The 9/11 Commission Report (Chapter Reading)
29 videos
Updated 11 months ago
In this playlist i read chapters from the Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States which is the official report into the events leading up to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
The 9/11 Commission Report: A Declaration Of War
AdamFitzgerald911A video i made on February 27, 2023. On February 23rd 1998, Osama Bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri, Abu Yasir Rifai Taha and 2 others, organized a group called the World Islamic Front, would submit a fatwa against the United States and Israel. Bin Laden would then hold interviews, one notable with John Miller of ABC News, where he Bin Laden openly declared war against the Crusaders and Jews and was adamant about a terrorist attack which would happen soon if the American military does not leave Saudi Arabia and it's continued war against Muslims worldwide. The 9/11 Commission Report: Chapter Two: Part 2.1 A Declaration Of War12 views -
The 9/11 Commission Report: The Rise Of Bin Laden & Al Qaeda (1988-1992)
AdamFitzgerald911After a decade of fighting against the Soviets in Afghanistan, the Islamist movement began to take shape at Afghan-Arab training cams operated by notable warlords, Abdul Rasul Sayyaf and Jalaluddin Haqqani. Camps that were run by Saudi millionaire, Osama Bin Laden. Many of these mujahadeen fighters would come under the leadership of Bin Laden and swear loyalty to him which would begin the journey of a singular arab organization called, "Al Qaeda". After relocating to Sudan in 1990, Bin Laden continued to build Al Qaeda with the assistance from members of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad led by Dr. Ayman a-Zawahiri.18 views -
The 9/11 Commission Report: From The Old Terrorism To The New-The First World Trade Center Bombing
AdamFitzgerald911In February 1993, a new wave of islandic fundamentalism was about to victimized the citizens of New York City, in ways they have never seen. Those who trained at terrorist training camps in Pakistan and Afghanistan would now take what they have learned and applied it to making bombs that would be used to where maximum causalities can be reached. Ramzi Yousef was the initial symptom of a virus that would soon effect not just the United States, but the world over. The 9/11 Commission Report: Chapter Three: Part 3: From The Old Terrorism To The New-The First World Trade Center Bombing13 views -
The 9/11 Commission Report: And In The Federal Aviation Administration
AdamFitzgerald911The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) within the Department of Transportation had been vested by Congress with the sometimes conflicting mandate of regulating the safety and security of U.S civil aviation while also promoting the civil aviation industry. The FAA also had a security mission to protect the users of commercial air transportation against terrorism and other criminal acts. The 9/11 Commission Report Chapter Three: Part 3.3 And In the Federal Aviation Administration9 views -
The 9/11 Commission Report: Before The Bombings In Kenya And Tanzania
AdamFitzgerald911By June 1996, The CIA's Directorate of Operations, David Cohen, wanted to test the idea of having a virtual station that would collect and operate against a subject much in the way CIA stations in the field focus on a country. This station would be known as the Bin Laden Issue Station. It would also employ a handful of analysts that would also employ other agenices working alongside it. As Bin Laden left Afghanistan in May 1996, US intelligence and the CIA began constructing ideas to have Bin Laden captured using Afghan tribals, bribed with money, to hold him while being later handed over to the CIA. However the plan was not approved, and some people within the National Security Group led by Richard Clarke and the National Security Adviser, Sandy Berger, were those who thought the plan was too "risky". The 9/11 Commission Report: Chapter Four: Part 4.1 Before The Bombings In Kenya And Tanzania8 views -
The 9/11 Commission Report: Crisis: August 1998
AdamFitzgerald911On August 7th 1998, two truck bombs detonated at US embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Nairobi, Kenya. Later, Al Qaeda would be suspected of the dual attacks which promoted the Clinton administration to retaliate by sending missile strikes on an Al Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan and a pharmaceutical warehouse called "al-Shifa" in Khartoum, Sudan. However, the media criticize the attack as being "too aggressive" and also questioned the intelligence reports lacking any actionable information regarding who Osama Bin Laden was or the organization, Al Qaeda. The 9/11 Commission Report Chapter Four: Part 4.2 Crisis-August 19988 views -
The 9/11 Commission Report: The Planes Operation
AdamFitzgerald911According to Khalid Sheikh Muhammad, he began thinking of ways to attack the United States after his nephew, Ramzi Yousef, returned to Pakistan following the 1993 WTC Bombing. Like Yousef, Khalid Sheikh Muhammad reasoned he could best influence US policy by targeting the country's economy. He would propose the idea of hijacking ten airplanes and having them crash into various US targets to Osama Bin Laden in 1998 where it was put on hold for Al Qaeda leadership to mull over. By spring 1999, Bin Laden approved of the operation but selected the pilot hijackers himself. The 9/11 Commission Report: Chapter Five: Part 5.2 The Planes Operation12 views -
The 9/11 Commission Report: The Millennium Crisis
AdamFitzgerald911A phone call heard by Jordanian authorities, investigating extremists in the country, heard a call between Abu Zubaydah, a suspected Bin Laden associate at the Khalden training camp in Afghanistan and a Palestinian activist, Abu Hoshar. They heard what amounted to a very cryptic message of an incoming attack "the time for training is over". When the Jordanian authorities arrested members of this plot, they found it entailed a multi-faceted operation which included, bombing the SAS Radisson hotel in Amman, attacking the border of Jordan and Israel as well as a bombing of an airport in the United States. Ahmed Ressam, an Algerian citizen, had trained in Khalden under Zubaydah, had independently taken it as his initiative to bomb Los Angeles International Airport. Chapter Six: Part 6.1 The Millennium Crisis158 views -
The 9/11 Commission Report: Assembling The Teams
AdamFitzgerald911During the summer and early autumn of 2000, Bin Laden and senior Al Qaeda leaders in Afghanistan started electing the muscle hijackers-the operatives who would soon storm the cockpit and control the passengers. Despite the phrase widely used to describe them, the so-called muscle hijackers were not at all physically imposing as most were no taller than 5'7". Chapter 7:: Part 7.3 "Assembling the Teams"8 views -
The 9/11 Commission Report: Final Strategies And Tactics
AdamFitzgerald911With the planning stages near completion, members of Al Qaeda and Taliban were adamantly opposed to Osama Bin Laden's "planes operation" citing retaliatory attacks against a US coalition military that would decimate both originations and eliminate any possibility of controlling Afghanistan. Meanwhile the commission would report the following: "KSM remembers Mohamed Atef telling him that Al Qaeda had an agreement with the Taliban to eliminate Ahmed Shah Massoud, after which the Taliban would begin an offensive to take over Afghanistan. Atef hoped Massoud’s death would also appease the Taliban when the 9/11 attacks happened."19 views