2024 - A Year to bet on yourself - New Year Message
AmandaEllisA preview of energy to expect in 2024, a two track runway and a look at the numerology, Saturns influence, colours for the New Year and their meaning, and a few events (although will look more in depth in part 2 and include predictions when I am back on my feet),. Mentioning here: The Summer Olympics, USA Election, a Great Fire (South Africa?), Vision of the Earth steaming, betting on yourself - a year of success against all odds...the power of 8, leadership, service, power animals Dragon, Scarab Beetle and Elephant Father wounds, uncovering of wolves in sheeps clothing regards lack of responsibility for tribe and ways to navigate the year ahead. Japardidze Tarot - Nino Japaridze, Life Soul Vision Oracle Romy Wyser, Tree of Life Oracle David Wells, The Archangel Metatron Self Mastery Deck Amanda Ellis & Jane Delaford Taylor, Christ Consciousness Oracle Amanda Ellis & Jane Delaford Taylor Poem - The Nature of Risk by Patricia Soper Healing Sprays: Violet Dragon, Beloved Joseph Divine Protector and Metatron Flame Attunement and Connection https://angeliccelestialcolours.co.uk/collections/individual-sprays To buy me a coffee or donate (thank you) https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/amandaellisthankyou My OFFICIAL AND ONLY INSTAGRAM PAGE (currently 45.8K followers as of Dec 2023) is ANGELIC CELESTIAL COLOURS. I DO NOT OFFER READINGS, Ask you to follow me or private message you - BEWARE OF SCAMMERS. This is my link to my account - join us there for daily news: https://www.instagram.com/angeliccelestialcolours/?hl=enI am also NOT on Tik Tok so ignore Scammers there too! Music Intro: - https://omegagon.bandcamp.com/ Thank you for watching - see you all in 2024 and I appreciate your support very much Amanda x#archangelmetatron @AmandaEllis2.75K views 7 comments