Presentations (Video)
15 videos
Updated 7 months ago
A playlist for all presentations in video format.
Initiates of the Flame By Manly P. Hall
WWonder Tree LibraryFew realize that even at the present stage of civilization in this world, there are souls who, like the priests of the ancient temples, walk the earth and watch and guard the sacred fires that burn upon the altar of humanity. Purified ones they are, who have renounced the life of this sphere in order to guard and protect the Flame, that spiritual principle in man, now hidden beneath the ruins of his fallen temple. As we think of the nations that are past, of Greece and Rome and the grandeur that was Egypt's, we sigh as we recall the story of their fall; and we watch the nations of today, not knowing which will be the next to draw its shroud around itself and join that great ghostly file of peoples that are dead. But everywhere, even in the rise and fall of nations, we see through the haze of materiality, justice; everywhere we see reward, not of man but of the invincible One, the eternal Flame. A great hand reaches out from the unseen and regulates the affairs of man. It reaches out from that great spiritual Flame which nourishes all created things, the never dying fire that burns on the sacred altar of Cosmos - that great fire which is the spirit of God. If we turn again to the races now dead, we shall, if we look, find the cause of their destruction. The light had gone out. When the flame within the body is withdrawn, the body is dead. When the light was taken from the altar, the temple was no longer the dwelling place of a living God. Degeneracy, lust, and passion, hates and fears, crept into the souls of Greece and Rome, and Black Magic overshadowed Egypt; the light upon the altar grew weaker and weaker. The priests lost the Word, the name of the Flame. Little by little the Flame flickered out, and as the last spark grew cold, a mighty nation died, buried beneath the dead ashes of its own spiritual fire. But the Flame did not die. Like spirit of which it is the essence, it cannot die, because it is life, and life cannot cease to be.42 views -
John Vervaeke - Chi Explained Without Magic
WWonder Tree LibraryJohn Vervaeke, Ph.D. is a cognitive scientist and buddhist psychologist at the University of Toronto. In this video titled "A Naturalistic Account of Qi", John offers a theory to explain the psychological experience of Qi.45 views -
Tree of Life - Mike Blume (Series)
WWonder Tree LibraryTwo Natures derived from these two trees in the Garden, vying for Man, until this day.64 views -
Blue Star Kachina & its Moon
WWonder Tree LibraryBased on a detailed study of hundreds of images, this video show a planet with a predictable orbit, a moon and that it is closing on us. Regrettably, Marshall's many public calls for an honest, independent boots on the ground observation, still go unanswered. Nonetheless, this video, presents several new studies to include common sunset "ghost effect" reflection artifacts, and orbital progression studies of both the object of interest and its moon. Also featured are comparisons between current data and the predictions of Project Camelot, The00SkyView Team and remote viewer, Major Ed Dames. If they are right, this could be Planet X / Nibiru.92 views -
Beyond Planet Earth w/ David Icke (Live Presentation)
WWonder Tree LibraryIn this presentation, David Icke asks us to free our minds and listen to the information he's compiled over the last 20 years of full time research. Enjoy :)212 views -
Yuri Bezmenov: Psychological Warfare Subversion & Control of Western Society
WWonder Tree LibraryYuri Bezmenov (alias Tomas Schuman), a Soviet KGB defector, explains in detail his scheme for the KGB process of subversion and takeover of target societies at a lecture in Los Angeles, 1983. Yuri Bezmenov was a former KGB propagandist who was assigned to New Dehli, India - and defected to the West in 1970. Bezmenov explains his background, some of his training, and exactly how Soviet propaganda is spread in other countries in order to subvert their teachers, politicians, and other policy makers to a mindset receptive to the Soviet ideology. He also explains in detail the goal of Soviet propaganda as total subversion of another country and the four-step formula for achieving this goal. He recalls the details of how he escaped India, defected to the West, and settled in Montreal as an announcer for the CBC. Note the segments starting at around 14 and 24 minutes into the video. Please mirror this video! Thank you.53 views -
The Merkaba; Kundalini; Light Body Activation; Christ Consciousness
WWonder Tree LibraryIn this lecture I discuss higher consciousness , the light body ( Merkaba ) Kundalini, Heru beheaded , Light wheel ( chakra activation) Horus , Christ Consciousness, the Flower of life , the Activated aura, Sacred Geometry , Diet, Planetary issues and a host of other important subjects. About 2 hours long. Apologies for the low quality audio!61 views -
The All Seeing Eye In The Sky - Danny Wilten
WWonder Tree LibraryRevealing the mysteries of the nature of reality. (Links below) "Man know thyself..." Music by Spacemind / spacemind2012 Clip From AriFilms (Our Environment - The Collective Soul) / arifilms • Our Environment: The Collective Soul Eye Of Providence Images http://tinyurl.com/mywgewv Book Of Concealed Mystery http://www.sacred-texts.com/jud/tku Book of Concealed Mystery (Eyes of Macroprosopus) http://www.sacred-texts.com/jud/tku/t... Black Hole In Orion Nebula http://earthsky.org/space/a-black-hol... NASA Confirms Wilten's Black Hole • Video Athanasius Kircher and Assyrian Tree http://tinyurl.com/ketug9u http://www.stanford.edu/group/kircher... The Tree of the Sephiroth http://www.sacred-texts.com/eso/sta/s... Fundamentals of Qabbalistic Cosmogony http://www.sacred-texts.com/eso/sta/s... Michelangelo Creation Of Adam and Nebula http://tinyurl.com/lugrn2t (Zoomed In to God's head) http://tinyurl.com/n3m2jpm Tetragrammaton http://tinyurl.com/lchwo82 Orion Nebula as Brain http://tinyurl.com/ma88ucq All material is (c) 2013-2014 Danny Wilten89 views -
Geometry Of The Human Body & Gnostic Symbolism In Cathedral Architecture - Danny Wilten
WWonder Tree LibraryInformation presented by Danny Wilten47 views