The UnMasking
WWonder Tree LibrarySince the fall of man, after the great deluge, the human race has been in total disharmony, on every level that you could possibly imagine, By DESIGN! Knowledge has been taken away from the masses and given to a very select few……. In the 1960’s spiritual leaders, priests, and some secret society organisations, from around the world, decided in unison, to lift the veil of secrecy and to shine light back into the darkness of ignorance. Time to give it back….Knowledge is POWER!. Knowledge is knowing where the ledge is… So you don’t fall down……75 views -
Mechanics of Ascension (Series)
WWonder Tree LibraryMuch of human DNA is still a mystery to science. 97% of your DNA is called "Junk DNA" but in fact it is Divine DNA preparing to activate soon.44 views -
Neville Goddard - The 5 Lessons
WWonder Tree LibraryIn 1948 the modern mystic Neville Goddard presented a series of lessons in Los Angeles that many have come to regard as the teacher's clearest, most penetrating explanation of his methods of mental creativity. In them, Neville explains why your mental images and feelings determine your future. He provides his most direct, exquisitely clear method on how to explore the divine nature of your mind and use it to create the life you want. Preserving his words exactly as those original students heard them, the five lessons are: 1. Consciousness Is the Only Reality 2. Assumptions Harden into Fact 3. Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally 4. No One to Change but Self 5. Remain Faithful to Your Idea The techniques in these lesson can profoundly change your life. These may be Neville at his very best in teaching how to use your imagination to create your reality.46 views -
Holographic Disclosure (Whole Series)
WWonder Tree LibraryThe Holographic Disclosure (2012). This film explores the origin of life and the secrets of energy, reality, and religion. It also shows you the deeper meanings of certain words and how words and languages are used to condition your mind and shape your reality. Once you learn how to decipher The Bible and other holy books (i.e., The Quran), you will know that the stories in these books contain symbolic codes and metaphors that are associated with astrology and ancient wisdom. The Bible does contain a lot of truth, but if you read it like a regular book without comprehending the symbolic codes behind it, you are not reading content of truth but are reading content of deception. The authors of The Bible were minions of the Dark Magicians (the Controllers) who knew how to use the art of word magic. They purposely added symbolic codes and parables into The Bible and other “holy books” to deceive you. However, if you learn how to decipher their codes and parables, you will know what the stories in their “holy books” actually mean. The videos below have important information that will help you comprehend life and reality beyond conventional thinking. Some of the videos contain shocking information about secret societies that may disturb you. If you are new to this type of information, prepare yourself and buckle up because it is going to be a crazy ride. Please be aware that I do not agree with all the information in them. However, I am aware of most of the information in the videos and I do agree with a lot of it. My advice is to watch the videos with an open mind and use your feelings and critical thinking skills to help you discern them. Take the information that resonates with you and leave the rest behind.137 views -
The Legend of Atlantis : whole series - all parts
WWonder Tree LibraryThe Legend of Atlantis is a five-part documentary that reveals the "truth" of humanity`s past present and future.176 views -
Tree of Life - Mike Blume (Series)
WWonder Tree LibraryTwo Natures derived from these two trees in the Garden, vying for Man, until this day.64 views -
The Arrivals (Documentary - 2008)
WWonder Tree LibraryThe Arrivals Series was published for the first time in June 1st 2008 on Youtube. Explores the Revelations in World Religions Regarding the Arrivals of the Antichrist Dajjal, Imam Al-Mahdi, and The Second Coming of The Christ. A Work Inspired by the Words of the Noble Quran, The Holy Bible, and The Torah, The Arrivals is a Joint Production by truth seekers Noreagaaa and Achernahr. Put an end to the dividing lies, and let the truth be known. Trying to expose the plans of Satan and his followers by providing details and proofs of the way they want to control our lives and minds to blind us from the truth and the worship of the one God. The Arrivals was published on Youtube as 50 videos, it was re-edited in 2021 for this 8 hours version by Akram Brahimi. Quoted from the makers of The Arrivals: "The series is not copyrighted so you are free to distribute it to your friends and family so that the message of peace and truth can be spread to the mankind"109 views