The MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) Starting Protocol
Sun Fruit DanWorldwide Supplier For MMS with HCL 4% Activator: http://www.sacredpurity.com/mms.html Would you like a free 15 minute health consultation with Sun Fruit Dan? If so you can sign up for this & find information about this by clicking this link: http://sacredpurity.com/consultation.html USA, UK & Worldwide Suppliers For Glass Baby Bottles & Water Distillers Are Linked Below: (USA) Glass Baby Bottle 8oz - https://amzn.to/3EcMOjB Megahome Water Distiller, Stainless and White, Glass Jug - http://amzn.to/2wwgQix Megahome Water Distiller, Stainless and Black, Glass Jug - http://amzn.to/2w5cPjK (UK) Glass Baby Bottle 8oz - https://amzn.to/3hqEWS2 Megahome Water Distiller, Stainless and White, Glass Jug - https://amzn.to/2QEMjoH Megahome Water Distiller, Stainless and Black, Glass Jug - http://amzn.to/2iK9q5m The MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) Starting Protocol MMS which is commonly known as Miracle Mineral Solution is a powerful oxidizing agent that kills and removes pathogens, bad bacteria, parasites, candida, and many other things that affect a lot of people's health in a very negative way. When you start out with using MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) you need to be very careful to not take too much too quickly otherwise it will induce intense die off symptoms within your body and it will make you feel awful. So in this video "The MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) Starting Protocol" I go into explaining in great depth how to perform the MMS starting protocol safely, this MMS protocol is designed in a specific way where you start with way less than 1 full drop of activated MMS per dose. This MMS protocol is designed for people who are wanting to take MMS for the first time, people who get intense detox symptoms at 1 drop of activated MMS, or people who have serious chronic health issues, I highly recommend this video to any of these types of people I just mentioned. Because by following this MMS protocol you can gradually increase the dose from a very low dose such as 1/8th of a drop of MMS which is the safest way to be able to work towards 1 full drop and higher which is required with the MMS protocol 1000 and other various internal MMS protocols. Check out Sun Fruit Dan’s USA or UK Amazon store to find lists of the best health and healing remedies by clicking here: (USA) https://www.amazon.com/shop/sunfruitdan (UK) https://www.amazon.co.uk/shop/sunfruitdan Truedark Biohack Blue Light Blocking Glasses Website (USE THIS COUPON TO GET 10% OFF: CCSFD10): https://bit.ly/2FcMRiS The Shoes I Wear: Vibram Men's V Running Shoe - https://amzn.to/2veKfeE Vibram Men's KSO EVO Five Finger Shoes - https://amzn.to/2GFlmMY The Superfoods I Use: Nutrex Hawaii, Pure Spirulina Pacifica, Powder - https://amzn.to/2DrcUBy Sunfood Cacao Powder - https://amzn.to/2KhrYUz The Supplements I Use: Thorne Research - Multi-Vitamin Elite - https://amzn.to/2UyUb1T Allmax Creatine Monohydrate: https://amzn.to/2snm2nm Lugols Iodine 5% - https://ebay.to/33Vhpm0 Magnesium Malate - https://amzn.to/2yoMQVb Flameout® Omega-3 Fish Oil - https://amzn.to/2REUeno7.82K views 36 comments