Fields of Mistria
17 videos
Updated 6 months ago
This is my playthrough of Fields of Mistria which has just entered Early Access on Steam! Hope you enjoy the game!
Let's Play Fields of Mistria (Early Access) Episode 1: A Humble Start!
HHillhomeGamingLet us spend some time together in a newly released Early Access game "Fields of Mistria" which is shaping up nicely! We will do a series on it now and then again later when it fully releases. As usual for these games we start from humble origins on a farm filled with debris. The town has suffered a recent earthquake and the area needs to be restored. Are we up to the task!? #earlyaccess #FieldsofMistria #newrelease Social Links: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/hillhome Twitter: https://twitter.com/HillhomeGaming Discord: https://discord.gg/etkUwGwsBe7 views -
Let's Play Fields of Mistria (Early Access) Episode 2: Ancient Awakenings...
HHillhomeGamingIn this episode we gain an Axe! We also get a start on contributions to the museum and fix a mysterious statue on the farm... who then comes to talk in a dream over night!? Loads of Fun lies ahead of us I am sure! Social Links: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/hillhome Twitter: https://twitter.com/HillhomeGaming Discord: https://discord.gg/etkUwGwsBe1 view -
Let's Play Fields of Mistria (Early Access) Episode 3: Burgeoning Entomological Empire!
Chill Let's PlaysAhh now that we can find essence in our daily tasks it is time to ponder upgrades, what tools to pursue next, and rejoice in discovering the kindness of the NPCs for we have been gifted... THE BUG NET! Which means of course it is time to fill the museum with creepy crawlies and critters too most likely. Also the pose you make when you catch a bug in this game really amuses me! Enjoy! Social Links: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/hillhome Twitter: https://twitter.com/HillhomeGaming Discord: https://discord.gg/etkUwGwsBe3 views -
Let's Play Fields of Mistria (Early Access) Episode 4: Full House Friday!
HHillhomeGamingIn Mistria Friday Nights are fun nights to gather at the Inn, tell some tales, play some games, talk (or give gifts) to many of the townsfolk and just enjoy some relaxation. I do hope that the D&D style game started here goes somewhere and isn't just a one time sort of "event" because that would be quite interesting indeed... Social Links: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/hillhome Twitter: https://twitter.com/HillhomeGaming Discord: https://discord.gg/etkUwGwsBe2 views -
Let's Play Fields of Mistria (Early Access) Episode 5: Mining Man!!
HHillhomeGamingOh the joy of upgrading your town reknown level! This has resulted in unlocking the mines so now we can delve too deeply and greedily and probably get swarmed by monsters at some point. Much like Stardew Valley every 5 levels is an elevator level - can we make it to the first one in this episode?! Watch to see! Social Links: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/hillhome Twitter: https://twitter.com/HillhomeGaming Discord: https://discord.gg/etkUwGwsBe11 views -
Let's Play Fields of Mistria (Early Access) Episode 6: Crafting Connoisseur!!
HHillhomeGamingIn this Episode we learn from the helpful Villagers all about how to use the Smithy AND about how to unleash our inner Carpenter! We Smelt down some Copper, make some fences and bemoan the lack of funding - but will that lack continue.... or can we find some funding!? Social Links: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/hillhome Twitter: https://twitter.com/HillhomeGaming Discord: https://discord.gg/etkUwGwsBe1 view -
Let's Play Fields of Mistria (Early Access) Episode 7: We Need A Bigger Bagpack!!
HHillhomeGamingWe just keep running out of space! But even so we found some really good stuff in the mines. We also make some time to hand out some gifts and of course check in our all the amusing situations going on at the Inn on Friday Nights! I hope you enjoy this one - oh and we might even increase our funds at some point.... Social Links: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/hillhome Twitter: https://twitter.com/HillhomeGaming Discord: https://discord.gg/etkUwGwsBe1 view -
Let's Play Fields of Mistria (Early Access) Episode 8: The Most Zemblanity Of Timings...
HHillhomeGamingListen if any of you know what Zemblanity is WITHOUT looking it up just know I am impressed with the depth of your vocabulary. It's a great word though and I feel like for any Let's Plays I have done it truly is emblematic. I hope you will agree. Oh right the Episode! Well in this one we get a Fishing Rod and you can just guess what we do next... Note: It might have been wiser to get the backpack upgrade. Just saying. Social Links: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/hillhome Twitter: https://twitter.com/HillhomeGaming Discord: https://discord.gg/etkUwGwsBe2 views -
Let's Play Fields of Mistria (Early Access) Episode 9: Leap Slam!
HHillhomeGamingTime for our scarecrow to do scarecrow things! Also time to get that backpack upgrade and enjoy the deep luxury of even more inventory space! What a joy it is to still be able to continuously fill up all the space available and be left going "I need even more space..." Oh yeah we do some mining and farming and stuff too! Enjoy! Social Links: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/hillhome Twitter: https://twitter.com/HillhomeGaming Discord: https://discord.gg/etkUwGwsBe3 views -
Let's Play Fields of Mistria (Early Access) Episode 10: Magical Mystery!!!
HHillhomeGamingIn our explorations into the depths of the mines we find an interesting special floor with an unreadable tablet... so it is off to enlist the help of the other Townsfolk as we seek out an answer to this new mystery! Social Links: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/hillhome Twitter: https://twitter.com/HillhomeGaming Discord: https://discord.gg/etkUwGwsBe2 views