James Tracy on Archie Bunker, Norman Lear and the Politics of Jewish Humor
thkelly67Dr. James Tracy returns to Our Interesting Time to discuss his article “Our Humor Expresses Our Concerns: Norman Lear and the Politics of Jewish Revolutionary Laughter" which is published in the June issue of Culture Wars magazine. Dr. Tracy is a former tenured professor of media studies at Florida Atlantic University who was purged from academia in 2015 largely as a result of his personal blog and research regarding political conspiracies, media fakery and suspected false flag events. Download Audio: https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/tkelly6785757/episodes/2023-06-21T20_47_07-07_00222 views 3 comments -
What They Haven`t Told You About Mel Gibson & Shia LaBeouf - Behind The Meltdown!
natural intelligenceStrangerThanFiction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LO2SBkWmTwE230 views 1 comment -
Part 2 - 764: The Biggest Online Danger to Kids EXPOSED
BX on RumbleIn 2023, the FBI announced the existence of a network of cybercriminals and child predators called COM. Among it's ranks were the most vile and evil individuals I've ever encountered in my years of investigating the darkest corners of the internet. This is the story of 764.8.05K views 13 comments -
Part 4 - Saints and Devils
BX on RumbleExclusive new information about the 2022 mass shooting in Buffalo, NY reveals a shocking link to Satanic accelerationist networks and provides possible answers to some of America’s most pressing questions.6.1K views 18 comments -
Part 3 - The Maniac Murder Cult
BX on RumbleThis video explores the Ukrainian-based Satanic accelerationist group MKU, which uses the internet to radicalize American youth and groom them to commit terror attacks, including mass shootings. MKU is closely linked to both the 764 child predator network and to the Satanic extremist group Order of Nine Angles. They are only one of many such decentralized groups - both foreign and domestic -that use platforms like Telegram, Discord, and X to recruit, organize, and train proxy terrorists.7.24K views 11 comments -
"Operation Gladio" Psychiatrist Explains Why Israel Needed The Holocaust.
BroSpartacus"So sick of these #Holocaust Hucksters. NuffAlready! Shut up Jared and Mike Pence, you are just dumb and dumber! Too many billions wasted on #Israel....get smart." - (((Dr. Steve Pieczenik))). OPUS 123 False History RAW! [20190216] [stevepieczenik] [UCTB0IZ3M3CnB9ocxYhUeMxQ] [A0OVQHYCXyc] Youtube or Pieczenik removed this important video.