The Deep Dive PODCAST | Robbie Davidson & Scientism Exposed
Celebrate TruthScientism Exposed on DVD/Digital Download & Book is available now! https://celebratetruth.org/ We do deep dives into EVERYTHING! Let us know what you would like us to do a deep dive into and we will investigate! https://www.youtube.com/@TheDeepDivePODCASTInvestigates/videos CELEBRATE TRUTH ✔Subscribe http://bit.ly/1UCqKlZ ✉EMAIL: iCelebrateTruth@gmail.com •WEBSITE: https://celebratetruth.org •FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/celebratetruth •GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CelebrateTruth ROBBIE DAVIDSON ✔Subscribe https://www.youtube.com/user/RobbieDtv •FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/robbie.davidson •TWITTER: http://twitter.com/mrrobbied •INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/mrrobbied ▪If you enjoy my work, I would love your support▪ 💲 Become a Patron! http://bit.ly/2r0nieF 💲 Donate on PayPal http://paypal.me/CelebrateTruth 💲 Send a Tip! https://streamlabs.com/celebratetruth SHARE, LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! Celebrate Truth - John 14:6 - Blessings Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. "Fair Use" guidelines: www.copyright.gov/fls/fl102.html3.33K views 1 comment -
What is Biblical Cosmology and why it matters?
livinlattesCelebrate Truth Channel - https://rumble.com/c/CelebrateTruth116 views -
Pulling down strongholds = Destroying the human programming by evil people
livinlattes1. You can not love God and not love truth 2. You can not love God and not love His Word 3. You can not love God and not love His Creation as He describes it in His Word. 4. You can not love God and support lies about His creation. 5. You can not love God and continue to carry water for the Jesuits priests who concocted the heliocentric model and who hate Jesus Christ. Bottom line - if you watched this video and listened to my teaching on Genesis you, this very day, are without excuse. You either love a lie more than you love God and His Word. You can’t serve 2 masters either you will love the one and hate the other, either way you either go with God and His truth and His Throne or you are with Satan and his army of liars. NASA is a satanic organization that lies everyday. A major breakthrough is coming and it starts with preaching Genesis 1. The Gospel starts Genesis 1 and continues all the way to the end of Revelation. No more cherry picking no more excuses, take God at His Word and suffer whatever embarrassment necessary to break free from the satanic web we ALL have been born into. Don’t be a wimp. Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Every NT writer saw Gods Throne directly over the face of our earth that Our King Jesus (Yahshua) trod for 33 years. We can talk about so many truths today, JFK was murdered by CIA, the CIA has overthrown over 100 governments worldwide since its inception, and Michelle Obama is a man, BUT to say the earth is fixed and directly under His Throne — craziness!!! Take my words as truth or continue to live in the matrix. Judgment day will be kind to me, why not for you?82 views