playlist thumnail

Historical Fantasy

11 videos
Updated 10 months ago
Historical fantasy is a category of fantasy and a genre of historical cinema that incorporates fantasy elements (such as magic) into a more “realistic” narrative. Historical fantasy is magic, enchantment, unusual properties of familiar things, the surroundings of the distant or not so distant past and heroes, those who live there and those who got there from some reality. 3 main principles of historical fantasy: - The work may contain elements of alternative history, - A fantastic past may differ from the earthly one we are accustomed to, it may even be a parallel world, but with recognizable features and historical characters known to us. - The world where the story unfolds may have magic, artifacts, and not be earthly, but its development echoes our history.
  1. 『00119』 SuperBuild! - All the fighting scenes of the movie =Sisu (Immortal)= 【Sisu, 2022】
  2. 『00118』 Unexpected ending! - 3 scenes! - We look all to the end! 【Sisu, 2022】
  3. 『00117』 - Have you heard that - Nonsense! Just an old plane... 【Sisu, 2022】
  4. 『00116』 Kylo against a machine gun - a serious argument 【Sisu, 2022】
  5. 『00115』 Another meat minced meat from the Nazis! 【Sisu, 2022】
  6. 『00114』 The pilots were not lucky - they fell under the hand of the hanged. 【Sisu, 2022】
  7. 『00113』 Under water and on land - again meat outrage. 【Sisu, 2022】
  8. 『00112』 - Immortal or not, but a person needs air... 【Sisu, 2022】
  9. 『00111』 - How many mines we buried here? - All! 【Sisu, 2022】
  10. 『00110』 Departure from the Nazis and blowing a horse on a mine 【Sisu, 2022】