Ep. 158 - Christian Churches are Involved in a Marxist Revolution Warns Researcher Trevor Loudon
The Counter Culture Mom ShowCommunism is the scientific application of Satanism, and no entity has been as infiltrated with this ideology as the American church, says anti-communist filmmaker, Trevor Loudon. Trevor is also a speaker from Christchurch, New Zealand, and has spent the past three decades researching and exposing how Marxism has infiltrated mainstream politics and other major facets of society. Trevor shares how a chilling communist revolution is overthrowing the church, family, and civil government in America. Sadly, many seminaries are now infiltrated with Marxist ideology. Trevor also reveals that mainstream Episcopalians and Methodists have been taken over by communists. Trevor additionally points out, with evidence, several well-known American pastors and government officials who are involved in this Marxist takeover of America. TAKEAWAYS Mega pastors like Rick Warren and Jim Wallace support Marxist ideology Key red flags to identify whether or not your church is preaching Marxism Tim Keller is one of the biggest culprits in driving the Evangelical American church to the left Many pastors weave Marxist philosophy and ideology into their sermons 🛠 TOOLS AND RESOURCES FROM EPISODE Coreys Digs Website: https://www.coreysdigs.com/ Enemies Within Movie Trailer: https://enemieswithinmovie.com/ Enemies Within the Church Website: https://enemieswithinthechurch.com/ Trevor Loudon’s Books: https://www.trevorloudon.com/books/ Trevor’s Guide to America’s Communist Organizations: https://bit.ly/3KIWp49 Key Wiki: https://keywiki.org/Main_Page 🔗 CONNECT WITH TREVOR LOUDON Website: http://www.trevorloudon.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TrevorLoudon Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trevorloudon_/ YouTube: https://bit.ly/36hKifF 🔗 CONNECT WITH COUNTER CULTURE MOM https://linktr.ee/CounterCultureMom 📺 WATCH OUR PREVIOUS SHOWS https://bit.ly/theCCMshow 📲 GET OUR APP & FREE PARENT MEDIA GUIDE http://bit.ly/landingpageCCM 💵 SUPPORT THE MISSION 2021 Recap & 2022 Goals: https://bit.ly/CCMDonate2021 Give Tax-Deductible Donation: https://counterculturemom.com/partner/207 views -
Ep. 135 - Luciferian Family Heir Nathan Reynolds Exposes Exploitation Empires of the Elite (Part 1)
The Counter Culture Mom ShowNathan Reynolds left The Reynolds Family’s empire behind when the cost to receive his inheritance was the life of his first born daughter. As a young boy Nathan’s innocence and body were used as a currency to purchase influence and power by his deep-rooted Luciferian family members. His grandfather working within the shielding of The Knights of Columbus traumatized and exploited children to further advance The Secret Order’s agendas. Nathan reveals the depravity of The Jesuits and other oath keeping societies who used blackmail, pedophilia, and even child sacrifice to empower their kingdom’s tyrannical takeover. Many well-known and influential individuals from politicians, police, and even pastors are willing to sell their souls to gain the world. But even amidst the Radical Intelligent Evil the survivors of these torments are choosing to fight back and wage a war of redemption against the cowards of control. The new Reynolds family is on a quest to see the captives of crime and cowardice set free. TAKEAWAYS How radical intelligent evil hides in plain sight Luciferians commit heinous crimes after making a cannibalistic covenant with evil spirits What led Nathan to become a hitman for hire to kill pedophiles and traffickers Mind control experiment and child prostitution rings running rampant in Lake Havasu, AZ 🛠 TOOLS AND RESOURCES FROM EPISODE Snatched From the Flames Book: https://amzn.to/3sg6Dl1 Snatched From the Flames Audiobook (Chapter 1): https://youtu.be/Cz9d-NlmSSQ Nathan’s Standing For The Truth speech: https://bit.ly/3ghvSxG 🔗 CONNECT WITH NATHAN REYNOLDS Website: snatchedfromtheflames.com Personal Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/natandchelsea.reynolds.5/ Ministry Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/becomingalinenite YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/NathanReynolds 🔗 CONNECT WITH COUNTER CULTURE MOM https://linktr.ee/CounterCultureMom 📺 WATCH OUR PREVIOUS SHOWS https://bit.ly/theCCMshow 📲 GET OUR APP & FREE PARENT MEDIA GUIDE http://bit.ly/landingpageCCM 💵 SUPPORT THE MISSION 2021 Recap & 2022 Goals: https://bit.ly/CCMDonate2021 Give Tax-Deductible Donation: https://counterculturemom.com/partner/810 views 2 comments -
Ep. 136 - Nathan Reynolds Quest to Dismantle His Wicked Luciferian Family Empire (Part 2)
The Counter Culture Mom ShowWe are back for PART TWO with Nathan Reynolds who is on a quest to dismantle his corrupt Luciferian family empire by exposing their wicked ways. Nathan not only survived traumatic sexual abuse, pedophilia, and exploitation as a child, but witnessed numerous children massacred by his very own family members. These Satanic rituals were performed in order for the elite to gain status and control in very secretive, powerful societies. The goal of these secret oath keeping societies was to block the Reformation that was taking place in America. People wanted to read scripture for themselves and find freedom from the shackles of the Roman Catholic Church. Even though assassins have tried numerous times to murder both Nathan and his wife, Nathan would see God’s hand of protection by causing their guns to jam and vehicles to stall. Prepare to hear a life-changing message from one of the most courageous men on the planet. TAKEAWAYS We need to live a life of conviction not a defeatist mentality The difference between the militant arm of the Vatican (Jesuit Order) and the Knights of Columbus Luciferians control the mass population through the education system by rewriting the truth of our country’s foundation Reading scripture in-depth and disassociating yourself from the world will transform your life 🛠 TOOLS AND RESOURCES FROM EPISODE Snatched From the Flames Book: https://amzn.to/3sg6Dl1 Snatched From the Flames Audiobook (Chapter 1): https://youtu.be/Cz9d-NlmSSQ Nathan’s Standing For The Truth speech: https://bit.ly/3ghvSxG 🔗 CONNECT WITH NATHAN REYNOLDS Website: snatchedfromtheflames.com Personal Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/natandchelsea.reynolds.5/ Ministry Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/becomingalinenite YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/NathanReynolds 🔗 CONNECT WITH COUNTER CULTURE MOM https://linktr.ee/CounterCultureMom 📺 WATCH OUR PREVIOUS SHOWS https://bit.ly/theCCMshow 📲 GET OUR APP & FREE PARENT MEDIA GUIDE http://bit.ly/landingpageCCM 💵 SUPPORT THE MISSION 2021 Recap & 2022 Goals: https://bit.ly/CCMDonate2021 Give Tax-Deductible Donation: https://counterculturemom.com/partner/629 views -
Ep. 134 - Kanye’s Demonic Rituals Examined by EX Ministries Founder G. Craige Lewis
The Counter Culture Mom ShowThe day of riding the fence is OVER according to EX Ministries founder and pastor G. Craige Lewis who’s been speaking about the truth behind hip-hop for over 30 years. G. Craige’s passion is to educate people about the demonic celebrities who are deliberately leading millions of youth to hell. The largest influential idol on the planet, Kanye West, is one of the most dangerous supposed Christians who is infiltrating God’s church with a false “god.” Even though G. Craige deals with death threats and hateful attacks, he’s on a mission to lead as many people as possible to the Lord and eagerly prepares them for Christ’s return. He has had the opportunity to mentor many famous actors, artists, and professional athletes from around the globe. TAKEAWAYS Kanye West performs and promotes demonic rituals to millions Kanye’s deliberate release of his album Donda 2 on 2.22.22 Frequency manipulation is a major factor why so many people are sick The Devil’s platform is today’s Satanic music 🛠 TOOLS AND RESOURCES FROM EPISODE Kanye is drunk and high at “Bible study”: https://bit.ly/3IWeTxm The Church and Kanye West Blog Post: http://gcraige.blogspot.com/ The Kanye West Deception - Pastor Lewis Interview: https://bit.ly/3Li00rd The Truth Behind Hip Hop - Outer Darkness Trailer: https://bit.ly/3sbEb3I The Truth Behind Hip Hop - Lord’s of Discord Trailer: https://bit.ly/3gpk2S0 Church of Satan Approves Kanye’s Jesus Is King Album: https://bit.ly/3oknCl2 🔗 CONNECT WITH G. CRAIGE LEWIS Website: https://www.exministries.com/ Youtube: https://bit.ly/34xTiMs 🔗 CONNECT WITH COUNTER CULTURE MOM https://linktr.ee/CounterCultureMom 📺 WATCH OUR PREVIOUS SHOWS https://bit.ly/theCCMshow 📲 GET OUR APP & FREE PARENT MEDIA GUIDE http://bit.ly/landingpageCCM 💵 SUPPORT THE MISSION 2021 Recap & 2022 Goals: https://bit.ly/CCMDonate2021 Give Tax-Deductible Donation: https://counterculturemom.com/partner/306 views -
Ep. 119 - Health Coach Amber Lia Teaches How to Take Control of Unhealthy Food Triggers
The Counter Culture Mom ShowSeeing the adult obesity rate in America is a whopping 42% and over 70% of adults are considered overweight, we obviously are facing an obesity crisis. With CDC Covid guidelines telling us to stay indoors, many people are overeating due to boredom or depression. As a result, we are seeing harmful health hazards regarding our weight. Certified health coach, author, and mom of four, Amber Lia helps us find and defeat our food triggers and cherish the body God gave us. It’s not that we are powerless, we just don’t realize that cortisol and dopamine constantly cycle in our bodies causing a chemical response making us crave the wrong foods. Therefore, establishing small specific healthy habits and detoxing can make a huge radical difference in our health and lifestyle. TAKEAWAYS How to overcome your food triggers and live your healthiest year yet Momentary tasteful pleasure robs you of the long term lifestyle satisfaction Optavia health regimen is the number one health and wellness company in the world Practical steps to add to your daily routine to support your health goals 🔗 CONNECT WITH AMBER LIA Website: http://amberlia.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheRealAmberLia/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/therealamberlia/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/therealamberlia 🔗 CONNECT WITH COUNTER CULTURE MOM https://linktr.ee/CounterCultureMom 📺 WATCH OUR PREVIOUS SHOWS https://bit.ly/theCCMshow 📲 GET OUR APP & FREE PARENT MEDIA GUIDE http://bit.ly/landingpageCCM 💵 SUPPORT THE MISSION 2021 Recap & 2022 Goals: https://bit.ly/CCMDonate2021 Give Tax-Deductible Donation: https://counterculturemom.com/partner/23 views -
Ep. 83 - Christ Follower Andrea Haynes Flees From Her Lesbian Lifestyle
The Counter Culture Mom ShowAndrea Haynes became a cheerleader for a professional women’s football team at just thirteen years of age. However, during the first week of practice, she learned that many of her new friends were lesbians. Living in a single-parent home, with a significant lack of parental guidance, Andrea soon found herself doing drugs, smoking, and going to gay clubs. Several weeks after joining the squad, she started dating another woman who was in her early twenties and even though her conscience told her it was wrong, she didn’t know how to escape. Twelve years later, Andrea gave her life to the Lord, left homosexuality, and today joyfully shares her testimony to anyone who has a listening ear. TAKEAWAYS Outside influences greatly impact a child if their home life is unsettled The fraudulent glamorous hooks used to draw teens into homosexuality Finding freedom from sexual sin is possible through Jesus Christ How our failures and past struggles can be used to help others searching for truth 🛠 TOOLS AND RESOURCES FROM EPISODE LGBT Push On Kids: https://bit.ly/LGBTCARTOONS Gender & Sexuality Teaching Pt. 1: https://bit.ly/CROSSINGSPT1 Gender & Sexuality Teaching Pt. 2: https://bit.ly/CROSSINGSPT2 Gender & Sexuality Teaching Pt. 3: https://bit.ly/CROSSINGSPT3 Gender & Sexuality Teaching Pt. 4: https://bit.ly/CROSSINGSPT4 First Stone Ministries: https://www.firststone.org/ Donate to First Stone Ministries: https://app.easytithe.com/app/giving/fsm In His Image Documentary: https://inhisimage.movie/ 🔗 CONNECT WITH ANDREA HAYNES Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/andrea.haynes.7 Parler: https://parler.com/user/AndiHaynes 🔗 CONNECT WITH COUNTER CULTURE MOM https://linktr.ee/CounterCultureMom 📺 WATCH OUR PREVIOUS SHOWS https://bit.ly/theCCMshow 📲 GET OUR APP & FREE PARENT MEDIA GUIDE http://bit.ly/landingpageCCM 💵 SUPPORT THE MISSION 2021 Recap & 2022 Goals: https://bit.ly/CCMDonate2021 Give Tax-Deductible Donation: https://counterculturemom.com/partner/25 views -
Ep. 82 - Arthur Schaper of MassResistance Fights to Protect the Nuclear Family
The Counter Culture Mom ShowYou will be fired up when you hear what Arthur Schaper shares about the well-orchestrated objectives behind the LGBTQ movement. Arthur, who’s the organizational director of MassResistance, explains how LGBT militants bullied psychological associations to eliminate the fact that homosexuality stems from mental illness. MassResistance has shut down countless drag queen story hour programs, banned graphic Planned Parenthood promoted sex-ed curriculums, and stopped bad legislation banning life-saving reparative therapy. Thousands of people are dealing with their emotional and psychological traumas they suffered as children and are leaving the LGBTQ lifestyle as a result. TAKEAWAYS Why we must fight ALL tyranny, including the LGBT agenda “Live and Let Live” is a dangerous motto and has major public consequences The top reasons corporate America is pushing the LGBT movement How and why we must speak truth in love about homosexuality 🛠 TOOLS AND RESOURCES FROM EPISODE MassResistance Outside Target: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seKqDkchu9g Little Black Book Article: https://bit.ly/LITTLEBLACKBK Health Hazards of Homosexuality Book: http://www.healthhazardsofhomosexuality.info/ Donate: https://www.massresistance.us/cc_donations.html The Changed Movement: https://changedmovement.com/ TrueLove.is: https://truelove.is/ 🔗 CONNECT WITH ARTHUR SCHAPER Website: www.massresistance.org Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/massresistance Twitter: https://twitter.com/massresistance YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/MassResistance Gab: https://gab.com/MassResistance 🔗 CONNECT WITH COUNTER CULTURE MOM https://linktr.ee/CounterCultureMom 📺 WATCH OUR PREVIOUS SHOWS https://bit.ly/theCCMshow 📲 GET OUR APP & FREE PARENT MEDIA GUIDE http://bit.ly/landingpageCCM 💵 SUPPORT THE MISSION 2021 Recap & 2022 Goals: https://bit.ly/CCMDonate2021 Give Tax-Deductible Donation: https://counterculturemom.com/partner/17 views -
Ep. 78 - Former Transgender Walt Heyer Explains the Dangers of Sex Change Surgery
The Counter Culture Mom ShowSex Change Regret founder, Walt Heyer, goes into detail about how he underwent gender reassignment surgery at the age of 42 and lived as a woman for eight years. However, he soon realized that hormones and surgery may alter appearances, but nothing changes the immutable fact of your sex. After detransitioning over 25 years ago, Walt’s mission has been mentoring others who have undergone a sex change and regret their decision. Walt stresses the importance of looking at what is causing a person to not like who they are, instead of forever changing their physical appearance which will never solve their issues. Millions of people have been helped through Walt’s wisdom via his website, at speaking events, and reading his various books on the topic. TAKEAWAYS It’s impossible to change someone’s biological gender The real motivation why people want to change genders A “gender dysphoria” diagnosis is a lie and causes extreme harm to the patient How to offer hope and help for the gender distressed 🛠 TOOLS AND RESOURCES FROM EPISODE Walt’s Story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lpkrPLHHHY Debunking Transgenderism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2-e_wJthmk Medical Harms for Gender Dysphoric Children Panel: https://bit.ly/DYSPHORICpanel Alliance for Therapeutic Distress: https://www.therapeuticchoice.com/ Madagascar Cartoon LGBTQ Video: https://collider.com/madagascar-pride-song/ Research: https://sexchangeregret.com/research/ Bookstore: https://sexchangeregret.com/bookstore/ Resources: https://sexchangeregret.com/resources/ Donate: https://bit.ly/SEXCHANGEREGRETdonate 🔗 CONNECT WITH WALT HEYER Website: https://sexchangeregret.com/ 🔗 CONNECT WITH COUNTER CULTURE MOM https://linktr.ee/CounterCultureMom 📺 WATCH OUR PREVIOUS SHOWS https://bit.ly/theCCMshow 📲 GET OUR APP & FREE PARENT MEDIA GUIDE http://bit.ly/landingpageCCM 💵 SUPPORT THE MISSION 2021 Recap & 2022 Goals: https://bit.ly/CCMDonate2021 Give Tax-Deductible Donation: https://counterculturemom.com/partner/34 views -
Ep. 42 - Nick Stumbo Shares How to Break Free From the Addiction of Porn For Good
The Counter Culture Mom ShowDo you feel like you’re the only one struggling with porn? Are you wanting to find freedom once and for all? Is your spouse viewing pornography and you don’t know if you’ll ever be able to trust or love them again? Many people are struggling with a pornography addiction. Prayer is not enough. Find out how harmful behaviors arise from inaccurate thoughts and feelings stemming from corrupt core beliefs. Addressing the main issue at the core, will help stop this unhealthy addiction. TAKEAWAYS The pornography problem is bigger than we realize Why we fail to succeed despite sincere efforts to change Dangers of pornography have evolved and worsened over time How the Sexual Integrity 101 video series will help you find freedom 🛠 GET NICK’S TOOLS Setting Us Free: https://puredesire.org/shop/setting-us-free/ Safe: Creating a Culture of Grace in a Climate of Shame: https://puredesire.org/shop/safe-kit/ Pure Desire Recommendations: https://bit.ly/PUREDESIRECCM 5 Principles of Freedom from Porn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyhSsvLZwhM Resources: https://puredesire.org/resources/ Donate: https://puredesire.org/give/ Join A Group: https://puredesire.org/join-a-group/?ref=desktopnav 🔗 CONNECT WITH NICK STUMBO Website: puredesire.org Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickjstumbo Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PureDesirePDMI/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/nickstumbo Twitter: https://twitter.com/puredesirepdmi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/puredesirepdmi/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/PureDesireMinistries Podcast: https://puredesire.org/podcasts/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nick-stumbo-4161447/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/puredesirepdmi/ 🔗 CONNECT WITH COUNTER CULTURE MOM https://linktr.ee/CounterCultureMom 📺 WATCH OUR PREVIOUS SHOWS https://bit.ly/theCCMshow 📲 GET OUR APP & FREE PARENT MEDIA GUIDE http://bit.ly/landingpageCCM 💵 SUPPORT THE MISSION 2021 Recap & 2022 Goals: https://bit.ly/CCMDonate2021 Give Tax-Deductible Donation: https://counterculturemom.com/partner/13 views -
Ep. 39 - Former Sex Trafficked Survivor Annie Lobert Rescues Children on Las Vegas Strip
The Counter Culture Mom ShowAnnie Lobert has a heart for rescuing kids sold into sex slavery. For over 13 years Annie experienced what it was like to be trafficked and since 2005, her ministry Hookers for Jesus has brought hope and healing to others. She exposes how politicians and Hollywood elites would buy her for sex and what it was like working for two different pimps. When Annie tried to escape, she was shot at and beaten. Learn first hand how easy it is for children to get trafficked in under 48 hours in America and how we can train our kids to watch for predators. TAKEAWAYS Trafficking occurs in every city in America Undercover traffickers are in plain sight every day The Pretty Woman myth Annie believed Lead Hollywood actors contributed and participated 👊🏼 GET ANNIE’S RESOURCES AND JOIN THE FIGHT Fallen: Out of the Sex Industry & Into the Arms of the Savior: https://bit.ly/FALLENCCM Donate to Hookers for Jesus: https://hookersforjesus.net/donate/ Annie’s I Am Second video, Little Girl Lost: https://bit.ly/ANNIEIAM2ND 🔗 CONNECT WITH ANNIE LOBERT Website: https://hookersforjesus.net/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/annielaurielobert Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hookersforjesus LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/annie-lobert-03935335/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/hookers-for-jesus Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/annielobert/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hookersforjesus/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/annielobert Twitter: https://twitter.com/hookersforjesus YouTube: https://bit.ly/3GZoXV7 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/hookerforjesus Podcast: https://hookersforjesus.net/pinkchair/ 🔗 CONNECT WITH COUNTER CULTURE MOM https://linktr.ee/CounterCultureMom 📺 WATCH OUR PREVIOUS SHOWS https://bit.ly/theCCMshow 📲 GET OUR APP & FREE PARENT MEDIA GUIDE http://bit.ly/landingpageCCM 💵 SUPPORT THE MISSION 2021 Recap & 2022 Goals: https://bit.ly/CCMDonate2021 Give Tax-Deductible Donation: https://counterculturemom.com/partner/161 views