Titus Bible Study by David E. Pratte
22 videos
Updated 1 year ago
A verse-by-verse study of the New Testament letter of Paul to Titus. Presented from the viewpoint of Scripture as the inspired, infallible word of God.
Lessons presented by David E. Pratte; Read Bible articles at https://gospelway.com
#Bible #BibleStudy #religion #Jesus #Christ #God #Christianity #truth #gospel #Scripture
Video Bible Study: Titus - #17
Video Bible Study by David E. PratteWhat Does Grace Teach Us? ================= What does #grace teach about #godliness, worldly lusts, and righteous living? How does grace relate to the #hope of Jesus' return? What is #redemption, and what does it involve? If Jesus gave Himself for us, what is our relationship to Him and what should we do as are a result? How important are good #works? Lesson presented by David E. Pratte; https://gospelway.com #Bible #BibleStudy #religion #Jesus #Christ #God #Christianity #truth #gospel #Scripture76 views -
Video Bible Study: Titus # 10
Video Bible Study by David E. PratteThey Profess to Know God but by Works They Deny Him ================================== Paul continued describing #false #teachers. They should be rebuked sharply because they turn from the #truth teaching fables and commandments of men. Their mind and #conscience are #defiled. They profess to know God but deny Him by their #works. Those who are #pure must resist #evil influences. Lesson presented by David E. Pratte; www.gospelway.com #Bible #BibleStudy #religion #Jesus #Christ #God #Christianity #gospel #Scripture134 views -
Video Bible Study: Titus #11
Video Bible Study by David E. PratteSound Teaching for Older Men ================== Instructions for various groups of people beginning with older men. They should learn to have sober judgment, reverent #respect for God and His word, and temperance (self-control) to practice what is good. They also need sound or wholesome #faith, #love, and #patience. Class discussion of when a person becomes a "older" man or woman. Lesson presented by David E. Pratte; www.gospelway.com #Bible #BibleStudy #religion #Jesus #Christ #God #Christianity #truth #gospel #Scripture198 views -
Video Bible Study: Titus #12
Video Bible Study by David E. PratteWholesome Teaching for Older Women ======================== Older #women should be taught to be reverent toward #God in their conduct, to avoid #slander and hurtful #speech, to avoid the dangers of #alcoholic beverages, and to #teach good things especially to young women. Emphasis on passages describing the value of women teachers. Lesson presented by David E. Pratte; www.gospelway.com #Bible #BibleStudy #religion #Jesus #Christ #God #Christianity #truth #gospel #Scripture173 views -
Video Bible Study: Titus #13
Video Bible Study by David E. PratteWholesome Guidance for Young Women - part 1 ============================= Young women should be taught to #love their #husbands and #children. Contrary to much of our society, #women should value their #family relations as their primary realm of service. They should also be #discreet, learning good judgment. And they should be #chaste, learning to be morally pure and upright. Lesson presented by David E. Pratte; gospelway.com #Bible #BibleStudy #religion #Jesus #Christ #God #Christianity #truth #gospel #Scripture122 views -
Video Bible Study: Titus #14
Video Bible Study by David E. PratteGuidance for Young Women - Part 2 ====================== Young women should learn to be #good in many acts of #service to others including caring for the needy, hospitality, worshiping God, Bible study and teaching. She should also learn the skills involved in #homemaking including caring for her husband, managing the #household, and training the children. This is an honorable and challenging career not to be demeaned as many try to do. The husband has a different role as provider and leader. The wife should also learn to be subject to him. Lesson presented by David E. Pratte; https://gospelway.com #Bible #BibleStudy #religion #Jesus #Christ #God #Christianity #truth #gospel #Scripture146 views -
Video Bible Study: Titus #15
Video Bible Study by David E. PratteInstructions for Young Men and Servants ========================= Young men should learn to be sober-minded and set #examples of good works. They should #teach with #integrity and #respect for God and His word, with wholesome #speech. Instructions for #servants show that #workers should obey and please their masters by diligent work on the #job. Lesson presented by David E. Pratte; https://gospelway.com #Bible #BibleStudy #religion #Jesus #Christ #God #Christianity #truth #gospel #Scripture145 views 1 comment -
Video Bible Study: Titus #1
Video Bible Study by David E. PratteThe Hope of Eternal Life Which God Promised ============================ Paul was an #apostle to proclaim the #faith by which we become God's elect people. The #truth teaches #godliness which gives #hope of eternal life. God promised this and made it known through the #gospel message that inspired men #preached and wrote down in the #Scriptures so we can know it. Lesson presented by David E. Pratte; www.gospelway.com #Bible #BibleStudy #religion #Jesus #Christ #God #Christianity352 views -
Video Bible Study: Titus - #2
Video Bible Study by David E. PratteAppointing Elders =========== Paul instructed Titus about #elders. Are elders different from #bishops or #pastors? What are the responsibilities of these men: #Teaching? #Supervising? Caring for souls? What are the limits on their #leadership? May one man alone rule a #congregation or must there be more than one? What are the responsibilities of other members to the elders? Lesson presented by David E. Pratte; www.gospelway.com #Bible #BibleStudy #religion #Jesus #Christ #God #Christianity #truth #gospel #Scripture290 views -
Video Bible Study: Titus - #03
Video Bible Study by David E. PratteThe Importance of Appointing Qualified Elders ============================ Churches should work to develop and #appoint elders because the work these men do is so essential to working effectively as a congregation. Until a church has #elders, something important is lacking. Scripture reveals the #qualifications or characteristics men must have in order to be appointed. These qualities are necessary for each man to possess in order to serve. Lesson presented by David E. Pratte; www.gospelway.com #Bible #BibleStudy #religion #Jesus #Christ #God #Christianity #truth #gospel #Scripture173 views