo #Steam1 view -
Nioh 2 - Let's Play with Grrman 22 Final DLC Time
grrmanJoin and let's play some Nioh 2 starting from scratch! Episode 22 Currently these are streamed on Youtube, but I will look into streaming these on Rumble too. Following on from my Nioh let's play and succesfully completing NG+, we move onto Nioh 2! This time we'll going for a magic focused build with a Switch Glaive and Splitstaff, two new weapons introduced to the game. Follow along and enjoy some classic carnage in this souls like, and join in for a yarn. Nioh 2 is available on Steam (Windows), PS4 and PS5. #Nioh #SoulsLike #DifficultGame #ActionRPG #Gaming #Grrman #LetsPlay #TeamNinja #KoeiTecmo #Steam9 views -
Nioh 2 - Let's Play with Grrman 21 Final DLC Time
grrmanJoin and let's play some Nioh 2 starting from scratch! Episode 21 Currently these are streamed on Youtube, but I will look into streaming these on Rumble too. Following on from my Nioh let's play and succesfully completing NG+, we move onto Nioh 2! This time we'll going for a magic focused build with a Switch Glaive and Splitstaff, two new weapons introduced to the game. Follow along and enjoy some classic carnage in this souls like, and join in for a yarn. Nioh 2 is available on Steam (Windows), PS4 and PS5. #Nioh #SoulsLike #DifficultGame #ActionRPG #Gaming #Grrman #LetsPlay #TeamNinja #KoeiTecmo #Steam7 views