24 videos
Updated 3 months ago
Just a little folder for all the marathons I created. This idea was inspired by AVGN and 616Entertainment. Hopefully it shall improve them & my older works. Enjoy!
Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks, Part II Marathon
TheIkranRiderMan, this is a doozy...! But here it is, Kombatants. The full movie of the first MK epic. If the text is too blurry, I shall give you links to read along. Fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/story/story_edit_property.php?storyid=14060137 DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/theikranrider77/gallery/82475895/mortal-kombat-shaolin-monks-part-ii Archives: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38047666 Tumblr...doesn't have a bundle, so each chapter is seen individually. Chapters: Chapter 1 @0:00 Chapter 2 @24:55 Chapter 3 @1:01:16 Chapter 4 @1:40:17 Chapter 5 @2:04:49 Chapter 6 @2:37:45 Chapter 7 @3:18:38 Chapter 8 @3:37:40 Chapter 9 @4:09:54 Chapter 10 @4:37:48 Finale and Epilogue @5:06:02 Aiko's ending from this book is also present on this site.11 views -
Mortal Kombat Shinnok's Uprising Marathon
TheIkranRiderWell, here we go again with another MK podic marathon; I was on the fence with this due to how much time, space, and memory it takes up... Anyway, this is based on MK 4/GOLD, and it konsists the preamble of the story, A Date and a Destiny, as a bonus. Like all podfic marathons, this was inspired by The Angry Video Game Nerd and 616Entertainment with their serialized marathons. Enjoy. Chapters: A Date and a Destiny @0:00 Prologue @31:35 Con't I @50:12 Con't II @1:09:20 Con't III @1:36:52 Con't IV @2:09:46 Con't V @2:54:32 Con't VI @3:03:18 Con't VII @3:28:14 Finale @4:09:08 Epilogue @4:43:56 Also, if you want to read along, if it's too blurry, here are the links: DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/theikranrider77/gallery/83462870/mortal-kombat-shinnok-s-uprising Fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14098611/1/Mortal-Kombat-Shinnok-s-Uprising Archives of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39815532 Tumblr...is individualized.9 views -
Mortal Kombat Vengeance Marathon
TheIkranRiderWell, another gamble, with a gig big, is here. The podfic marathon of the longest MK epic I ever completed, Mortal Kombat: Vengeance based on Deadly Alliance. Enjoy, fellow Kombatants. Chapters: Prologue @0:00 Con't I @23:50 Con't II @50:25 Con't III @1:23:15 Con't IV @1:44:54 Con't V @2:18:05 Con't VI @2:52:19 Con't VII @3:12:25 Con't VIII @3:45:58 Con't IX @4:14:00 Con't X @4:38:01 Finale @5:18:22 Epilogue @6:07:23 Where to read it: DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/theikranrider77/gallery/83462870/mortal-kombat-shinnok-s-uprising Archives: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41140209 Fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14124767/1/Mortal-Kombat-Vengeance NOTE: This is just a reupload since I screwed up at the end, as I posted the prologue twice for some reason instead of the epilogue. Dammit.,.! Original date, August 21, 2023... Aiko's ending is included on this site.9 views -
Mortal Kombat: The Return of the Dragon King Marathon
TheIkranRiderWelcome to the podfic marathon of the fifth book in my MK Khronology! If kounting the preamble oneshot. Based on Mortal Kombat Deception and featuring Shujinko's Konquest as the B plot of this fic! Enjoy the show, everyone. And this was a komplete doozy to develop and upload...! Chapters: Prologue @0:00 Con't I @14:56 Con't II @50:52 Con't III @1:25:18 Con't IV @1:48:50 Con't V @2:22:48 Con't VI @2:50:35 Con't VII @3:19:27 Con't VIII @3:46:36 Con't IX @4:11:31 Finale @4:44:03 Epilogue @5:19:16 Where to read along: Fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14188175/1/Mortal-Kombat-The-Return-of-the-Dragon-King Archive: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44403016 DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/theikranrider77/gallery/86175261/mortal-kombat-the-return-of-the-dragon-king Aiko's own ending: can be found on this site.10 views -
Final Kombat Marathon
TheIkranRiderWelcome to the final epic of my MK Khronology series based on Mortal Kombat Armageddon! Chapters: Prologue @0:00 Con't I @16:27 Con't II @47:51 Con't III @1:24:19 Con't IV @1:53:53 Con't V @2:28:20 Con't VI @3:03:39 Con't VII @3:33:16 Con't VIII @4:04:07 Con't IX @4:37:17 Con't X: @5:16:05 Con't IX: @5:50:00 Finale: @6:27:48 Epilogue @7:21:47 Where to read along: Fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14223007/1/Final-Kombat DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/theikranrider77/gallery/87331106/final-kombat Archives: https://archiveofourown.org/works/4656649916 views -
Koherence and Kontentment Marathon
TheIkranRiderA podfic marathon of the remaining stories of Mortal Kombat, both the miniseries Koherence followed by the last kanonical fic, Kontentment. Chapters: Koheremce: Chapter 1: @0:00 Chapter 2: @18:33 Chapter 3: @39:07 Chapter 4: @57:52 Chapter 5: @1:19:32 Chapter 6: @1:38:55 Chapter 7: @2:24:17 Kontentnment: @2:39:22 In case the text is too blurry: Koherence: Chapter 1 (as starting point): FF: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14271068/1/Koherence AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49606915/chapters/125204470 DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/theikranrider77/art/Koherence-A-Mortal-Kombat-short-story-978885207 Tumblr: https://theikranrider.tumblr.com/post/726593582688010240/koherence Kontentment: Fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14266439/1/Kontentment DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/theikranrider77/art/Kontentment-A-Mortal-Kombat-oneshot-976615971 Tumblr: https://theikranrider.tumblr.com/post/725379092077264896/kontentment-a-mortal-kombat-oneshot Archives: https://archiveofourown.org/works/4927801918 views -
The Bouncer Tetralogy - The Mikado Saga Marathon
TheIkranRiderWelcome to another podfic marathon, only this time it's The Bouncer crossover with Dragon Ball Z featuring my 1st saga of the tetralogy! This was a remake from those older vids I uploaded about 2 years ago. In case you don't know, this takes place after the Buu saga, and my Z-Fighter OC, Ayame, goes on her first Dragon Ball mission on her own as she spots one in Dog Street. PS, please give The Bouncer more credit where it's due. WARNING: Audio issues imminent since they were old vids. Inspired by AVGN and 616Entertainment with their marathons, Matt McMuscles with What Happened to The Bouncer, and The Great Clement's LP. What Happun'?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ChGv5wMIrE&pp=ygUZd2hhdCBoYXBwZW5lZCB0aGUgYm91bmNlcg%3D%3D Let's Play The Bouncer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51RGZisG2I4&list=PL45FXiU5g2Q_HBMBqATnBNIG0Nyimpb2N Chapters: Prologue: @0:00 Chapter 1: @28:05 Chapter 2: @43:05 Chapter 3: @1:05:22 Chapter 4: @1:40:50 Chapter 5: @2:10:17 Chapter 6: @2:26:15 Chapter 7: @2:50:01 Chapter 8: @3:14:20 Chapter 9: @3:50:00 Chapter 10: @4:28:09 Epilogue: @5:04:179 views -
The Bouncer Tetralogy Marathon - Drabble of Dog Street & the Black-Hooded Sion Saga
TheIkranRiderWelcome to Part 2 of my Bouncer Tetralogy Marathon. This time I highlight the next 2 parts featuring the Drabble of Dog Street and the Black-Hooded Sion Saga. The former was roughly inspired by Days of the New's hit, The Down Town, as well as the novel/movie, Rumble Fish. While the latter's based on the last enemy in The Bouncer's Survival Mode, Black-Hooded/Jet Black Sion, along with other various references. WARNING!: Audio issues are imminent! Chapters: Drabble of Dog Street @0:00 The Black-Hooded Sion Saga, Act 1 @7:00 The Black-Hooded Sion Saga, Act 2 @38:17 The Black-Hooded Sion Saga, Act 3 @1:05:2211 views -
The Bouncer Tetralogy - The Yakuza Saga Marathon
TheIkranRiderWelcome to the final podfic marathon of the Bouncer Tetralogy; it actually became a tetralogy here where the Black-Hooded Sion Saga was supposed to be the end. But I was inspired by the Great Clement's LP in 2019 to prompt me to do this final saga. Ironically this saga was finished being written 9 days before Mortal Kombat 11 came to be! Chapters: Prologue @0:00 Chapter 1 @19:57 Chapter 2 @46:10 Chapter 3 @1:00:55 Chapter 4 @1:25:07 Chapter 5 @1:48:09 Chapter 6 @2:03:18 Chapter 7 @2:17:11 Finale @2:37:05 Epilogue @2:59:2711 views -
Body of Dark, Heart of Light Marathon
TheIkranRiderFinally... Another podfic marathon; I was hesitant to do another one since the Daemon Rising with a SMASH marathon failed, but this one takes place as a Cecil-centric fic before the events of 012. And it was a story written back in 2011 starting from a dream with Cecil and Kuja in the World of Darkness. Better than those lousy Quests exclusive in Japan too. Enjoy. :) Chapters: @0:00 Chapter 1 @12:38 Chapter 2 @28:36 Chapter 3 @37:01 Chapter 4 @55:55 Chapter 5 @1:13:28 Chapter 6 @1:30:11 Finale2 views