playlist thumnail

Vixana, danced by Beltane Border Morris

20 videos
Updated 11 months ago
Vixen tor hides a dark and sinister past because many, many years ago an old witch called ‘Vixiana’ lived in a cave at the foot of the tor. Some moorfolk say their grandparents told them the old witch had the cave hewn out of the granite by creatures from Hades itself. She was an awesome sight, she stood at around 6 feet tall and was a thin as Devon shovel handle. Her nose was large and hooked like a buzzards bill. Her eyes were sunk deep into her head and as green as the moss in a featherbed (Dartmoor bog). She had only two rotten front teeth the shape of peat knives and these hung slightly over her bottom lip. Her skin was as wrinkled and cracked as a dry peat hag and her hair was long, limp and greasy. Those that were unfortunate to get close to her said she smelt of sheep’s urine. All in all she was a fearsome character and unmistakable as she stooped along carrying a huge, gnarled gorse stick.
  1. Beltane Border Morris - Vixana - Ship Inn, Teignmouth - 13 June 2013
  2. Beltane Border Morris - Vixana - May day 2022- Haytor, Dartmoor
  3. Beltane Border Morris -Vixana - Teign Maritime and Shanty Festival 2023
  4. Beltane Border Morris-Vixana - Haytor 2019. Mayday Sunrise
  5. Beltane Border Morris -Vixana - The Dark Gathering 2018
  6. Beltane Border Morris - Vixana - Upton Folk Festival 30 Apr 23
  7. Beltane Border Morris - Vixana - Church House Inn 16 Jun 23
  8. Beltane Border Morris - Vixana - Evesham - 25 Jun 23
  9. Beltane Border Morris - Vixana - Evesham Show Spot - 25 Jun 23
  10. Beltane Border Morris - Vixana - Priddy Folk Festival - 9 Jul 23