EP 197 - Daniel Sala: Hollow Earth - Underground Worlds & Inner Earth Civilizations
Journey to TruthSECRET SPACE CONFERENCE LIVESTREAM REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE!!! 👽 Click here: https://www.secretspaceconference.info/ Merlins Lab Orgone Pyramids - 10% off with promo code 'JOURNEYTOTRUTH' https://merlinslab.myshopify.com/?ref=JourneyToTruth Our website: https://www.journeytotruthpodcast.com/ Donate: https://donorbox.org/donate-to-jttp Thank you 🙏 HOPEWELL FARM CBD: PROMO CODE ' ultrajtt15 ' gets you 15% off all 1000mg and 2000mg cbd for a limited time only! To Learn More and Purchase Hopewell Farm CBD Products. Use Promo code JourneyToTruth10 for 10% off! Crypto payment option now available! CLICK HERE: https://hopewellfarmtn.com/?wpam_id=1 Shirts and Merch: Use promo code 20ANDBACK for 20% off! https://teespring.com/stores/journey-to-truth-podcast To Learn More and Purchase the Omnia Radiation Balancer. Use promo code TRUTH (all caps) for 10% off! CLICK HERE: https://www.omniaradiationbalancer.com/j2truth Get the new poster here! https://journey-to-truth-podcast.creator-spring.com/listing/journey-to-inner-earth?product=623 If you're looking for a great Web designer and developer check out KWS Development kollerwebservices@gmail.com DUTCH SECRET SPACE CONFERENCE DOCUMENTARY: Must have VPN set to Netherlands https://www.npostart.nl/filemon-en-de-complotten/23-05-2022/BV_101407734 Daniel Sala - Researcher - Disclosure Activist YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/SaintOlga69 These were the main 3 sources, probably the 3 best on the subject: Genesis for the New Space Age by John Leith (free pdf of Avalon Library) https://avalonlibrary.net/ebooks/John%20B.%20Leith%20-%20Genesis%20for%20the%20New%20Space%20Age.pdf Transylvania Series by Radu Cinamar https://amzn.to/3FthKwX Is Earth Really a Solid? by Oliver Milatovic https://amzn.to/3PbL7Yn2.78K views 4 comments