Speakers Corner
5 videos
Updated 9 months ago
Footage from Speakers Corner, London, UK.
Bobofspeakerscorner talks about Disciples of Christ.
Constitutional_ChristianityBob of speakers corner talks about a political Christian movement. Disciples of Christ. Which seeks to unite all Christian through political activism for the Kingdom of God. @bobofspeakerscorner1099 (YouTube) @btbsoco on X (twitter) @christsavesuk on X (twitter) #speakerscorner #christian #christianity #debate #persecutedchurch #bible #socofilms179 views 2 comments -
Heated debate between Christian & Muslim at Speakers Corner
Constitutional_ChristianityChristian & Muslim have heated debate regarding behaviour at speakers corner. This was just after a Muslim had to be detained by the Police for aggression towards Christians at the park. @bobofspeakerscorner1099 (YouTube) @btbsoco on X (twitter) #speakerscorner #debate #christian #muslim #christianity #islam134 views -
Nick Tenconi speaking about 'Denounce the 1% campaign'
Constitutional_ChristianityNick Marcel Tenconi at speakers corner speaking about the 'Denounce the 1% campaign' and standing for Christian values in politics. @Nicktenconi on X (twitter) @ukipoffical (YouTube) #christianpolitics #christian #speakerscorner #christianity #debate #ukip #polticis #persecutedchurch #bible146 views 1 comment -
Pst Rikki Doolan passionate speech on persecution of Christians.
Constitutional_ChristianityPst Rikki Doolan at speakers corner gives a passionate speech on the persecution of Christians at the hands of Islamic aggression. @realrikkidoolan (YouTube) @realrikkidoolan on X (twitter) @christsavesuk on X (twitter) #speakerscorner #persecuteschurch #bible #christianity #christian #pray195 views -
Heated debate between Christian & Muslim at Speakers Corner
Constitutional_ChristianityChristian & Muslim have heated debate regarding behaviour at speakers corner. This was just after a Muslim had to be detained by the Police for aggression towards Christians at the park. @bobofspeakerscorner1099 (YouTube) @btbsoco on X (twitter) #speakerscorner #debate #christian #muslim #christianity #islam166 views