THE BLACK NOBILITY - The 13 bloodlines 🩸 and their origins
EXPOSE the PEDOS end of the CABALUnderstand these bloodlines go back beyond Utnapishtim (Noah), back to the earliest recorded form of civilization in Mesopotamia / Babylon. - The Enlil / Enki factions. - The fight between the liberation of humanity, and the enslavement of humanity boils down to the dominion of royal bloodlines. t.me/cruel_history - THE BLACK NOBILITY, ALL IS SATANIC --->>> https://rumble.com/v1kruo5-the-black-nobility-all-is-satanic.html - SATAN - DEMONS EXPOSED --->>> https://rumble.com/v1ish4h-satan-demons-exposed.html - Talking Cabal Full Circle With Gene Decode - Key Bridge Baltimore, P Diddy & more - Topics: Black Nobility, Richard Branson, Hunting Parties, Celebrities, Puff Diddy, Epstein, Royals Crown System, False Flags, UKRAINE NAZI STRONGHOLD, NWO, Reptilian Presidents, DUMBS, ADRENOCHROME, Luce and much more --->>> https://rumble.com/v4mfm72-talking-cabal-full-circle-with-gene-decode-key-bridge-baltimore-p-diddy-and.html - ROYAL TRANNIES - THOSE FROM THE BLACK NOBILITY ARE REPTOS AND TRANNIES... --->>> https://rumble.com/v4jmvjo-royal-trannies-those-from-the-black-nobility-are-reptos-and-trannies....html - THE ROYALS and THE ELITES : SATANIC REPTOS ACROSS THE POND ---->>> https://rumble.com/v2560ln--the-royals-satanic-reptos-across-the-pond-.html - OPERATION WRAP SPEED 🐸 #DDK -->>> https://rumble.com/v1zb4g2-operation-wrap-speed-ddk.html - 🔥 TRANSGENDER HOLLYWEIRD DEMONS HITS COMPLICATION THEY ALWAYS TOLD YOU --->>>> https://rumble.com/v22i7vo--transgender-hollyweird-demons-hits-complication-they-always-told-you.html - 🔥NOTE: NOT ALL ROYALS ARE BAD BASTARDS and REPTO TRANNIES, but a LOT - 🔥🔥 REPTO QUEEN EXPOSED: VICTIM CALLS OUT THE „QUEEN“ for RITUAL ABUSE --->>>> https://rumble.com/v1it33b-repto-queen-exposed.html - 🔥 THE BLACK NOBILITY, ALL IS SATANIC --->>> https://rumble.com/v1kruo5-the-black-nobility-all-is-satanic.html - 🔥More Royals are busted --->>> https://t.me/GitmoTV/9051 - THE BLACK NOBILITY - They have overtaken the good and honourable sides. Enemy in within by Marriages rape, forced breedings, BLACKMAILING... --->>> https://rumble.com/v3ck8bc-the-black-nobility.html - HIDDEN HISTORY of the KHAZARIAN MAFIA 2 - from Bushes, Clintons & Bidens, to Vatican, Royals & More -->>> https://rumble.com/v3d7q1a-hidden-history-of-the-khazarian-mafia-2-from-bushes-clintons-and-bidens-to-.html12.8K views 11 comments