My Vlogs
11 videos
Updated 1 month ago
Here are my new Vlogs where I discuss a bunch of random stuff. This was actually inspired by BreakingNCS/JealousGuy when he was doing his old, entertaining vlogs in which I wished he'd do more!
Perhaps my own podcast series too.
1st vlog (July 5th, 2024)
TheIkranRiderWelcome to my first Vlog. All Vlogs will be audio only; I don't want to put my face out there. This was inspiration from JealousGuy and BreakingNCS who were NintendoCapriSun's old vlog channels, which I miss so dearly. I also tend to discuss other things including my tricky progress on my Toxokinetics, missing Unaliving Liu Kang and the RP we started a year ago, my bitterness with the Complacent Clement, no interest on being a Patreon, and hating summer. Sorry if I sound monotonous and choppy, but that is what I sound like unscripted. And, I had an exhausting day too. Enjoy, I guess...28 views -
2nd Vlog (July 10th, 2024)
TheIkranRiderThis was made yesterday, and I was kinda in a rush before my new mom from overseas moved in since last October. I was also ranting on politics, how fans're better than corporations, hating Demoncrats especially one fanatic, how Defenders of the Realm's falling behind, not actually interested in the WB movie Twisters coming up and how MK1 should've been a standalone, I can't understand why sites require your phone number, complicated flight patterns and I can't find MeToons TV even though I wish it'd replace Cartoon Network for good!14 views -
Vlog 3: The Sick Vlog (July 22, 2024)
TheIkranRiderYea, I'm kind of sick on this vlog, nothing serious. Got tested for COVID yesterday and it was negative. But it was all that pollen and dead vegetation on account of the heat and insects making my dad's garden die. I randomly talk about my sickness, as you'd hear a few coughs. Toxokinetics is underway for August. Biden's dropped out of the re-election and Trump's a better candidate than him and Harris. MK Conquest shall be watched on H&I on Sundays at 7pm, probably got the idea from MK vs DC since they do DC shows on the weekends, even though I hate MK vs DC! No rush on seeing Twisters, WB hasn't done anything successful since TTG got greenlit, and MK11 is the lesser of all evils. And of course, Clement sucks since he did nothing for a month since Part 1 of Insane Lore of MK exclusively on Patreon. And I hate Takeda's retcon as Jin was better as Lao's nephew than cousin on the age gap. Again, thanks BreakingNCS/JealousGuy for the inspiration, and I hope we'd hear more of your life story as NintendoCapriSun and what's been going on behind the scenes up to moving into Chuggaa's place. Here's the rant I mentioned on how Aiko'd deal with the DC Universe: https://www.deviantart.com/theikranrider77/art/How-Aiko-would-be-in-MK-vs-DC-Universe-1070512788 https://theikranrider.tumblr.com/post/754950133488254976/how-aiko-would-be-in-mk-vs-dc-universe47 views -
Vlog 4: Heartless (Aug 4, 2024)
TheIkranRiderMy 4th vlog is here, and it is pretty much describes how deliberately heartless people truly are! And they can never change and always make the world a worse place! Also, I was a lil late since Toxokinetics has already been established and I appreciate the feedback very much. Btw...I just found out that the Complacent Clement FINALLY released his Insane Lore of MK, but I've no interest on watching it since the damage is done! If he can just make a public apology on the next podcast maybe, I'll reconsider but don't count on it...15 views -
Vlog 5: Komeback (Aug 28th, 2024)
TheIkranRiderHere's my 5th vlog, been a long time, hasn't it? I'm not sure if you guys're into them, but I just had a lot on my mind as usual. Aside from the Complacent Clement being a brown nose y'all should take Logan's advice on never getting your audience overhyped and make false promises, and to NEVER be a snob! I'd also discussed on the preview for Sonic 3, how hectic it was retrieving missing songs from my deceased laptop and organizing them, the roleplay with Liu Kang and that he and Aiko are married and settled down with a baby dragon who's inspired by Caro. Also, Telekinetics is underway in time for September; just in time for the 2024 school year. Politics suck as always, and I hope Khaos Reigns coming out on Sept. 24th would shut down everything like a damn system crash!17 views -
Vlog 6: Venting (Sept 19, 2024)
TheIkranRiderJust venting my a$$ off here, about politics, how Demoncrats mess up everything, why voting for Trump is the best option. Hopefully I'd be able to register to vote too. I still hope for Khaos Reigns to end everything despite some cool Animalities like Liu's Phoenix. Umbrakinetics is underway for October, the Missing Episodes of Sleepy Hollow has just been released as a marathon, and sometimes I worry about my close roleplayer partner, Unaliving Liu Kang, even for Trump as he would attend 2 events in DC. And yes, Karen Kamala and Bastard Biden are the real Deadly Alliance! So too I've finally moved on from the Complacent Clement and so should everyone.17 views -
Vlog 7: Anxieties (November 4, 2024)
TheIkranRiderThis was recorded on Halloween, but it's edited in November. I feel like a powder keg with the crucial presidential election, a matter between life and death or salvation vs Armageddon! I despise Demoncrats, those who back up Karen Kamala and the Bastard Biden administration! I pray to the Elder Gods to have Trump and Vance win, never be rigged like last time! If we get 4 more years, it shall be the impending demise of us all and freedom itself...20 views -
Vlog 8: Relief (November 20, 2024)
TheIkranRiderActually, this was recorded on the 20th, but whatevs. Here, I just talk about how much of a relief it is since Trump''s gonna be our promising President again, even though his inauguration'd be in 2 months. The drought has finally been broken after 2 months with a decent rainfall for the northeast of the US, especially NJ, which reminded me on the smog over Clark I'd visited at times in the past. Chronokinetics is underway for Thanksgiving, same time as I'd be going to Delaware to see my stepaunt for a 2nd time; not really looking forward to that... My HS holiday concert's available too. I also started a Rumble page, YT's alternative, as suggested by a friend of Smack Jams on Discord. Also, I LOVE eggnog and autumn so much! And fck the toxic Demoncrats! Especially those who worship Karen Kamala and Genocidal Joe; I'm looking squarely at you, Fanfictionfck-Dreamer!! I won't believe video games on being banned; at least rid the accursed DEI ruining everything! And don't forget to vote on the poll on which should be my countdown series for 2025! So too it's the fourth anniversary on me being on Twitter, as well as the F-Zero Bootleg Dub for the fanmade Final Lap based on Falcon Densetsu!24 views -
Vlog 9: Holiday Blues (December 18, 2024)
TheIkranRiderAnother random vlog. It's close to the holidays, chances are there might not be another vlog afterwards... Anyway, it's been decided that my next countdown series to tackle for 2025 shall be Console Games starting with the NES; they shall start within February as my all-time favorite YouTuber, Fawful's Minion, made some crucial advice never to release content in January. So, it'll start on February while the beginning of the year'd be for prep. Also, I'd problems involving Social Security Disability clashing with my paychecks I had from 1-2 years ago, which exceeded the monthly limit at times; little did I knew the minimum wage skyrocketed, courtesy of the inflation, illegal invasions, as well as the usual Demoncrats and wokeness!! My work schedule'd be slightly adjusted as a result. I demand that wokeness shall seize to exist, I was curious as to why MKL: Fall of Edenia hadn't been released, and I always blame Spoony Boony and others for all the failures and wokeness that occurred! As long as these snobs and corps exist, wokeness exists!! Even to those moving/moved to bluesky who're no different! So too, my Year in Review shall be underway soon.38 views -
Vlog 10: January Rant (January 28th, 2025)
TheIkranRiderBasically, I've ranted about anything and everything that happened this month! From my SSDI still in a possible compromise with the runarounds since the governments and the shillers don't care for the smaller guys, to the California wildfires and worrying about Fawful's Minion, anhaconda, CafeBTW, & DeviantArt. To wishing wokeness and its messengers should drop dead, including those who're still brainwashed by Mortal Kombat 2023, ESPECIALLY the shillers!! Even one I dropped out of, NickNackPadyWak! Even wishing for Dismal-Disney to fall like the 2nd Roman Empire since it and the commie, Bob Iger, resist ridding DEI! My roleplaying partners had been unavailable lately and the rps themselves had been hindered; I hope it won't be repeats from a few years ago... I hate ghosting and being abandoned. And I feel we should do so, especially boycotting, for many things. Also, progress was sluggish because of those stressors on my Top 20 NES Games which shall premiere on my 4th anniversary here. SNES Games'll be later in February. Not to mention, tomorrow's the Year of the Snake which is a terrible sign on its own. And I'm sick of the assimilating algorithms, just like the Agents! Remember that as long as those messengers exist, wokeness will! And they shouldn't just "get woke, go broke," but to DROP DEAD!! And the thumbnail was just part of a character expression sheet for my MK OC, Aiko' thank you for making it.30 views