“We didn't start the fire. Satanic dark evils have always been everywhere
QspecialForcesWe just always been too asleep to see it.” https://t.me/SpecialQForces/109253 - ⚠️ GRAPHIC CONTENT ⚠️ The video is a message for Ukrainian NAZI militants. --->>> https://rumble.com/v57r03u-the-video-is-a-message-for-ukrainian-nazi-militants..html - MAJOR ESCALATION Is Inevitable! Putin's Strategy SHOCKED The U.S. and Made RUSSIA Great Again! --->>> https://rumble.com/v58qnrp-major-escalation-is-inevitable-putins-strategy-shocked-the-u.s.-and-made-ru.html - 💰🇨🇳 The secret role of Zionism in Mao's China Communist China was created by the Rothschilds - THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF CHINA 🇨🇳 HAS BEEN SETUP BY THE CABAL TO ENSLAVE THE CHINESE PEOPLE WHO HAD AN ADVANCED CULTURE THOUSANDS OF YEARS OLD... - THE PLAYBOOK THE SAME AS EVERWHERE.... - DRAINING THE SWAMP WORLDWIDE IMMINENT AND IN GOING --->>> https://rumble.com/v4tqxeb--the-secret-role-of-zionism-in-maos-china-communist-china-was-created-by-th.html7.09K views 7 comments