Is it lonely to be a conservative comedian? Nicholas DeSanto with Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA First
AMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaSebastian talks to Nicholas DeSanto, a conservative comedian in the U.K., about what it's like being a conservative comedian, and how the comedy scene is slowly turning back in conservatives' favor. Tune in to America First with Sebastian Gorka, Weekdays 3PM-6PM EST. Check out our store: https://sebgorkastore.myshopify.com/ Subscribe to the America First podcast on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/america-first-with-sebastian-gorka-podcast/id1451874289 Follow Sebastian Gorka on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SebGorka Follow Sebastian Gorka on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sebastian_gorka/ Follow the America First Facebook page: https://facebook.com/AmericaFirstGorka/ Visit https://SebGorka.com for more!1.04K views 1 comment