Kingdom Hearts III(Archive Collection)
5 videos
Updated 1 year ago
Compilations/Reuploads of old Youtube videos of mine from 2019 of the game Kingdom Hearts III
Series Status: Complete
Kingdom Hearts III(Archive Collection) - Part 1: Olympus (No Commentary)
JJosephIroncraftOriginal Upload Dates (YouTube): Episode 1: February 18, 2019 Episode 2: February 19, 2019 Compiled version of old YouTube videos of mine for Kingdom Hearts 3. The gameplay probably isn't great, but figured I'd re-release them. They are unedited aside from being combined. Thumbnails were redone to modern standards. This video only covers original Episodes 1 & 2. (PS I no longer have the game in question, so don't expect new videos. It's called "Archive Collection" for a reason) Playlist: https://rumble.com/playlists/GvsqjHga4Ns11 views -
Kingdom Hearts III(Archive Collection) - Part 2: Twilight Town (No Commentary)
JJosephIroncraftOriginal Upload Dates (YouTube): Episode 3: February 20, 2019 Episode 4: February 21, 2019 Compiled version of old YouTube videos of mine. Unedited aside from being combined. Thumbnails redone to modern standards. This is an Archive Collection, so don't expect any new videos to be made Playlist: https://rumble.com/playlists/GvsqjHga4Ns4 views -
Kingdom Hearts III(Archive Collection) - Part 3: Toy Box (No Commentary)
JJosephIroncraftOriginal Upload Dates (YouTube): Episode 5: February 22, 2019 Episodes 6-10: February 23, 2019 Compiled version of old YouTube videos of mine. Unedited aside from being combined. Thumbnails redone to modern standards. This is an Archive Collection, so don't expect any new videos to be made Playlist: https://rumble.com/playlists/GvsqjHga4Ns4 views -
Kingdom Hearts III(Archive Collection) - Part 4: Kingdom of Corona (No Commentary)
JJosephIroncraftOriginal Upload Date (YouTube): March 6, 2019 Compiled version of old YouTube videos of mine. Unedited aside from being combined. Thumbnails redone to modern standards. This is an Archive Collection, so don't expect any new videos to be made Playlist: https://rumble.com/playlists/GvsqjHga4Ns2 views -
Kingdom Hearts III(Archive Collection) - FINAL: Monstropolis (No Commentary)
JJosephIroncraftOriginal Upload Dates (YouTube): Episodes 12-13: March 27, 2019 Episode 14: March 29, 2019 Episode 15: April 11, 2019 Compiled version of old YouTube videos of mine. Unedited aside from being combined. Thumbnails redone to modern standards. This is an Archive Collection, so don't expect any new videos to be made (This is the final Kingdom Hearts III Archive Collection video) Playlist: https://rumble.com/playlists/GvsqjHga4Ns9 views