162.20241222 The 9/11 WarRoom - 9/11 Truth Reaches Top Levels: Curt Weldon Demands Action
The 9/11 WarRoomMerry Christmas to the 9/11 Truth Movement!!! One Day Closer To A Miracle | Jentezen Franklin https://www.youtube.com/live/FMIuBeHNiVA Show Notes: Thank you to everyone who joined us for this pivotal episode of the 9/11 WarRoom. Thanks to Roland Angle, Andy Steele, and Leroy Hulsey for joining and discussing their recent interview with former congressman Curt Weldon. A special thanks to former Congressman Curt Weldon for his powerful testimony, unwavering support for 9/11 truth, and his call for a presidential commission to revisit the events of that tragic day. His insights and leadership inspire hope and determination in our unified movement. We also extend our deepest gratitude to Captain Raul Angulo, Erik Lawyer, Richard Gage, David Chandler, Ted Walter, Mick Harrison, Barbara Honegger, Wayne Coste, Madhava Setty, Paul Kayley, Tony Robbins, and all the other courageous voices who continue to stand up for truth, using their expertise and commitment to justice to challenge the official narrative. Your work exemplifies professionalism, integrity, and the spirit of collaboration. To everyone who tuned in, thank you for being a part of this movement. Together, as a united front of architects, engineers, firefighters, and dedicated truth-seekers, we are making an impact. The road ahead will require all of us to remain steadfast, focused, and united. Let’s carry this momentum forward. Together, we can honor those we lost and work toward the justice they deserve. Until next time, stay strong, stay informed, and stay connected. Please visit Curt Weldon's Podcast: BoxAlarmPodcast.com and definitely check out his interview with Anthony Shafer about Able Danger: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xte8i8N2K8U =PINNED MESSAGES================ We’ve built a 9/11 Truth Community! https://911communityhub.org/ Hammux can get you any video shown on this list: https://911tv.blogspot.com/2015/04/table-of-contents.html 911tv1@gmail.com 911TV.org View/Download the RichardGage911 WTC Slide Deck! https://richardgage911.substack.com/p/see-the-richardgage911-wtc-slide?publication_id=486716&post_id=142843748 View/Download Richard Gage's Street Brochure https://richardgage911.org/cards-brochures-wtc-evidence/ =CHAT LOG================== 17:00:34 From Dave Chappell to Everyone: Hi everyone, season's greetings, and thanks again for all your great work. 17:06:05 From Lawrence Fine to Everyone: https://lorenzonine.wixsite.com/nineelevensynthesis https://lorenzonine.wixsite.com/nineelevensynthesis/ground-zero WTC 1 and 2 https://lorenzonine.wixsite.com/nineelevensynthesis/wtc-7 17:20:56 From Lawrence Fine to Everyone: https://youtu.be/YZQhItjqkiI Richard Gage on seismic activity 17:27:04 From Michael Cook to Everyone: Here are a couple of people who may be helpful- Dennis Kucinich and Lt. Col Karen Kwiathowski 17:28:24 From chuck fall to Everyone: Congressman Weldon is very aware of deep state involvement in enabling the 9/11 events. On top of the big lie covering up the 3 buildings collapsing from controlled demolition, there is the matter of the crime scene being corrupted by national security imperatives. Robert Muller was head of FBI but the FBI did not actually investigate. Many many layers of malfeasance. 17:31:56 From Wayne Coste to Everyone: Supporting information about WTC7: Details Matter: What Fiterman Hall says about WTC7; http://hopeoutloud.org/pentagon/Coste_Boston_911Truth_Nov_07_2024.pdf Slide 1-93 discuss Fiterman Hall 17:38:23 From Michael Cook to Everyone: Thomas Massie might be useful also- he’s my representative here in Northern Kentucky and I met him at a “Coffee with your Congressman” event and handed him a 9/11 truth packet. He did those events when he ran the first time. His wife died suddenly, and I forget the particulars, but it’s a bit suspicious in my mind. 17:39:28 From Wayne Coste to Everyone: Slides 10-13 show (what appears to be) steel from WTC7 -- in places where it can't be in a collapse into into own footprint. 17:46:56 From Zoom user to Everyone: Former 6-term #AtlantaGeorgia Congresswoman #CynthiaMcKinney is a powerfully influential force for Truth who has agreed to identify as a #CREATORS (Conspiracy Realist Educator Activist Truther Organizer Reader Socializer) and I encourage all participants to also use this term when appropriate. 17:47:19 From GIOIA to Everyone: Put them on trial for the whole world to see. Let the evidence speak for those who can't. If they are found guilty, then they should be taken out and hanged for murder and High treason against the United States of America. That's justice not vengeance. I didn't forget, and I don't forgive. 17:47:42 From Ray M to Everyone: Great development. I’ll watch the Q&A later when I am back from a Christmas service with my 93-year-old mom 17:48:35 From Gene Laratonda to Everyone: An Interview With Richard Rotanz (FDNY Captain And OEM Deputy Commissioner) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCj24RSmg88 17:57:16 From Susan Serpa to Everyone: For latecomers, this is the breakthrough: https://mailchi.mp/ic911.org/today-on-911-warroom-potential-breakthrough-with-former-prominent-member-of-congress?e=42298cc25a 17:57:43 From Susan Serpa to Everyone: Potential breakthrough with former congressman and volunteer firefighter Curt Weldon to be discussed today on 9/11 WarRoom 17:58:20 From Tony Robbins to Everyone: Awesome work everyone! Grateful for all of you. 18:05:03 From chuck fall to Everyone: I agree, Congressman Weldon assumes on one level that if intelligence was acted on, the event could have been prevented; but then also observes the deep state effort to impede investigation. He talks about the scumbags behind the operation, so I think on a deeper level he knows the cover up is the crime. 18:05:45 From GIOIA to Everyone: Once the lid is taken off the sewer, all the sewage will be exposed. Weldon is just scratching the surface. 18:06:15 From Michael Cook to Everyone: 27 warnings from 11 different governments is what I heard. Russia supplied the most warnings if memory serves. 18:06:22 From Zoom user to Everyone: Please include #ChristopherBollyn (Bollyn.com) in the discussions and actions moving forward. His book #Solving911:the deception that changed the world identities the “architectural level” perpetrators. 18:08:10 From Michael Cook to Everyone: I brought Christopher Bollyn to town and provided speaking engagements. Also Robert Bowman, RIP. I’m not at all sure, but I think that Christopher may be suffering from complications due to his activities… 18:13:26 From chuck fall to Everyone: The physical science proves that the NIST report on Building 7 is nonsensical; this is something Weldon observed in his remarks. Our government lies to us…this is the modern crisis 18:18:09 From Michael Cook to Everyone: Thank you Leroy! The contractors do not want their asses on the line 19:45:49 From Myles Flaig to Everyone: Thank you for your frequent encouragement and prayers. Being connected to all of you inspires me. I have a sense of completeness getting my open letter out. Truth and Reconciliation is my purpose and yours too. “Attitude” by Chuck Swindoll is all , we flawed people, take with us and leave behind. In time, read my letter and view the links as my parting gift 💝 ===WHO WE ARE============== The 9/11 WarRoom (911warroom.com) is a weekly roundtable discussion hosted by Gene & Sandra focusing on 9/11 news, strategy and activism. Everyone is welcome to participate in the conversation or just listen in. Topic: The 9/11 WarRoom Time: Every given Sunday at 5PM ET Join Zoom Meeting 911WarRoom.com OR https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84302602119?pwd=bkYrUHlmUmhERDhrb0VKcmdMMGpSQT09 Meeting ID: 843 0260 2119 Passcode: 911 One tap mobile +13126266799,,84302602119#,,,,*911# US (Chicago) +16469313860,,84302602119#,,,,*911# US Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 931 3860 US +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 305 224 1968 US +1 309 205 3325 US +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 360 209 5623 US +1 386 347 5053 US +1 507 473 4847 US +1 564 217 2000 US +1 669 444 9171 US +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 689 278 1000 US +1 719 359 4580 US +1 253 205 0468 US Meeting ID: 843 0260 2119 Passcode: 911 Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kcwc74ihWm Contact Us: Gene Laratonda gene@laratonda.com 724.826.1001 Sandra Jelmi sandrajelmi@gmail.com Archives at the bottom of 911WarRoom.com984 views 7 comments -
Singer Kristen Gasparini joins on Boston 9/11 Truth from London Dec. 5, 2024
BBoston 9/11 TruthWe were SO pleased Gasparini agreed to be our guest speaker. We first learned about Kristen's persistent and brave 9/11 activism from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth: https://www.ae911truth.org/news/1030-one-womans-story-of-academic-resistance-to-wtc-7-evidence . Please watch to appreciate the beautiful young woman's perspective on how to move forward to spread Truth! Unfortunately as I was recording, my computer froze up and died; so the recording was cut off with the last minute and half being dead-air.75 views 1 comment -
9/11 Never Forget But Also, Never Remember | Candace Ep 63
Candace Show PodcastToday we take a look back on 9/11 and all the questions that still remain. GoldCo Get up to 10% instant match in bonus silver at http://www.candacelikesgold.com PureTalk Get 50% off your first month at http://www.PureTalk.com/Owens Candace on Apple Podcasts: https://t.co/Pp5VZiLXbq Candace on Spotify: https://t.co/16pMuADXuT Candace on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/RealCandaceO Subscribe to Club Candace: https://www.clubcandace.com Join The Candace Community on Locals: https://candace.locals.com #CandaceShow #Candace #CandaceOwens #News #Politics #Culture #PopCulture486K views 1.5K comments