10/07 Milton Category 5! / Weather Manipulation Proof! / FEMA Failings! / Israel Attack Anniversary!
Opening The Sealed Book10/07/24 (Note: The BEST place to watch is always on AMYSEVER.COM) We are in Jeremiah and Philippians today. Some KEY scriptures for your body, soul and spirit! These broadcasts are made possible solely through your Donations: https://bit.ly/ASI_Donate_Here Thank you! Broadcast Elements Channel: https://t.me/BroadcastElements Join The Sealed Book Telegram Chat here: https://bit.ly/SealedBookChat Sealed Book Intercessors - For Prayer: https://t.me/SealedBookIntercessors Fresh Start Bible: One-Year Reading Plan. Now we can all stay together! https://www.bible.com/en/reading-plans/17965 Day 281 - October 7th, 2024 Jeremiah 1, 2 Psalm 116:5-24 Proverbs 27:1 Philippians 3 How to change it so that it is current with my training: When you open it, it will automatically put Genesis 1 on today’s date. Scroll across until you reach the correct day of the year (ex: Day 1 – Day 365). Now, just check off all the scriptures for the previous day. And then, go to the upper right menu, click on "Catch me up", then "Shift Dates Forward". And you’re ready to go! Join us for “Opening The Sealed Book” every Mon-Fri: Please go to our YouTube Channel and SUBSCRIBE so others can find us! us: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheSealedBook1 FOLLOW US on TRUTH SOCIAL! @AmySever @SteveSever @TheSealedBook "The True Power of Communion" : https://rumble.com/v1kxrxl-0916-special-edition-the-true-power-of-communion.html ***PLEASE join our Telegram CHAT: https://t.me/+shovbbgIiCgyNjg5 (AND PLEASE Use a First & Last Name when joining) ***PLEASE join our telegram channel! http://t.me/TheSealedBook "Thank You" to those that prefer to support this ministry by mail. You can make your check to Amy Sever International… and mail it to: Amy Sever International 3245 W. Main Street #235-130 Frisco, Texas 75034 Amy's Venmo: @AmySever16 comments