SMALL GROUP (CWC) | Series: Pre-Marital
Cultivate Relationships
17 videos
Updated 7 months ago
Hello! We're Nathan & Lacey Steel, your small group relational discipleship coaches. Whether your small group consists of couples, individuals, or just you, we want to help you develop healthy communication and build meaningful connection with the people in your life.
Each Coaching with Cultivate (CWC) video comes with discussion questions that will take you deeper into the concepts presented — giving you clear, practical steps to implement into your relationships or circumstances. We highly recommend going through these series in a small group setting (with 6-8 other people). However, individuals have also seen the benefit of simply sitting down and going through these videos and discussion questions themselves. So whether your small group is located in Homer, Alaska; Westport, Ireland; or somewhere in between, this curriculum can benefit you.
In this playlist series, you will learn how to communicate, disagree, and have healthy assumptions toward your future spouse. It will help you discover and resolve past unhealthy circumstances and relationships that could negatively affect your marriage while also encouraging new, healthy mindsets and behaviors that will support a healthy, life-giving marriage.
To get the most out of this playlist, we suggest watching the series videos together then completing the discussion questions individually. Then, come back together and discuss your answers. Depending on the time frame, we suggest completing one to three videos and discussion questions per week.
To begin the pre-marital series, start by watching Nathan, Lacey, and the Steel's stories below. This will help you get to know us and our story. Be sure to work through the discussion questions that go along with each video. Then take your time working through the rest of the series.
CWC | The Steel’s Story | Cultivate Relationships
Cultivate RelationshipsNathan and Lacey share their story of how they restored their marriage. Nathan struggled with a deep-rooted bitterness toward his dad, an inability to share his feelings, and a 20-year addiction to pornography. Lacey struggled with a fear that fed her explosive anger producing a need to control her husband and circumstances. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS https://cultivaterelationships.com/cwc-series/discussion-questions/cwc-the%20steels%20story-discussion%20guide.pdf1.24K views -
CWC | Nathan's Story | Cultivate Relationships
Cultivate RelationshipsIn this episode, Nathan shares his story of how he overcame his addiction to pornography, isolation, and negative self-talk. Nathan struggled with a deep-rooted bitterness toward his dad, an inability to share his feelings, and a 20-year addiction to pornography. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS https://cultivaterelationships.com/cwc-series/discussion-questions/cwc-nathans%20story-discussion%20guide.pdf40 views -
CWC | Lacey's Story | Cultivate Relationships
Cultivate RelationshipsIn this episode, Lacey shares her story of how she overcame her addiction to fear, anger, and control. Lacey struggled with a fear that fed her explosive anger producing a need to control people and circumstances. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS https://cultivaterelationships.com/cwc-series/discussion-questions/cwc-laceys%20story-discussion%20guide.pdf46 views -
CWC | What Does God Think About You | Cultivate Relationships
Cultivate RelationshipsIn this video, we discuss why it is important to receive and experience God’s love. We will also walk you through a prayer that will encourage you to hear God’s voice — listening for what He thinks about you — His specific word of love over you. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS https://cultivaterelationships.com/cwc-series/discussion-questions/cwc-what%20does%20god%20think%20about%20you-discussion%20guide.pdf52 views -
CWC | Focus On Strengths | Cultivate Relationships
Cultivate RelationshipsIn this video, we share 3 ways for you to focus on, enhance, and thrive in your strengths AND someone else’s. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS https://cultivaterelationships.com/cwc-series/discussion-questions/cwc-focus%20on%20strengths-discussion%20guide.pdf35 views -
CWC | Get Them To Stop Talking | Cultivate Relationships
Cultivate RelationshipsIn this video, we share six tips to help you get someone to stop talking (or, if you’re the talker help you to stop talking). DISCUSSION QUESTIONS https://cultivaterelationships.com/cwc-series/discussion-questions/cwc-get%20them%20to%20stop%20talking-discussion%20guide.pdf26 views -
CWC | Dealing With Opinionated People | Cultivate Relationships
Cultivate RelationshipsIn this episode, Nathan and Lacey will be discussing how to love and be in unity with people with whom you disagree with their opinions and viewpoints. They will also redefine what love means. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS https://cultivaterelationships.com/cwc-series/discussion-questions/cwc-dealing%20with%20opinionated%20people-discussion%20guide.pdf27 views -
CWC | How To Get Someone To Talk | Cultivate Relationships
Cultivate RelationshipsIn this video, we share six tips to help you get someone to talk (or, if you’re the non-talker, help you begin to talk). DISCUSSION QUESTIONS https://cultivaterelationships.com/cwc-series/discussion-questions/cwc-how%20to%20get%20someone%20to%20talk-discussion%20guide.pdf24 views -
CWC | Resolving Disappointment | Cultivate Relationships
Cultivate RelationshipsIn this video, we discuss disappointment. Unless resolved in a healthy way, our unmet or unfulfilled expectations can result in frustration and depression. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS https://cultivaterelationships.com/cwc-series/discussion-questions/cwc-resolving%20disappointment-discussion%20questions.pdf48 views -
CWC | The Assumptions That Are Ruining Your Relationships | Cultivate Relationships
Cultivate RelationshipsIn this video, we reveal two facts about assumptions that may be destroying your relationships. We describe two easy ways you can go from hurting your relationships to helping your relationships through your assumptions. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS https://cultivaterelationships.com/cwc-series/discussion-questions/cwc-the%20assumptions%20that%20are%20ruining%20your%20relationships-discussion%20guide.pdf54 views