THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is Registered as a British Corporation at Gov.uk
TheWarAgainstYouTHE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is Registered as a British Corporation at Gov.uk - Bar Parasites, Uniformed Pirates, and the Sleeping Giant - Interview With John Best - May 35, 2023 Exposing Bar Pirates and The Central Banking Cartel *** The Beneficiary (Owner) is listed as "The Government Of The United States Of America. It has ALWAYS been Registered as a British Corporation since August 3, 1776. - Authority Over the United States Corporation is a British Lawyer named "David Quastel" - The Treaty of Paris that ended the Revolutionary War proves that the British Crown / Monarchy is a subsidiary of the Holy Roman Empire - The Pope... - See at the 31.20 mark - DOES THE 3 CITY STATE THING MAKE MORE SENSE NOW? - The Vatican: The Law - Religion The City of London: Banking - Economic Washington DC: Global Enforcers - Police - (The State of Israel is also Registered as a British Corporation on Gov.uk) - Now do you understand WHY the USA and Zionist Israel work together? - THEY ALL SERVE THE SAME MASTERS - - THE BRITISH LED GLOBALIST CABAL AND THE 3 CITY STATES ********* ***The property rights of UNITED STATES CITIZENS have been mortgaged and we are now indentured to the Central Banking Cartel and their private institutional investors. The Motor Vehicle Code is a way for the Banks, Bar, police departments, and these private English courts of Equity, all of which are private corporations, to benefit from beneficial use of the mortgaged property: The UNITED STATES CITIZEN*** - Tonight, I will be interviewing veteran freedom fighter John Best. We will be discussing his journey as well as giving our audience concrete evidence of the fraud being perpetrated the corporate UNITED STATES. As always we will provide only authoritative sources to prove everything. We are debt slaves being used as surety to secure the issuance of the very pieces of worthless paper we spend our lives chasing. - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES - Mirrored From: https://rumble.com/c/BurnTheCorporateFiction5.4K views 23 comments