The Bad War Series
8 videos
Updated 1 year ago
The Bad War is an 8 part series of videos that delves into history of the second world war (1939-1945) from the German perspective.
The BAD War - By Mike King | Part 1
Untold History ChannelThis week I will be reading the entire book entitled the Bad War, written by Mike King. If you want to read along, you will need to watch the screen or purchase the book yourself here: https://realnewsandhistory.com/bookspdfs/ SECTION 1 / INTERNET SEARCH TERMS 1- karl marx hannah Rothschild 2- bismarck jews citizenship 3- cyprus convention 4- congress of berlin 5- disraeli destroy three emperors league / Disraeli hatred of Russia 6- disraeli and the Art of Victorian Politics / Page 182 7- franco russian alliance Tolstoy people sudden love 8- Tolstoy franco russian alliance cannot now present itself 9- bismarck’s final warning to Kaiser 10- ibid 11- von longerke jews furnished the brains 12- baruch wilson in tow leading him like one would poodle on string 13- james Warburg united world federalists9.45K views 12 comments -
The BAD War - By Mike King | Part 2
Untold History ChannelThis week I will be reading the entire book entitled the Bad War, written by Mike King. If you want to read along, you will need to watch the screen or purchase the book yourself here: https://realnewsandhistory.com/bookspdfs/ SECTION 2 / INTERNET SEARCH TERMS 1- archduke dont die darling live for children 2- churchill Everything tends towards catastrophe and collapse. I am interested, geared up 3- winston very bellicose and demanding immediate mobilization 4- willy-nicky telegrams 5- manifesto of the 93 6- hunger blockade world war 1 germany 7- edward mandell house flame of indignation sweep the United States 8- secrets of Lusitania arms find challenges allied claims 9- german Embassy publishes warning in newspapers 10- winston churchill juno Lusitania 11- trotsky financed by Schiff wall street 12- bernays conscious and intelligent manipulation of the habits and opinions 13- balfour declaration 14- benjamin freedman speaks, balfour declaration 15- Schiff distribution of revolutionary propaganda among Russians prisoners-of-war 16- david r francis the Bolshevik leaders here are returned exiles 17- wilson speech analyzing german peace utterances 18- german factory strikes 1918 19- jewish legion world war 1 20- balfour british drop yiddish leaflets germany 21- comintern overthrow of the international "bourgeoisie" 22- red terror atrocities 23- treaty Versailles 24- german hunger blockade after world war 17.22K views 11 comments -
The BAD War - By Mike King | Part 3
Untold History ChannelThis week I will be reading the entire book entitled the Bad War, written by Mike King. If you want to read along, you will need to watch the screen or purchase the book yourself here: https://realnewsandhistory.com/bookspdfs/ SECTION 3 / INTERNET SEARCH TERMS 1- Churchill Zionism vs bolshevism 2- mussolini fraud comedy blackmail 3- weimar jew confetti 4- solzhenitsyn bolshevism committed greatest human slaughter 5- lloyd george imperiousness of absolute Monarchs 6- Sarnoff communications psychological warfare 7- william paley psychological warfare 8- stalin one death tragedy million statistic 9- greenspan fed caused great depression 10- james willbanks’ generals of the army eisenhower met with baruch 11- eisenhower among these an outstanding figure was bernard baruch 12- degrelle enigma hitler was self-taught and he made no attempt to hide the fact 13- geffen the jew who saved winston churchill’s political career 14- Newsweek, How Churchill made and Lost a fortune, by David Lough, October 24, 20157.88K views 7 comments -
The BAD War - By Mike King | Part 4
Untold History ChannelThis week I will be reading the entire book entitled the Bad War, written by Mike King. If you want to read along, you will need to watch the screen or purchase the book yourself here: https://realnewsandhistory.com/bookspdfs/ SECTION 4 / INTERNET SEARCH TERMS 1- Judea declares war on germany 2- hitler lies slander hair raising perversity 3- Eugene myer fires quaker editor 4- potocki propaganda here entirely in Jewish hands 5- kalergi races and classes of today will gradually disappear 6- kalegri the spiritual nobility of europe 7- churchill strand magazine truth about hitler 1935 8- ibid 9- hitler tackled unemployment revived germany economy 10- Lloyd George I talked to hitler 11- new york times Americans appeal for jewish refuge 12- david irving the focus was financed by a slush fund 13- jesse owens hitler waved at me 14- jesse owens hitler didn’t snub me 15- carla devries kisses hitler woman of impulses 16- hitler edward abdication was a severe loss for us 17- anti comintern pact 18- rape nanking fake photos 19- 99% support anschluss 20- beaverbrook 20,000 german jews in england 21- beaverbrook I am shaken jews drive us into war 22- 1938 polish ultimatum to Lithuania 23- churchill teetered on brink of bankruptcy and was saved by secret backhanders 24- life magazine October 31, 1938 america gets ready to fight germany and italy 25- hg wells countless people hate new world order 26- roosevelt's campaign to incite war in Europe polish documents 27- new york times may 11 1939 arthur willet demand for soviet pact rises 28- ibid 29-. marshallfoundation.org/library/collection/pogue-collection/baruch-bernard-m/#!/collection=354 30- marshallfoundation.org/library/digital-archive/to-bernard-m-baruch/ 31- ibid 32- einstein plagiarist italian de pretto 33- einstein at the end of the war they will largely kill each other off8.96K views 13 comments -
The BAD War - By Mike King | Part 5
Untold History ChannelThis week I will be reading the entire book entitled the Bad War, written by Mike King. If you want to read along, you will need to watch the screen or purchase the book yourself here: https://realnewsandhistory.com/bookspdfs/ SECTION 5 / INTERNET SEARCH TERMS 1- forrestal diaries america world jews forced england 2- 1939 hitler note paris communiqué 3- german men and women were hunted like wild beasts 4- as conveyed to the author in private e-mail correspondence 5- i flew for the fuhrer -page 19. diary entry 31st August 1939 6- i flew for the fuhrer - page 20. diary entry September 8, 1939 7- wellington fault of anti-appeasers and the fucking Jews 8- hitler speech danzig 1939 9- ibid 10- hitler reichstag speech October 6, 1939 11- ibid 12- operation wilfred and plan R 4 13- oprop leaflets Denmark 14- winston churchill involve sweden norway war with germany swedish iron ore 15- operation fork Iceland invasion 16- baruch I emphasized the defeat of germany and japan 17- allied intrigue in low countries 18- new york times on Ribbentrop's Statement on the Invasion of the Low Countries 19- Halifax war cabinet crisis bastianini 20- hitler halt order Dunkirk 21- blumentritt he astonished us by speaking with admiration 22- churchill blood and sweat speech 23- churchill fight on the beaches speech 24- churchill our finest hour speech 25- The Guardian October 29, 2000 Finest Hour for Actor who was Churchill's Radio Voice 26- churchill absolutely devastating exterminating attack 27- churchill i want the germans to start bombing london as early as possible 28- hitler leaflets last appeal to reason 29- Sefton Delmer we hurl it right back at you, right in your evil smelling teeth 30- kennedy every hour will be spent by the British trying to figure out how we can be gotten in 31- i thought that would give me some protection against churchill placing a bomb on the ship 32- churchill they cheered me as I'd given them victory, instead of getting houses bombed to bits 33- greenwood new world order promised to jews 34- ibid 35- ibid 36- lindemann led by supermen and served by helots 37- lindemann the mental makeup of the worker bee 38- churchill terrible process is astir germany is arming 39- ismay churchill used to say that prof's brain was a beautiful piece of mechanism 40- lindemann pathological hatred for germany medieval desire for revenge part of his character 41- lindemann middle class houses too much space round them, so are bound to waste bombs 42 churchill love me, love my dog 43- say again and again and again your boys will not be sent into any foreign wars 44- allen nature of the concessions that German Fuhrer was prepared to make7.58K views 6 comments -
The BAD War - By Mike King | Part 6
Untold History ChannelThis week I will be reading the entire book entitled the Bad War, written by Mike King. If you want to read along, you will need to watch the screen or purchase the book yourself here: https://realnewsandhistory.com/bookspdfs/ SECTION 6 / INTERNET SEARCH TERMS 1- kaufmann germany must perish 2- Goebbels thanks to the jew Kaufmann 3- Yugoslavia coup 1941 british 4- rudolf hess murdered 5- catalina bismarck sinking 6- hitler plans of men in the kremlin were aimed at the domination 7- lend lease to soviets 8- stalin orders partisan warfare 9- german soldiers 10 commandments 10- red cross Auschwitz 11- hitler jewish soldiers 12- dr. eduard bloch on hitler 13- Lindbergh iowa speech America first 14- joe kennedy anti Semitism 15- stimson into the position of firing the first shot 16- day of deceit robert stinnet / infamy john toland 17- relief that crisis had come stimson 18- text of war declaration by Hirohito 19- hitler December 11 1941 reichstag speech 20- venona intercepts oppenheimer 21- 1942 time magazine man of year permission from the allies to raze Berlin 22- new york times disputing koren narrative on ‘comfort women professor draws fierce Backlash 23- ibid 24- kerr churchill meets stalin in moscow ww2history.com 25- brian gilman eisenhower’s significant failures as the allied commander of operation TORCH7.31K views 5 comments -
The BAD War - By Mike King | Part 7
Untold History ChannelThis week I will be reading the entire book entitled the Bad War, written by Mike King. If you want to read along, you will need to watch the screen or purchase the book yourself here: https://realnewsandhistory.com/bookspdfs/ SECTION 7 / INTERNET SEARCH TERMS 1- Commander, British Royal Air Force, October 25, 1943 Rhetoric and Reality in Air Warfare: Evolution of British and American Ideas about Strategic Bombing, 1914-1945, p. 220. 2- churchill bengal famine 3- brian gilman eisenhower continued to waiver operation husky / 4- patton slap kuhl incident 5- private paul bennett slapped by patton 6- ibid 7- ibid 8- Eisenhower's letter to Patton, dated 17 August 1944 9- private paul bennett slapped by patton 10- kunstschutz art protection world war 2 11- no more champagne, by david lough, p. 308 – 312 12- stalin churchill that man is capable of anything 13- eisenhower the lives of many of you will depend on speed which you obey 14- eisenhower people of western europe a landing was made 15- french civilians killed by allies bonbs 16- rape during liberation of france 17- patton chief difficulty is not germans, but gasoline 18- harry dexter white soviet communist spy 19- Keynes homosexual pedofile 20- typhus world war 1 21- germans deloused inmates typhus 22- jew morgenthau wants to make germany into giant potato patch 23- roosevelt and churchill agree to jewish murder plan 24- churchills war david irving churchill's drunken rantings, often during cabinet meetings 25- New York Times, Nov. 22, 2009, How World War II Wasn’t Won, By David P Colley 26- USA Today, Jacob L. Devers in WW II: Why didn't Ike like him? 27- David P. Colley, Decision at Strasbourg 28. Ibid 29- lestchinsky expelled Latvia 30- red cross german camps estimated 270,000 dead 31- terms of yalta agreement 32- dresden firebombing david irving 33- ibid\ 34- churchill I want proposals for basting the germans on their retreat from breslau 35- men thank god on their knees a hundred years from now that franklin toosevelt 36- april 1945 eisenhower elbe halt order 37- hitler suicide final political testament 38- donitz with this signature, the german people 39- forensic tests at Auschwitz / leuchter report: critical edition / Germar Rudolf Report 40- macarthur my staff was unanimous japan collapse surrender9.78K views 8 comments -
The BAD War - By Mike King | Part 8
Untold History ChannelThis week I will be reading the entire book entitled the Bad War, written by Mike King. If you want to read along, you will need to watch the screen or purchase the book yourself here: https://realnewsandhistory.com/bookspdfs/ SECTION 8 / INTERNET SEARCH TERMS 1- john s d eisenhower lavish reception Russians gave commander of foreign army 2- soviet held us pows executed by stalin 3- no gassings at dachau / you tube realist report ‘I swear’ 4- ehrenberg kill german race 5- world war 2 rape of german women 6- patton berlin gave me the blues 7- other losses Eisenhower death camps 8- ibid 9- german prisoners of war in soviet union 10- patton letter to wife 11- operation keelhaul 12- american pows in soviet union 13- churchill iron curtain speech 14- kalergi asiatic-euro-african mixed race 15- doentitz at Nuremberg a re-appraisal 16- nuremberg strangulation short drop 17- bernard baruch coined cold war 18- joseph fels barnes communist 19- churchill world government speech denmark 1950 20- degrelle enigma of hitler 21- guardian: us tennis says sorry for using nazi-era anthem 22- ibid 23- german national anthem feutschland uber alles original translation9.06K views 6 comments